Ref NoGUA/6/9/1/3/H
TitlePersonality files for people with surnames beginning with H
Extent7 boxes
Creator NameManchester Guardian; Picture Desk; Manchester Picture Library
DescriptionPrints by Guardian/Observer photographers

Box 1
Hacker, Alan: Musician
Hackett, Paul: Bridge
Hackney, Dr Rod
Haendel, Ida: Violinist
Haggett, Brian
Hague, Diane
Hague, Prof D.C.
Hague, Fred: A.T.W. Union
Haig, James
Hailey, Arthur: Author
Hails, F: Coroner
Hailsham, Lord: Politician
Hain, Peter
Halberstam, David
Halifax, Lady & Lord F.L Wood: 1st Earl
Hall, Daryl
Hall, Miss Joan
Hall, George Henry: 1st Viscount
Hall, Professor Peter
Hall, Peter: Theatre
Hall, Ruth
Hall, Sally: Racehorse Trainer
Hall, Stanley: Wigmaker
Hall-Dare, Clody
Halle, Charles (1819-95)
Hallet, Jean-Pierre
Halliday, Bob: Astronomy
Hamburger, Michael: Poet
Hamilton, Elizabeth: Forestry Trust Worker
Hamilton, Guy: Films
Hamilton, Ian: Poet
Hamilton, John: Liverpool Council
Hamilton, Mary
Hamilton-Bradie, Sadie: Writer
Hamlyn, Maggie: Artist
Hamlyn, Paul: Publisher
Hamm, Jeffrey
Hammond, Mona: Actress
Hammond, Tom
Hampson, Roger: Artist
Hanbury-Tenison, Robin: Survival International
Hancock, Charles: Rent Rebel
Hancock, Diana: Blind Aid
Hanock, Michael: Manager Merseyside Radio
Handley, Vernon: Conductor
Hanks, Geoffrey: Farmer
Hanley, James: Author
Hanlon, Mary
Hanlon, Pat: Bicycle Maker
Hannah, Charles
Hanson, Jo: Traveller
Harbeshon, Commander
Harbour, Christopher: British University Students Travel Association
Hardie, Charles: BOAC

Box 2
Hardwick, Christine: BBC
Hardy, Bill: NUM
Hardy, Thomas: Author (Agency prints only)
Hare, David: Playwright
Harmar, Brown, F Mr & Mrs
Harewood, George Henry H. Lascelles: 7th earl
Harper, Sir Richard
Harrington, John: Psychiatrist
Harris, Air Cheif Marshall Sir. A
Harris, Cecil: Commercial Union
Harris, Herbert: Author
Harris, John: R.I.B.A
Harris, Margaret
Harris, Muriel: Writer
Harris, Reuben: British Mail Order Captain
Harris, Tirril
Harrison, Donald: Fisheries
Harrison, Donald
Harrison, John: Actor
Harrison, Rex: Actor
Harrison, Sarah
Harrison, Tony: Poet
Hart, Judith: Politician
Hart, Robert: Conservationist
Hart, Tom: Children's Homes
Hart, Tony: Book Illustrator
Harte, Glynn Boyd: Artist
Hartnell, Norman: Dress Designer
Hartwell, Lady
Hartwell, Robert: Press Officer
Harvey, Alex: Pop Singer
Harvey, Jackie
Harwood, Ronald: Writer
Hassani, Tamaira: Circus
Hassim, Omar: Student
Hastings, Michael: Film Writer
Hatt, Steve: Fishmonger
Hattersley, Roy: Politician
Hatton, Derek: Liverpool Council
Hatton, F: Politician
Havas, Kato: Violinist
Hawkes, Jacquetta: Writer
Haycraft, Colin: Duckworth's
Hayday, Fred: Trade Unionist
Hayes, Brian: L.B.C
Hayman, Cyd: Actress
Hayman, Mrs Helene: Politician
Hayman, Philip
Haymon, Sylvia
Haynes, Michael: Designer
Haynes, Renee
Hays, Bill: Theatre
Hazan, James
Head, Edith
Heal, Gillian: Dolls
Healy, Byron

