Ref NoOBS/4/1/1
TitleFormer staff files
Extent20 boxes
Creator NameThe Observer Limited
DescriptionStaff files for some members of staff who had left the Observer by the late 1980s.

Staff included: Charles Alexander, Julian Allason, Maggie Allen, Kingsley Amis, Debi Angel, Barry Askew, David Astor, Brian Bell, Terry Bell, Michael Beloff, Nora Beloff, David Benedictus, Marcelle Bernstein, Paul Betts, Patrick Bishop, Dennis Blakeley, Dennis Bloodworth, Christopher Brooker, Ann Boyd, Mark Boxer, Ian Bradshaw, Michael Braham, Sally Brampton, Christopher Brasher, Shirley Brasher, George Brock, Dinah Brook, Pamela Brown, Joan Buck, Judith Bull, Jeremy Bugler, Philip Burgoyne, Michael Bywater, Francis Cairncross, Bryan Campbell, Iain Carson, Rosamund Castle, Eric Clark, Colin Chapman, Shirley Conran, Winston Churchill, John Clare, Ann Clwyd, Jackie Cole, Leslie Colitt, Clare Colvin, Margaret Comport, Derek Cooper, Glynn Cook, Tim Cottrell, Edward Crankshaw, Clive Crook, Colin Cross, Peter Crookston, J Crosby, J Crossley, Jonathon Crowther, Janet Crossley, Jonathon Crowther, Janet Crumbie, Robert Cushman, Jo Da n, C Doyle, Robert Ducas, Cyril Dunn, P Durisch, Eric Dymock, Brian Eads, Gillian Edwards, Roger Eelin, Joyce Egginton, Claudia Elliott, Paul Ellman, Carol Faraldi, Stephen Fay, Pat Ferguson, Valerie Ferguson, Susan Finch, Richard Findlater, L Finer, J Fitchett, Charles Foley, Jonathon Foster, Tim Foster, M Frayn, John Gale, Anthony Garrett, Nick Gilbert, Stephen Gilbert, Kerry Gill, Stanley Glazer, Tim Glover, Susanna Gooden, Nigel Gosling, Miriam Gross, Trevor Grove, Elizabeth Gundrey, Nick Guitard, William Guttman, Mary Hamlyn, Mark Hanna, Ronald Harker, Russell Harty, Arie Haskel, Ray Hawkey, David Haworth, Ann Head, Tony Heath, Ray Heard, John Heilpern, Robert Heller, Stanley Herbert Smith, Ronald Higgins, Andrew Hislop, Sarajane Hore, John Hodder, Haro Hodson, Anthony Holden, Arthur Hopcraft, Francis Hope, Alan Hubbard, Jonathon Hunt, Roland Huntford, Colin Jacobson, Harriet Jagger, Roy Jenkins, Leslie Jessup, Liz Jobey, Colin Jones, Jo Joyce, Simon Kelner, Boris Kidd, Terry Kilmartin, Prof Anthony King, Don Kirk, Carole Korzeniowsky, Kaith Kyle, Gerald Leech, Lajos Lederer, Colin Legum, Andrew Leigh, Adrienne Leman, Jim Levi, Angela Levin, Bernard Levin, Hugh Lewin, Janetta Lewin, Neil Libbert, Anthony Lincoln, Iain Lindsay-Smith, Magnus Linklater, Nigel Lloyd, Suzanna Lowry, Tony Lyons, John Lucas, Aernout van Lynden, Stuart MacLure, Malcolm MacDonald, Robert MacKenzie,Beryl McAlhone, Peter McAllan, Maureen McConville, Dermot McEvoy, Frank McGhee, Colin McGlashan, Jane McLoughlin, Edward Mace, A F Martin, Sue Masterman, Clifford Makins, Tony Marshall, David Martin, Jonathon Meades, George Melly, Mary Miles, Howard Moorepark, Susan Morgan, Ros Morris, Terence Morris, Penelope Mortimer, Susan Mower, Malcolm Muggeridge, Dev Muraska,Graeme Murdoch, Sheila Naipal, Michael Nally, Eric Newby, David Newell-Smith, Geoffrey Nicolson, John Noble, Kathleen Nott, Kenneth Obank, Dennis O'Dair, Patrick O'Donovan, Harry Oliver, Arthur Osman, Frank Page, Robert Parker, Polly Pattulo, Diana Petry, Kim Philby, Barty Phillips, Pearson Phillips, Eve Pollard, Audrey Powell, Tony Prine, Peter Pringle, Susanne Puddlefoot, Alan Purkiss, Robert de Quiaro, John Rafferty, Victoria Radin, Charles Raw, Cyril Ray, Terence Reese, Penny Rich, Maurice Richardson, Peter Robbins, Nick Rogers, Alan Rusbridger, John St Jorre, Anthony Sampson, Walter Schwarz, P Seale, Graham Serjeant, George Seddon, Ann Sharples, Robert Shields, Chris Smith, Bill Smithies,Hilary Spurling, Robert Stephens, Auriel Stevens, Nicola Stinton, Mary Stott, William Sweetman, Kenneth Tynan, AJP Taylor, Robert Taylor, Stephen Taylor, Gordon Tether, Iain Thomas, Lesley Thornton, Olivia Timbs, David Tonge, Philip Toynbee,Polly Toynbee, William van der Eyken, K van het Hove, Ian Walker, Stephen Walsh, Geoffrey Wansell, David Watt, Paul Webster, Julie Welch, Ben Wicks, Peter Wilby, Gordon Williams, Colin Willock, David Wilson, Des Wilson, Paul Wilson, Charles Wintour, Gary Woodhouse, Ivan Yates, Martha Zenfell.
System Of ArrangementAlphabetical by surname
Access StatusOpen(part)
Access ConditionsThe majority of these files are closed to researchers in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Contact the Archivist for further information regarding specific files.
Related MaterialSee OBS/4/1/2 for smaller series of staff files relating to staff who were employed by the Observer in 1993 when the paper was bought by Guardian Media Group. See also OBS/4/1/3 for a further small series of personnel files.
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