Description | Includes letters, copy letters, telegrams, and submitted work on articles and reviews between Terry Kilmartin (and Nigel Gosling) and individuals including: Sebastian Haffner, Lionel Hale, Gerald Hamilton, Sir George Rostrevor Hamilton, Stuart Hampshire, Ken Harris, Michael Harrison, Tom Harrison, John Haycraft, Jacquetta Hawkes, H Forsyth Hardy, Lord Hemingford, Jossleyn Hennessy, Faith Henry, Patrick Heyworth, Derek Hill, Hilde Himmelweit, Paul Hindemith, Sir Christopher Hinton, Dr W Hoffer, Richard Hoggart, Christopher Hollis, Tom Hopkinson, Michael Howard, Herbert Howarth, Father Trevor Huddleston, Ted Hughes, Spike Hughes, Countess of Huntington, Patricia Hutchins, Aldous Huxley, Edward Hyams. |