Level | Piece |
Ref No | LDG/1/29/3 |
Title | A D'Oyly Carte Farewell |
Date | 21 June 1982 |
Extent | 1 cartoon |
Creator Name | Gibbard; Leslie David (1945-2010); cartoonist |
Description | Margaret Thatcher is shown aboard a ship in an old navy uniform, singing "... I polished up Trident so carefullee, That now I am the Seller of the Queen's navy!" Behind her, looking uncomfortable is Geoffrey Howe. Steering the vessel is Keith Joseph. Standing to attention are other members of Thatcher's cabinet, including William Whitelaw and John Nott. In the background an aircraft-carrier is sailing away with 'INVINCIBLE' written on the back and flying the Australian flag. |
Access Status | Open |
Format | Drawing |
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