Description | Prints by Guardian/Observer photographers
Box 1 Gabriel, Peter Gaines, Will Gaitskell, Dora and Family Galbraith, JK: Economist Gale, George: Journalist Galleymore, Fanny Gallico, Paul: Actor Galton, Ray Ganly, Helen: Painter Garcia Villa, Marionella Gardam, Jane Gardner, Ava: Actress Gardner, John: Author Gardner, John: Composer Gardner, Lady Trixie: House of Lords Gardiner, Margaret Garfield, Leon: Writer Garland, Patrick: Theatre Garnett, Jeremiah (1848-1861: Editor of "MG") - Agency pictures kept Garson, Greer: Actress Garvin, James Louis: Editor (Died Jan 1947) Garztecki, Marek: U.K. Rep Polish Solidarnosc Gascoigne, Bamber: Author / TV Gatacre, EV: Tussauds Gaukroger, Anthea: Stock Exchange Gaunt, Marilyn Gavin, Bob: Politician Gavras, Costa: Films Gayler, Paul: Chef Gazzard, Roy: Designer Gedded, Ford: Chairman Shipping Foundation Gee, Ethel: Spy? Gee, Margaret Gee, Ruth: ILEA Geesin, Ron: Musician Geital, Ted Geliot, Michael Gelon, Dianne Gems, Pam Gentleman, David: Designer (Stamps) George, Colin : Theatre George V, King of England: Lancashire Visits 1913 George V, King of England: Lancashire Visits 1934 George V, King of England: Death & Funeral George VI, King of England: Lancashire Visits 1952 Ghosh, Shrella: Actress
Box 2 Gibbens, Prof TCN: London University Gibbins, Peter: Guardian Gibbs, John 'Bishop' Gibbs, Mrs Olive: CND Gibson, Alexander: Scottish national Orchestra Gibson, Commander: Police Gibson, DEE: Civil Servant Gibson, Lord Gielgud, John: Actor Gielgud, Maina: Dancer Gifford, Denis: Comic Cutting's Gifford, Kate Gilbert, D.G: President NUT Gilbert & George: Artists Gilbert, John: Politician Gilbert, Michael: Author Gilbreth, Lillian: Management Science Giles, David: Director, Film Etc Gill, K Gill, Peter: Playwright Gilliam, Terry: Films Gillman, B.A "Gerry": SCS Gillman, John: Trafalgar House Investments Gilmour, Dave: Pink Floyd Gilmour, Ian: Conservative MP Gilroy, Darlajane Gimpel, Jean Gingold, Hermione: Actress Ginsberg, Phyllis Giordan, Marion: Journalist Giscombe, Junior Gladstone, William Ewart: Politician Gladstone, Zeph Glare, Peter: Editor Glass, Pastor Jack: Reformation Movement Glass, Phil Glock, Sir William Gloucester, Duke of (Henry) and Family Glover, Jane: Conducter Goaman, Michael & Sylvia: Stamp Designer Gobbi, Tito Godber, Sir George: Chief MOH Godber, JB: Politician Godber, John Godfrey, Dr William: Archbishop of Canterbury Goehr, Alexander: Composer Goffin, Lucy: Needlework Goldberg, Pat: AVSW Golding, John: Politician Golding, William: Novelist Golding, Winifred Godwin, Anthony: Penguin Editor Godwin, Fay
Box 3 Godwin, Harry: Football Scout Goldsmith, Alan Goldsmith, Harvey Goldsmith, Selwyn Goldstone, Peter Goldsworthy, Andy: Artist Goldwyn, Sam Gollan, John: General Secretary - Communist Party Gomez, Dr Joan Gonella, Nat Goodall, Harold: Anti-EEC Goodall, Jane Goodbody, Buzz: Theatre Goodfield, Dr June: Writer Goodhew, Judy: Women Jockeys! Goodspeed, John Goolden, Richard P.E: Actor Goosens, Leon: Musician Gorabedian, Claire: Harvey Nichols Gorb, Peter: London Business School Gordam, Jane Gordon, Anton: Art Gallery Gordon, Giles: Author Gordon, Jenny: Royal College Convenor Gordon, Mary: Author Gordon, Richard: Author Goring, Marius: Actor Gormley, Joe: NUM Gornall, Sarah
