DS/UK/1574 | Markwick; James Charles; chief executive, Guardian Media Group | |
DS/UK/1860 | Abbiss; H James; advertising director | |
DS/UK/1863 | Searle; Kenneth Arthur; managing director of MGEN | |
DS/UK/2071 | Jack; Michael Gordon Anson; circulation director | |
DS/UK/2274 | National Union of Journalists; 1907-; trade union | 1907- |
DS/UK/2430 | Milner; Horace George; Guardian production director | |
DS/UK/2431 | Thomas; William Harford; journalist | |
DS/UK/2432 | Porter; Stanley; [finance director] Guardian Newspapers Limited | |
DS/UK/2473 | Anderson; Michael A; financial director | |
DS/UK/2500 | McKelvie; JH; Guardian employee | |
DS/UK/2509 | Thompson; Harvey C; production director, Guardian | |
DS/UK/2525 | Rix; Roger S; company secretary, GNL | |
DS/UK/2530 | Thompson; Neil H; production manager, Guardian | |
DS/UK/2574 | Hutchings; Benjamin Legh Balfour; solicitor | |
DS/UK/2575 | Lovells; 1899-; law firm | 1899- |
DS/UK/2576 | Stephens; JJT; solicitor | |
DS/UK/2577 | Ravenscroft; FA; accountant | |
DS/UK/2579 | Cooper Brothers & Company; accountants | |
DS/UK/2581 | Williams Deacon's Bank Ltd; 1836-1970; bank | 1836-1970 |
DS/UK/2583 | Lancashire Colour Printers Limited; 1968-; printers of the Guardian | 1968- |