Level | Item |
Ref No | OBS/6/1/1/2/1/1/37 |
Title | The Observer Limited board meeting papers |
Date | 10 February 1992 |
Extent | 1 file |
Creator Name | The Observer Limited; Editor's Office; Donald Trelford |
Description | Donald Trelford's annotated set of papers for the meeting held at Chelsea Bridge House, Queenstown Road, London. Agenda points include: appointments, retirements and resignations of directors; minutes of 18 November 1991 meeting and sub-committee meetings held on 16 December 1991 and 13 January 1992 and management committee meeting of 27 November 1991; matters arising; managing director's report; accounts for three months ended 31 December 1991; amendments to the articles of association; approval of share transfers. Includes: minutes of board/sub-committee/management meetings; managing director's (Nicholas Morrell) report, February 1992; amendments - articles of association; approval of share transfers; accounts - 3 months ended 31 December 1991; libel costs 1991/92 and libel summary, January 1992; ABC figures; NRS figures. |
Access Status | Open |
Term | Civil Law |
Format | Typescript |
Copyright | Guardian News & Media |
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