Box 4 Gort Gen Lord, John Standish (SPV (1886-1946): 6th Viscount Goschen, Lord George Joachim: 2nd Viscount Gotla, Mr Michael: Motor Dealer Gott, Richard Gotlieb, Stephen Goudsmit, Lex: Actor Gould, Dr Donald Gould, Sir Ronald: Teacher Goulden, Mark Goulden, Richard Gower, Professor Norman Gowlan, Rev Bill Gowrie, Lord: APGR Grabowski: Art Gallery Grace, Jim: Author Grade, Lew: Dep Managing Director, Assoc TV Grade, Michael: London Weekend TV Director of programmes Graef, Roger: Television Graham, Alistair Graham, Christine: Halow Graham, Cora: Taxeth Neighbourhood group Graham, Colin: Theatre Graham, Eleanor: Children's Books Graham, Helga: Film producer Graham, Olga Grainer, Margot Grainger, Gawn Gram, John Grant, Alexander: Dancer Grant, Bernie: Haringey Council Grant, Clare: Deaf Student Grant, Duncan Grant, Eddy Grant, Grace: "Studying at Home" Grant, Julia: Trans-Sexual Grant, Keith: Design Council Grant, Keith: artist Grant, Lynn: Community Worker Grant, Rosamund: Cooking Grant, Ted: 'Militant' Grantchester, Lord Grantham, Roy: APEX Granville, Keith: BOAC Grava, Rasma: Textile Designer Graves, Robert: Poet & Novelist Gray, Douglas: Ex Vietnam Gray, John: Town Clown of Huddersfield...Wurzel Land Gray, Thelma: Dog Breeder Greaves, Mary Greaves, Tony: Young Liberals de Grey, Seamen: Deputy Chairman NFU Trust Green, Celia: Model & Artist Green, Celia: Psychological research Green, Chris: Politician Green, Frank: Clay Cross Green, Geoffrey: Journalist Greenall, Peter: Climber Greene, Hugh Carleton: BBC Greene, Georgina: Fashion Greene, SF: Trade Unionist Greenfield, George: Antarctic Expedition 1968 Greengross, Wendy Dr Greenhill, Basil: National Martime Museum
Box 5 Greenwood, Lord Anthony W: Politician Greenwood, Walter: Dramatist & Novelist Greer, Germaine: Author Etc Greer, Rev W.D.L: Bishop of Manchester Gregory, Phillipa Gregory, Phillipa: Author Gregory, Ronald: West Yorks constabulary Grenfell, Joyce: Actress Grenyer, Roger: Camsoft Grey, Anthony: Reuteur's Grey, Beryl: Director of Royal ballet Grierson, Ronald: Industrial Reorganisation Cptn Griffin, Sir Francis Griffin, A Harry Griffin, Dr John: ABPI Griffin, Jonathan Griffith, Prof John Griffiths, James: Politician Griffiths, Peter: Film Maker Griffiths, Ronald: Administrator, Hospitals Etc Griffiths, Susan Griffiths, Trevor: Playwright Griffiths, Veronica: Stunt Girl Griffiths, William D: Politician Griggs, Norman: Building Societies Association Grimond, Joseph: Politician Groser, Father John: Anglican Clergyman Grossmith, H: Boxing Promoter Groves, Sir Charles Barnard: Musician Groves, HL: Weatherman of Windermere Groves, Paul: Teacher/Author Guest, Val: Film Producer Guild, Tricia: Designer Guinness, Alec: Actor (Agency prints only) Guinness, Jonathan: Industrialist Gullick, Tom: Travel Agent Gulliver, James: Fine Fare Gummer, John Selwyn: Politician Gunn, Thom: Poet Gunter, John Gunter, Capt Raymond Jones: Politician Guntrip, Harry: Psychoanalyst Gurney, David Guthrie, Michael: Mecca Guthrie, Sir Tynone: Theatre Director Gyngell, Bruce: TV AM Gyseghem, Joanna Van: Actress |