Ref NoOBS/6/1/1/1/1/1/4
TitleJoyce Egginton
Extent1 file
Creator NameThe Observer Limited; Editor's Office; Donald Trelford
DescriptionIncludes correspondence from and concerning Joyce Egginton, US stringer for the Observer.
Other correspondents include: NS Cursley, David Astor, KP Obank, William Millinship, Donald Trelford, Harold Evans, Conor Cruise O'Brien, Nigel Hawkes, David Bishop.
Subjects covered include: Egginton's credentials; interviewing an astonaut; Egginton's terms and conditions; her coverage of New York; a proposed book on chemical poisoning in Michigan; Egginton's family.
Also includes: cutting on closure of British newspaper offices in New York.
System Of ArrangementChronological
Access StatusOpen(part)
Access ConditionsSome material closed to researchers in line with Data Protection Act
CopyrightGuardian News & Media

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