Level | Item |
Ref No | CSA/1/1/65 |
Title | Addis May '63 NFD visit |
Date | May 1963 |
Extent | 1 notebook and 2 pdf files |
Creator Name | Sanger; Clyde (1928-2022); journalist |
Description | Notebook, written mostly in shorthand, containing notes from [the Summit Conference of Independent African States, held at Addis Ababa from 22-25 May 1963] including discussions on: African unity; colonialism in Africa; independence; the creation of an organisation for African unity; trade; defence; education; apartheid in South Africa; the UN and common goals. Also contains notes on the Northern Province People's Progressive Party (NPPPP), the Northern Frontier District, Kenya and the Somali communities of Northern Kenya and economic and social developments in Ethiopia.
Names featured include: Ahmed Sékou Touré, [Julius Kambarage] Nyerere, [William V. S.] Tubman, [Ibrahim Abboud] and Haile Selassie.
Transcribed in 2021 as part of the Clyde Sanger shorthand transcription project with funding from The National Archive's Collaborate and Innovate Testbed Fund. The pdf transcription document also contains a digitised copy of the notebook. |
Access Status | Open(part) |
Access Conditions | The original notebook and full transcript is closed in line with data privacy. A redacted version of the transcript is available. Please contact the archive for further information. |
Format | Electronic record |
Manuscript |
Copyright | Clyde Sanger |
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