Level | Item |
Ref No | CSA/1/1/13 |
Title | Rhodesia Nov '60 |
Date | November 1960 |
Extent | 1 notebook and 1 pdf file |
Creator Name | Sanger; Clyde (1928-2022); journalist |
Description | Notebook, written mostly in shorthand, containing notes on [Southern] Rhodesia including: calls for a constitution; detention camps; breaking up the Federation; vagrants; and the Southern Rhodesian constitution.
Names featured include: [Sir Roy] Welensky, Alan Paton, Brian Beacroft, [Duncan] Sandys and [Ahrn] Palley.
Transcribed by Sylvia Stirling in 2021 as part of the Clyde Sanger shorthand transcription project with funding from The National Archives' Collaborate and Innovate Testbed Fund. The pdf transcription document also contains a digitised copy of the notebook. |
Access Status | Open |
Format | Manuscript |
Electronic record |
Copyright | Clyde Sanger |
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