Level | Piece |
Ref No | AAB/1/1/4/25 |
Title | Untitled |
Date | 13 September 1959 |
Extent | 1 cartoon |
Creator Name | Abraham; Abu (1924-2002); cartoonist |
Description | Abu parodies the Conservatives 1959 summer general election campaign and depicts Lord Hailsham (Conservative party chairman) and Charles Hill (then the chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster) putting up a poster to cover up the problems of the H-Bomb, Cyprus, Suez and the riots and deaths at the Hola prison camp in Kenya. Their slogan was: 'Life's Better With the Conservatives - Don't Let Labour Ruin It'. Abu's poster reads: "SUMMER IS BETTER WITH THE CONSERVATIVES - DON'T LET LABOUR RUIN IT!" |
System Of Arrangement | Chronological |
Access Status | Open |
Format | Drawing |
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