Ref NoGUA/6/9/1/3/C
TitlePersonality files for people with surnames beginning with C
Extent7 boxes
Creator NameManchester Guardian; Picture Desk; Manchester Picture Library
DescriptionPrints by Guardian/Observer photographers

Box 1
Cade, Isabel: 'Bio-Feedback'
Cage, John: Composer
Caine, Michael: Actor
Cairnduff, Maureen:
Caldercott, Leonie
Callaghan, Audrey
Callaghan, James (General)
Callaghan, James (Portraits)
Calder, John: Writer
Calder-Marshall, Anna: Actress
Calill, Carmen: Virago Press
Calman, Mel: Cartoonist
Cameron, James: Journalist
Cameron, Lord John
Campbell, Bruce: Politician
Campbell, Lady Colin
Campbell, Ian: Folk Singer
Campbell, Dr Louise
Campbell, Sir Malcolm

Box 2
Campbell, Sarah: Textile Designer
Campbell, Susan: Food Book
Cannan, Denis: Theatre
Cannon, Geoffrey: Radio Times
Cannon, Lady
Cannon, Leslie: E.T.U
Cante, David
Caputo, Phillip: Writer
Capstick, Sheila: Snooker Player
Caradon, Lord: (Sir Hugh Foot)
Cardus, Neville Sir: Writer & Critic
Carmichael, Grant: Scottish Malt Distillers
Carpenter, Canon EF
Caron, Leslie: Actress
Carr, Ann: Restaurant
Carr, Eric: Sculptor, Artist
Carr, J.L: Novelist
Carr, Raymond: Warden
Carr, L, Robert: Politician
Carreras, Michael: Films
Carrier, Robert: Cook
Carrington, Lord Peter AR: 6th Baron
Carroll, Kevin: Building Society
Carroll, Lewis: Author (Agency print only)
Carron, Lord W.J: Trade Unionist
Carson, John: Commercial Actor
Carter, Angela: Novelist
Carter, CF: Vice Chancellor: Lancaster University
Carter, Joe
Carter, Nick: Action Group SEC
Cartier, Lewis: Supermarket Owner
Cartwright, Jim: Playwright
Carver, General Sir Michael
Case, Peter
Casey, Terence A: NAS.
Cass, Gerald: Politician
Cassady, Caroline
Cassidy, Sheila: Detained, Chile
Casson, Diana
Casson, Hugh M: Architect

Box 3
Castle, Barbara: Politician
Castle, Raymond: Child care
Cawley, Winifred: Children's Fiction
Cawston, Richard: BBC
Cecil, Henry: Memoirs
Cecil, Mirabelle
Cemm, Jennifer: Take it Away, Food
Ceylon, Bandaranaike SWRD: Prime Minister
Chadburn, Ray: NUM
Chagrin, Francis
Chalfont, Lord**
Chalker, Mrs Lynda: Young Conservatives
Chamberlain, Neville
Chambers, Sir S.P
Chancellor, Alexander: Editor: Spectator
Chandler, Eileen: Lecturer in Education
Chang, Dr Yung
Chantler, Philip: NWREPB
Chaplin, Charles (Agency prints only)
Chaplin, Heather
Chapman, David: Journalist
Chapman, Donald & Norma
Chapman, Win & Joy
Chapman, Robin
Chapple, FJ: (ETU) Trades Unionist
Charap, Ellen Kuhn: Painter
Charles, Prince: Engagement
Charles, Prince: Functions
Charles, Gerda: Novelist
Charles, Prince: Official Visits
Charles, Prince: Wedding
Charnin, Martin: Composer
Charters, Sam: Author
Charteris, Leslie: Author
Chase, James Hadley: Author
Chataway, Christopher: Politician
Chatfield, Admiral of the Fleet, Lord: Alfred Ernle M.C.
Cheek, Cart Philip: Navy
Cheeseman, Peter: Theatre
Cheetham, Dennis: Child-Minder
Cheshire, Carolyn: Body Building Champion

Box 4
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (1874-1936): Author
Chevenix-Trench, H: Eton College
"Chic": Rock Producers
Chichester, Franck: Map-Maker & Yachtsman
Chichester-Clark, Major J.D: Politician
Chipp, David: Press Association
Chirimuuta, Richard
Chisolm, Prof AWJ: University of Salford
Chitty, Sir Thomas & Lady: Writers
Christie, Stuart
Churcill, Caryl: Playwright
Churchill, Randolph, F.E.
Churchill, Mrs Winston
Churchill, Sir Winston: Early Life
Churchill, Sir Winston: General
Churchill, Sir Winston: Manchester Visits
Churchill, Winston S: M.P
Clare, Yvonne & Shelley
Clark, Alan: M.P
Clark, George: Committee of 100
Clark, Jim & Lin
Clark, John: Plessey Company
Clark, Leonard: Education
Clark, Michael: Ballet
Clark, Ossie: Fashion Designer
Clark, Sue
Clarke, Alexandra: Women's Lib
Clarke, Arthur C: Writer
Clarke, Brenda
Clarke, Desmond
Clarke, Frank: Scriptwriter
Clarke, Gillian: Welsh Poetess
Clarke, Malcolm: Councillor
Clarkson, Prof G: Manchester Business School
Clayton, E.H: NALGO
Clayton, Rev Phillip Thomas Byard: ("Tubby" of TOC H)
Clayton, Sylvia: Author
Claxton, Rt. Rev. CR: Bishop of Blackburn
Cleary, Joe: Taxidermist
Cleary, Sir Joseph: Mersey Docks & Harbour Board
Cleaver, Reg: Morrocan Children
Clegg, Sir Alec: Newsom Committee
Clegg, Peter: Ballet Master
Cleese, John: Actor
Clement, Nick: TV Writer
Clement Jones, Dr Vicky
Cleveland, SD
Cleverdon, Douglas: Radio
Cleverdon, Julia: Industrial Society
Cleverly, Barbara: VIDEO
Clifton, Peter
Clyne, Peter

