DS/UK/1794 | Ward; David (1946-); journalist | 1946- |
DS/UK/1944 | Winchester; Simon; journalist and author | |
DS/UK/1983 | Whewell; Harry Hodges (1923-2013); journalist | 1923-2013 |
DS/UK/2199 | Webb; William Leslie (1928-2019); journalist | 1928-2019 |
DS/UK/2384 | Weatherby; William John (1930-1992); journalist and author | 1930-1992 |
DS/UK/300 | Wintersgill; Donald (1934-2017); subeditor | 1934-2017 |
DS/UK/460 | Wright; Ian (1934-2016); journalist and managing editor of the Guardian | 1934-2016 |
DS/UK/4619 | Watts; Janet; journalist | 1944-2024 |
DS/UK/4623 | White; Michael Charles (1945-); journalist | 1945- |
DS/UK/470 | Ward Thomas; Pat; sports journalist | |
DS/UK/5950 | Wakefield; Marjorie; Guardian employee | |
DS/UK/5951 | Walder; David (1928-1978); politician and writer | 1928-1978 |
DS/UK/5952 | Wall; Michael; journalist | |
DS/UK/5998 | Weiss; Ruth; journalist | |
DS/UK/5999 | Wilcox; Paul; journalist | |
DS/UK/6001 | Willis; Pauline; Guardian employee | |
DS/UK/6002 | Wilshaw; Harold; food writer | |
DS/UK/6004 | Woodcock; Clive (fl1973-1995); journalist | fl1973-1995 |
DS/UK/6005 | Worrall; John; journalist | |
DS/UK/6006 | Wren; Mike; Guardian employee | |