Level | SubSection |
Ref No | GUA/6/1/1/2 |
Title | Alan Rusbridger's records |
Date | [1988-2015] |
Extent | Accruing |
Creator Name | Guardian Newspapers Limited; Editor's Office; Alan Rusbridger |
Description | Records maintained by Alan Rusbridger in his role as editor of the Guardian newspaper from 1995-2015.
Currently contains catalogued press cuttings,1988-2015, maintained by the editor's office by or about AR or the Guardian and Observer more generally and speeches given by AR, 1997-2015. |
Access Status | Open(part) |
Access Conditions | Some files and parts of files contain confidential and personal information and are access restricted in line with the Data Protection Act and business confidentiality. All files less than 10 years old are closed under the archive's standard 10 year closure period. |
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