Level | Item |
Ref No | OBS/6/1/1/1/1/2/14 |
Title | Surnames beginning DA-DE |
Date | 1960-1983 |
Extent | 1 file |
Creator Name | The Observer Limited; Editor's Office; Donald Trelford |
Description | Files kept by the editor of The Observer containing correspondence from individuals and organisations named DA to DE.
Correspondents include: Sir Ralf Dahrendorf, Basil Davidson, Sir William Deakin (via his agent), Edward de Bono, Andre Deutsch Publishers, Lord Devlin.
Subjects covered include: suggestions for and discussions of articles, complaints about articles,readers' letters, job applications, permissions for reproduction of articles. |
System Of Arrangement | Alphabetical |
Access Status | Open |
Format | Manuscript |
Typescript |
Copyright | Guardian News & Media and various copyrights. |
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