Level | Item |
Ref No | LDG/1/8 |
Title | Best of Thatcher 1 |
Date | April 1980-November 1990 |
Extent | 118 cartoons |
Creator Name | Gibbard; Leslie David (1945-2010); cartoonist |
Description | Individuals featured include: Margaret Thatcher, Edward Heath, Michael Heseltine, Neil Kinnock, John Major, David Steel, Geoffrey Howe, Nigel Lawson, Denis Healey. Subjects and events featured include: censorship, the NHS, unemployment, the welfare state, national security, trade union disputes, domestic politics, hooliganism, the poll tax, the European Community. |
Access Status | Open |
Term | Censorship |
Health Services |
Unemployment |
Social Policy |
State Security |
Employment Relations |
Internal Politics |
Hooliganism |
Poll Tax |
European Economic Cooperation |
International Politics |
Cartoons |
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