Ref NoHHO/1/1/1
TitleOriginal artwork for 'Letters' section
Extent12 files; 189 papers with illustrations
Creator NameHodson; Haro (1923-); illustrator
DescriptionOriginal black and white drawings produced for the 'Letters' section of the Observer. Drawings are predominately in ink, and some pieces use Zip-A-Tone. Some pieces include notes about measurements, page number on which it appeared and correspondent of the letter. Some pieces are dated, or partially dated, and include a copy of the corresponding letter for which the drawing was produced. Topics depicted include 'Youth Clubs', 'TV teaching', 'The English Eat Anything', 'Interlingua', and 'Esq or Mr'.
System Of Arrangement4 files in chronological order; partially and undated pieces in orginal order
Access StatusOpen

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