Level | Item |
Ref No | GMG/1/3/3/1/2/1/2 |
Title | Industry, general |
Date | 1963-1969 |
Extent | 2 folders |
Creator Name | Manchester Guardian and Evening News Limited; Chairman's Office; Laurence Prestwich Scott |
Searle; Kenneth, Arthur |
Description | File titled 'Looking Ahead', containing reports and correspondence on the newspaper industry as a whole; on Comet's perceived competitors, and copies of minutes made at meetings held by the company directors. It also contains correspondence relating to a proposed new weekly newspaper, in the Reading, Kent and Southend areas (1964), a project elsewhere referred to as the 'Looking Ahead' or 'Richards' project. Principle correspondent is Ronald Richards, Director of Comet Newspapers. |
System Of Arrangement | Subject and chronological |
Access Status | Open |
Term | Pilot Projects |
Corporate Minutes |
Newspaper Readership |
Format | Typescript |
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