Ref NoOBS/6/7/1/2/1
Title'Books of the year' correspondence for 1964-66
Extent1 file
Creator NameThe Observer Limited; Terry Kilmartin
DescriptionIncludes correspondence between Terry Kilmartin and David Astor and the following individuals or their representatives: Iris Murdoch, Sir Leon Bagrit, Iain Macleod, Evelyn Waugh, Peter Brook, Richard Crossman, Vera Nabokov (on behalf of Vladimir Nabokov), T Balogh, Benjamin Britten, John Lennon, Laurence Olivier, Jo Grimond, Lord Bowden, Peter Medawar, Sir Hugh Casson, Harold MacMillan, Harold Pinter, the Duke of Edinburgh, EM Forster, Arthur Koestler, Kingsley Amis, Lord Annan, Sir Hugh Carleton Greene, Lord Butler of Saffron Warren, Graham Greene, Harold Wilson, AJ Ayer, WH Auden, Sir Kenneth Clark, Lord Devlin, Professor PMS Blackett, Solly Zuckerman, Edward Boyle, Peter Ustinov, Robert Graves, [Angus Wilson], Muriel Spark, JK Galbraith, Alan Bennett, John Betjeman, John Bird, Sir Maurice Bowra, Truman Capote, Colin Davis, Dame Margot Fonteyn, Christopher Isherwood, Katharine [Whitehorn], JB Priestley, Mary [McCarthy], Edmund Wilson, Sir Isaiah Berlin, Professor Fred Hoyle, Arthur Schlesinger Jr, Penelope Mortimer, John Osborne, Kenneth Tynan, Karl Miller, Malcolm Muggeridge, [Conor] Cruise O'Brien, Dr Alex Comfort.
Also includes lists of people asked.
System Of Arrangementchronological
Access StatusOpen
CopyrightVarious copyrights

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