Box 3
Healey, Denis
Healey, Edna
Healey, John
Heaps, Leo: Art Historian
Heaslip, Commander R: H.M.N
Heath, Adrian: Painter
Heath, Edward: (-1968) Politician
Heath, Edward RG: (1969) Politician
Heath, Edward RG: (1970) Politician
Heath, Edward RG: (1971) Politician
Heath, Edward: (1972) Politician
Heath, Edward: (1973)
Heath, Edward: (1974)
Heath, Edward: (1975) Politician
Heath, Reg
Heath, Roy
Heath-Stubbs, John: Poet
Heathcote, Mrs Eve M
Heathcote, Ulla
Heather, John: Lace
Heathfield, Peter: N.U.M
Heathfield, Betty
Hebblethwaite, Margaret: Author
Heenan, John Carmel: Cardinal
Heilbron, Rose: Lawyer
Heimler, Eugene: Heimler Foundation
Heims, Peter: Private Detective
Hedges, Alan: Marketing
Hecht, Ernest: Publisher
Heffer, Eric: Politician
Heller, Joseph
Hellman, Louis: Architect
Hellyer, Pete: Young Liberals
Helmond, Catherine
Hemmings, Lindy: Costume Designer
Henderson, Hamish
Henderson, Sir J.N: Ambassador
Henderson, Ronald: Protestant Party, Liverpool
Henley, Baron

Box 4
Hepher, Michael: Abbey Life
Hepworth, Barbara: British Sculptress
Herbert, Marie: Writer
Herbert, Peter: Captain H.M.S Valiant (Nuculear Submarine)
Herbert, Walley W: Explorer
Herbison, Margaret: Politician
Heron, Rev A: Church of Scotland
Heron, Linda: Policewoman
Heron, Patrick: Painter
Herriot, James: Vet & Author
Hershkowitz, Annie
Hertz, Joachin
Heseltine, Michael RD: Politician
Hetherington, Alistair Hector
Heuson, Nicky
Hewitt, Ben
Hewitt, Patricia: NCCL
Hewland, Jane: TV Producer
Hewlett, Sir Clyde: Tory Chairman
Heyhoe, Rachael: Cricket
Heys, Bill
Heywood, Drusilla: Eskdale Farmer
Hibbitt, Mrs Tari
Hickox, Eleanor: Antique Jewellery
Hicks, David: Decorator, Designer
Hicks, Gary: C.O.I Radio
Hidden, Norman
Higgins, Jack
Higginson, Mary. E: Centenarian
Highsmith, Patricia: Novelist

Box 5
Hill, Dr. Charles: Baron
Hill, Dr D.W: Royal College of Surgeons
Hill, Graham: Racing Driver
Hill, Ruth Beebe
Hill, Shaun: Chef
Hill, Ted: Trade Unionist
Hillman, Ellis: Art & Recreation G.L.C
Hillon, Muriel: Long Strike
Himsworth, kenneth: National Park Officer
Hinde, Thomas: Author
Hindemith: German Composer
Hindley, Myra (Agency prints only)
Hird, Thora: Actress
Hiscock, Eric: Author
Hitchcock, Alfred: Film Director
Hitchins, Ron
Hitchman, Sir Alan
Hitchcock, Raymond: Author
Hite, Shere: Author
Hoare, Sir Derick
Hoban, Russell: Author
Hobbs, Sir Jack: Cricketer
Hobbs, May: Militant & Author
Hobhouse, Hermione
Hobhouse, L.T.
Hobsbawm, Eric: Historian
Hobson, Peter: Perfumier
Hochhauser, Victor: Impresario
Hockney, David: Pop Painter
Hocq, Natalie: Cartiers
Hoddinott, Alum: Professor of Music
Hodge, Victor: Model & Actress
Hodgson, Patricia: Bow Group
Hodgson, Phillip: Editor., Forum Magazine
Hogarth, William: Seamen's Union
Hogg, Sarah: Economics Editor, Economist
Hoghughi, Dr Masud
Hogwood, Christopher
Holden, E.R: N.A.S.
Holden, John: PRIN.REG.COLL. of ART
Holden-Brown, Derek: Allied-Lyons
Holland-Williams, Gaynor: Traffic Warden
Holman, Bob: Social Work
Holloway, Robin: Music
Hollingsworth, Olly
Holly, WM: Washington New Town Development
Holmes, Chris: Shelter
Holmes, John: Politician
Holroyd, Michael: Writer
Holst, Miss Imogen: Musician
Honderick, Dr Ted
Honderich, John: Teenager
Hood, Dr Roger: Durham University
Hook, Margaret: Travel Agency
Hooker, Dr M.A: Politician
Hooker, Jeremy: Aberystwyth Poet
Hooker, Dr S.G.
Holt, A F: Politician
Holt, Margaret: Manchesters first lady Stockbroker
Holt, Seth: Films
Holt, Thelma: Theatre
Holt, Mr William: Author
Holton, Josie: Publisher
Home, Lord
Home, William D: Writer
Hon Lee, Pan: Halle
Hopcraft, Arthur: Author
Hope, Sir Percy M
Hopes, Father Alan
Hopkins, Antony: Pianist
Hopkins, Shirley Knight
Hopkirk, Joyce: Magazine
Horan, Chief Sup'T Charles
Horn, Keith: Architect
Hornby, A.S.: OALD
Horner, Arthur: Cartoonist
Hornman, Miss A.E.F: Theatrical Pioneer
Hornsby-Smith: Politician
Horsfield, Brenda: BBC & Geology
Horsham, Jeanne

