Level | Item |
Ref No | OBS/1/1/4/1/1 |
Title | Appointment of Derek Mitchell as Independent Director |
Date | 31 December 1979 - 26 April 1991 |
Extent | 1 file |
Creator Name | The Observer Limited; Sir Derek Mitchell |
Description | Records regarding the appointment of Sir Derek Mitchell as one of the five Independent Directors. Includes a copy of a 'Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars' signed by Mitchell; copy of the Observer Limited accounts from 31st December 1979; correspondence with David Stein, Robert Low (Father of the National Union of Journalists Chapel), Barbara Willie, Secretary's Office The Observer Ltd, P Spooner, JC Jenkinson, Yolande Bird, D Rees, Donald Trelford, John Steel and Paul Bridges; press cuttings from the Observer; list of telephone numbers and addresss for the independent directors; and a printed document from the Observer entitled 'Read All About it', which gives a timeline account of The Observer Newspaper 1791-1979. |
Access Status | Open(part) |
Access Conditions | Access to the list of telephone numbers and addresses will remain closed in line with Data Protection Act 1998 |
Format | Printed document |
Typescript |
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