Level | Item |
Ref No | GMG/1/1/2/49 |
Title | Annual Report and Accounts 2009 |
Date | 2009 |
Extent | 1 pdf document (5.3 MB) |
Creator Name | Guardian Media Group plc |
Description | Annual report and accounts of the Guardian Media Group plc. The report includes: Group structure; Financial highlights; Statement from the Chair; Chief Executive's review of operations; Board of Directors; Statement from the Chair of the Scott Trust; The Scott Trustees; Corporate responsibility; Financial review; Corporate governance; Report of directors; Directors' renumeration report; Independent auditor's report; Profit and loss account; Statement of recognised income and expense; Balance sheet; Cash flow statement; Cash flow reconciliations; Notes relating to the financial statements; Group five year review; Company financial statements of Guardian Media Group plc; Advisers. |
Access Status | Open |
Access Conditions | Available to download online at www.gmgannualreview2009.co.uk or via GNM Digital Repository |
Term | Management Operations |
Financial Administration |
Format | Electronic record |
Copyright | Guardian News & Media |
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