Ref NoOBS/6/7/1/2/2
Title'Books of the year' correspondence for 1967-69
Extent1 file
Creator NameThe Observer Limited; Terry Kilmartin
DescriptionIncludes correspondence between Terry Kilmartin and the following individuals or their representatives: Dr Alex Comfort, AJ Ayer, Graham Greene, Professor Frank Kermode, Mary [McCarthy], Sir Edward Boyle, Iris Murdoch, Professsor Edmund Leach, Kenneth Tynan, William Golding, Henry Moore, [Michael] Davie, Jonathan Miller, Dr Desmond Morris, VS Naipaul, John Osborne, Stephen Spender, Edna O'Brien, Professor EH Gombrich, Lord Annan, Arthur Koestler, Richard Findlater, Lord Goodman, Lord Harewood, Marshall McLuhan, Norman Mailer, Gore Vidal, Roy Fuller, Isaiah Berlin, John Updike, WH Auden, Kingsley Amis, Noel Coward, Sir John Gielgud, Roy Jenkins, 'Alan' [AJP Taylor], Jacquetta Hawkes, Lord Snow, Sir Steven Runciman, Doris Lessing, Angus Wilson.
Also includes lists of people asked and 'books of the year' list, 1963
System Of Arrangementchronological
Access StatusOpen
CopyrightVarious copyrights

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