Box 5
Cockburn, Claud: Author
Cockburn, Sarah
Cockroft, Dr Janet
Cockroft, Sir John Douglas: Scientist
Cockerell, Gary: Dance Centre
Cocks, David
Cochrane, Gladys: Newspapers
Coco, The Clown
Codington, Tessa: Photographer
Codron, Michael
Coffey, Denise: Actress
Coggan, Dr Donald: Archbishop of Canterbury
Cohen, Cyril M: 600 Group
Cohen, Marvin
Cohen, Stanley: Durham University
Cohn, Vera
Collier, James: Films
Colquhoun, Maureen
Collins, Jackie: Actress / Author*
Collins, Madge: Town Maker
Collins, W Hope: Collins Publishers
Collinson, Lord: Agrid v Allied Workers Union
Collis, Anne: Percussionist
Collis, J.S: Poet
Collis, Louise
Collison, Harold: Trade Union Official
Colloms, Brenda
Commins, Jimmy
Condon, Richard: Theatre
Connell, Elizabeth
Connery, Shaun
Connolly, Father Michael
Connor, Tony: Playwright, Poet
Conrad, Peter
Conran, Shirley
Conran, Terrence: Designer
Conroy, David : Actor
Constable, Andrew: Design
Constantine, Sir Learie
Constantine, Theodore Sir: Conservative v Unionist Organisation
Cook, Barbara
Cook, Charles
Cook, Judith: Journalist
Cook, Tim: ARP
Cooke, Alistair

Box 6
Cooke, Chris and Fred
Cooke, Pat: Painter Etc
Coombs, Rose: Historian
Cooper, Clarke John
Cooper, Jeff
Cooper, Lord Jack
Cooper, Lord Thomas M
Cooper, Kanty
Cooper, Tommy: Comedian
Cooper, Professor W Mansfield: Knight
Cooper, William
Coote, Anna
Coote, Mark: Painter
Colby, Averil: Patchwork
Coldrick, Percy (AP): TSS Asston
Cole, Eileen
Cole, Simon
Colegate, Isabel
Coleman, Alice Dr: Head of Georgaphy Dept, King's College, London
Coleman, Barry: Community Centre
Coleman, Jim: Peace Officer, Sheffield Council
Coleman, Vernon: CSV
Coles, Jennifer
Copley, John: Theatre
Corbett-Ashby, Dame Margery
Corbett, Harry and 'Sotty'
Corbett, Katharine: Beauty Therapist
Corri, Adrienne
Cornwall, Charlotte
Costello, Peter: Monsters
Cotrubus, Illena: Opera Singer
Cotton, Kim: Surrogate Mother
Cottrell, Richard: Playwright
Couper, Heather: Astronomer
Coupland, Diana: Theatre
Courtney, Dame Kathleen
Courteney, Tom: Actor
Cousins, Frank: Trade Unionist
Cousins, Jane: Author
Cousins, John
Coussins, Jean
Couzyn, Jean: Poet
Cowdrey, Colin
Cowley, Elizabeth: Television
Coyne, Kevin: Merseyside Unemployed Resource Centre
Cox, Proffesor Brian
Cox, John: Theatre
Cox, Stella: Marriage Bureau
Coxhill, Lowen: Busker

Box 7
Crabbe, Pauline: Race Relations Board
Craig, David: Lancaster University
Craig, Elizabeth: Writer (Food)
Craig, William: Politician
Cranko, John: Choreographer
Craven, Shirley: Textile Designer
Craven, Wes
Crawford, Betty
Crawford, Sir Frederick: Diplomat
Crawford, J: Trade Unionist
Crawshaw, Richard: Politician
Creasey, John: Novelist
Creighton, Susan
Cridland, Joyce: Ex Rhodesian
Croasdell, G: Equity
Cromer, Lord: 3rd Earl
Crompton, Samuel: Inventor of Spinning Mule
Cronenberg, David: Film Director
Cropper, Jenny: Producer
Crosbie, Annette: Actress
Crosland, Charles A.R: Politician
Crosland, Eve
Crosland, Margaret: Writer
Crosland, Susan
Cross, Stephen: Films
Crossley, Paul: Pianist
Crossley-Holland, K & Gordon, Margaret: Writer Illustrator
Crowther, Sir Geoffrey: Editor
Cruttwell, Hugh: Royal Academy Dramatic Art
Cruckney, John G: Standard Industries Group Ltd
Cunliffe, Mitzi: Sculptress
Cumisky, Mike: Sculptor
Cunningham, Sir Charles
Cunningham, Janet
Currie, Ada
Currie, Edwina: Councillor (Birmingham)
Curry, Andrew: Channel 4 TV
Access StatusOpen

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