Description | Prints by Guardian/Observer photographers
Box 1 Padley, Walter Ernest: Politician Padmore, Elaine Page, Ann: Politician Page, J.Derek: Politician Page, Professor John Paine, Richard: Inventalink Painter, George: Author Paisley, Ian Reverend Pala, Dolores: Author Palatnik, Raiza Palfrey, WH: Lancashire Constabulary Palin, Michael Pallottini, Avril: Middleton Building Society Palmer, Rev Alison Palmer-Tomlinson, Jeremy: Skier Palmer, Masrk: N.U.P.E Panati, Charles Pankhurst, Christabel: Suffragette (Agency prints only) Pankhurst, Emmeline: Suffragette (Agency prints only) Pannell, Fay: Conference Trade Panufnik, Andre J: Composer & Conductor Pardoe, John: Politician Pare, Rev Philip: Exorcist Parfitt, Judy: Actress Park, Daphne: Principal Somerville College, Oxford Parker, Charles: Radio Parker, John: Politician Parker, Leon: National Association of Young People in Care Parker, Una Mary Parker, Peter: National Ports Authority Parker, Tom: National League of Blinded & Disabled Parrish, Edward: Nurseryman Parrott, Jaspar: Agent Parry, D.A.P: Parole Board Parry, Natasha Parselle, Charles: Church of Scientology Parson, Robert Parsons, Betty Partridge, Frances: Author Pascall, Alex Patman, Delva: Lady Architect Paton, John Lewis: Educationist Patten, Brian: Poet Patterson, Mrs CM: T&G.WU Patterson, Rt Rev Cecil Patterson, Meg Patterson, Ward Pattie, Geoffrey: Politician Pattison, Roy: Marketing Pauley, Patricia: Skating Payne, Cynthia Payne, Julian: Ritz Paynter, Will: Secretary N.U.M
Box 2 Peacey, Nicholas: Teacher Peacham, Beryl Peacock, Trevor: Theatre Pears, Sir Peter: Tenor Pearsall, Phyllis: A to Z Maps Pearsall, Alan: National Maritime Museum Pearson, Frank: Politician Pearson, Diane: Novelist Pearson, Nigel Peckhm Peckham, Audrey: Remand Centre Pedler, Dr Kit Peel, John: Yeoman Pelling, Mrs Francoise: Strike & Accomadation Penhaligon, David: M.P Penn, Margaret: Writer Peer, Marissa: Hypnotist Pennington, Michael Penny, Howarth Penrose, Ann Penrose, Sir Roland Perahia, Murray: Pianist Perkins, Polly Perks, Ben Perry, Frank Perry, John Pestell, Barbara Peterson, Arthur Petit, Roland Peto, Brig. Christopher H.M Peto, Michael: MP Peto, Michael: Photographer Petre, Joseph WL: 17th Baron Petrie, Sir Charles: Author Petrie, Lady Charles: Former Mayor of Kensington (1955-56) Petrie, Hugh: Ulster Workers Council Petrie, James: Kellog's Petritz, Richard (Dr): Inmos International Ltd Petro, Dr John: Drugs Case Petter, William E.W: Aircraft Designer Pettigrew, Mrs Ralph: Mountaineer Pettit, D.E.A: National Freight Corporation Petty, Cecil: Television Petty, George: Trawler Skipper Petty, John: Author Petty, Mrs Sava: Children! Petrie-Adporter, Ann Pettitt, Raymond: Minet Pevsner, Dieter Pevsner, Nicholas : Art Historian Peyton, J.W.W.: Politician Philipson, Robin : Royal Scottish Academy Phillips, Arlene Phillips, Caryl: Author Phillips, Dee Phillips, Gordon: Journalist (Died 1951) Phillips, Jayne Anne: Writer Phillips, Jennifer: Playwright Phillips, Michael & Kat: Fashion Design Phillips, Robin: Theatre Phillips, Zelpha Phillips, Zelpha Phipps, Sue: 'OM' Magazine
Box 3 Pick, Caroline: Films Pickering, Dr Ian: Prison Medical Services Pickersgill, Roy: 'Fort Beswick' Pickles, James: Judge Pickles, Sheila Piehlar, H.A Pienkowski, Jan: Graphics Pierce, Charles: Drag Pinder, John: Policy Studies Institute Pinhorn, Maggie: Art-Films Etc Pinney, Aza Pisk, Litz: Theatre Movement Pitman, Sir James Pitt, Kenneth: C.H.E Pizzery, Erin: Chiswick Women's Aid Plant, C.I.H: Inland Revenue Staff Fed Plant, Sharon: Crafts Plante, David: Novelist Plastow, David: Rolls-Royce Motors Plater, Alan: Playwright Platt, Herbert: British Esperanto Assoc., Platt, Ken: Comedian Platt-Mills, John: Q.C. Plomley, Roy: Disc Jockey Plowden, Edwin Lord & Lady Plowright, Joan: Actress Plumb, C.H: NFU Plummer, Desmond: Leader of Greater London Council Plummer, Paston E.L. Pollak, Claire: Film Director Pollock, Alice: Designer Ponsbury, Robert Noel Pontin, Sir Fred: Holiday Camps Pooley, Dick: P.R.O.P. Pooley, Fred: G.L.C. Pope, Angela Popplewell, Nina Porter, Cathy: Writer Porter, Harry: Journalist Porter, Henry: Author Potterton, Homan: Author Potts, Malcolm: Historian Powell, Enoch: M.P Powell, Dilys: Writer Powell, Dr John: Laser Expertise
Box 4 Powell, Michael: Film Producer Pownall, David: Playwright Powys, John Cooper: Writer Pratt, Bernadette: Oxfam Preger, Janie Prem, Dr Prentice, Rev. Andrew: Presbyterian Church Prentice, R E: Politician Prestidge, John: Anti-Blood Sports Preston, Nigel: Designer Preston, Peter: Guardian Price, Albert & Wife Price, Diane Price, John: Merseyside Price, John: Railways Price, M Phillips: Politician Price, Pamela Vandyke: Wines Price, Richard Price, Stanley: Playwright Prichard, Caradog Prideaux, John: National Trust Priestley, Barbara Priestley, JB: Author Prince, Harold Prince, Peter: Writer Pringle, Dr Mia Kellmer Prior, James M L: Politician Pritchard, Sir John: Conductor (print by Phiilip Jones Griffiths) Pritchard, Stanley: Religious Broadcasting Proctor-Gregg, Humphrey: Manchester University Proesch, Gilbert and Passmore, George: Artists (Agency print only) Proops, Marjorie: Journalist Prowse, W.R: Collector Prunier, Madame: Restaurant Pudney, John: Writer Pugh, Idwal V: Welsh Office Pullein-Thompson, Sister's: Pony Books Pulman, Jack: Dramatist Purdy, Jocelyn: Batik Shop Puri, Mrs Kailash: Indian Culture Putterill, J Rev: Vicar Puxdon, Grattan Puttnam, David: Film Producer Pym, Barbara: Writer Pym, F |