Box 6
Hosking, Eric: Photography
Houdova, Irina: ballet Teacher
Houston, Libby: Poet
Howard, Anthony: Journalist
Howard, Christian, Miss: "The Synod Commission"
Howard, Elizabeth Jane
Howard, Trevor: Actor
Howarth, Bill: Union of Seamen
Howarth, Mr R.L: Politician
Howarth, Mrs Wynn: Advisory Centre
Howden, Kathy & Ken: Fashion Designer
Howe, Sir Geoffrey: Politician
Howe, Jo: Introduction Agency
Howell, Darcy
Howell, David: Politician
Howell, Denis H: Politician
Howell, Margaret: Fashion Designer
Howell, Rupert: Ad Man
Howell, Steve
Howell, William B: Atlantic Race
Howson, Roy: N.C.B
Hoyle, Douglas: Labour Politician
Hoyle, Fred Sir: Scientist
Hubbard, G: Ministry of Technology
Huckfield, Leslie: MP
Huddleston, Trevor: Priest
Hudson, Doc: Candle Maker
Hudson, Liam (Professor)
Hudyma, Mrs Mary: Junk
Hughes, Cledwyn: Politician
Hughes, David: Novelist
Hughes, David: Novelist
Hughes, Glyn: Author
Hughes, Graham: Craft Centre
Hughes, Malcolm
Hughes, Patricia: Radio
Hughes, Shirley: Authoress* *all digitised and added to The Grid
Hughes, Ted: Poet
Hulanicki, Barbara: Biba
Hulbert, Jack: Actor
Hull, Harry: T.G.W.U
Hulme, George: Co-Op
Hulton, Nika, Lady
Hume, Basil: Archbishop of Westminster
Humkin, Oliver
Humphrey, Derek
Humphries, E: Fire Brigade Union
Hunt, Albert
Hunt, Henry: Police
Hunt, John, Sir: Climber
Hunt, Joseph
Hunt, John M: Roedean School
Hunt, Marsha
Hunt, General Sir Peter
Hunter, Dr Alan: Royal Observatory
Hunter, Chris: Author
Hunter, Norman
Hunter, Rita: Singer
Hunter, Roy: N.C.B
Huntley, Commander R: Police

Box 7
Hudson, Sir D.C: Ambassador
Huntrods, Guy: Lloyds Bank
Hurcombe, Linda: Writer
Hurd, Douglas: Politician
Hush, Susi: Television
Hussey, Marmaduke: B.B.C
Hussey, Sister P
Hutchins, Pat: Writer
Hutchins, Stuart: Sola
Hutchinson, Bert: Car Salesman
Hutchinson, Dinah
Huzzard, Ron: Labour Party
Hyman, Joe: Viyella
Hywell, Suzanne
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