Description | Files of prints of the following individuals:
Box 1: Gabereau, Vicki Gable, Christopher Gabo, Naum (By Tom Smith) Gabor, Zsa Zsa (Including set by Jane Bown) Gabriel, Peter Gabrielle (Set by Jane Bown) Gadafy, Col Mu'Ammar Al Gadea, Hilda (Che Guevara's first wife) (Set by Jane Bown) Gadsden, Peter Gagarin, Yuri (By Don McCullin and two images by Karsh) Gailini, Seyed Ahmad Gaines, Will Gailani, Sayed Ahmed Gaitskell, Hugh (Including images by Jane Bown, Don McCullin, Philip Jones Griffiths, Peter Keen and Ray Beatie) Gaitskell, Lady Dora Galas, Diamanda Galbraith, J K (Including set by Jane Bown) Gale, Alan (By Bryn Campbell) Gallacio, Anya Gallagher, Jock (Set by Jane Bown) Gallagher, Stephen Galliano, John Gallico, Paul Gallo, Dr Robert (By Neil Libbert) Galloway, George (Including set by Jane Bown) Galloway, Janice (Set by Jane Bown) Galton, Ray Galvin, Martin Galway, James (Including set by Jane Bown) Gambaccini, Paul Gambon, Michael (Sets by Jane Bown & Nobby Clark) Games, Abram Gandar, Lawrence Gandhi, Indira (Including image by Karsh, set by Michael Peto, Jane Bown, David Newell Smith, Tony McGrath and one illustration) Gandhi, Indira (Assasination & Funeral) Gandhi, Indira (Assasination - scenes in the uk) Gandhi, Mahatma (All agency) Gandhi, Rajiv Ganji, Jalal Ganly, Helen Gannon, Lucy Ganz, Valerie Gaon, Yehoram Garang, Dr John Garbarek, Jan Garbo, Greta
Box 2: Garbus, Martin Garcia, Andy Garcia, Christina Garcia, Jerome 'Jerry' Gardam, Jane Gardam, Tim Garden, Graeme Gardiner, Becky (Staff) Gardiner, George Gardiner, John (Including set by Jane Bown) Gardiner, John Elliott (Including set by Jane Bown) Gardiner, Lord Gerald (Including set by Jane Bown) Gardiner, Margaret Gardiner, Stephen (Staff) Gardner, Andrew Gardner, Dame Helen Gardner, John (By Peter Johns) Gardner, Joy (Died in police custody - see legal warning attached) Gardner, Ray (Staff) Garenal, Simi (Set by Jane Bown) Garfield, Simon Garland, Judy (By David Newell Smith and Bryn Campbell) Garland, Madge (Set by Sue Adler) Garland, Nick (Set by Jane Bown) Garland, Patrick (Set by Jane Bown) Garner, Alan (Sets by Jane Bown, Denis Thorpe and Ged Murray) Garner, Errol (Agency) Garner, Helen (Set by Jane Bown) Garner, James Garnett, Angelica (Set by Jane Bown) Garnett, David (Set by Tony McGrath) Garnett, Tony Garoeb, Moses Garrad, Rose Garrett, Eilidh Garratt, Georgia Garrett, Lesley Garson, Barbara Garton, John Garvin, JL (editor of The Observer) Gascoigne, Bamber Gascoigne, Gus Gascoyne, David (By Frank Martin) Gaskill, William Gatacre, E V Gately, Kevin Gates, Bill Gates Jnr, Dr Henry Louis Gates, Tudor Gatha, Flora Gatlif, Tony Gatt, Meir Gatward, James Gau, John (Set by Jane Bown) Gaudet, Judge Catherine Gautier, Jean Paul Gaunt, Marilyn Gaustad, John Gavin, Jamila Gavras, Costa Gaycos, Juan Geary, Steve Gedda, Nicolai (Set by Frank Martin) Geddes, Ford (Including set by Jane Bown) Gee, Jonathan Gee, Maggie (Including set by Jane Bown) Gee, Prunella Gee, Stephen Geesin, Ron Geeson, Judy Geffen, Aviv Geis, Bernard Geldof, Bob (Including set by Jane Bown)
Box 3: Geldof, Lynn Geleverya, Viktoria Geliot, Michael Geller, Uri (Including sets by Peter Johns, Frank Martin and Eamonn McCabe) Gellhorn, Martha (Set by Jane Bown) Gelzer, Helen Gemayel, Amin Gems, Johnathan Gems, Pam Genscher, Hans-Dietrich Gentle Power of Song Gentleman, David George, Colin George, David George, Eddie George, Nelson (Including set by Jane Bown) George, Phyllis George, Sue George, Susan (Actress) George, Dr Susan George, Wendy George, William George-Brown, Lord George Alfred (Including set by Jane Bown) 1 George-Brown, Lord George Alfred (Including set by Jane Bown) 2 George-Brown, Lord George Alfred (Including set by Jane Bown) 3
Box 4: Georges, Georgescu Georgian, Karine Georis, Raymond Gerald, Jackie Gerasiamov, Gennadi Gere, Richard (By David Silitoe) Gergiev, Valery Gerhardie, William (Including set by Don McCullin) Gerrard, Nicci (Observer writer) Gerrie, Malcolm Gerry, Andrew Gershon, Karen (Set by Jane Bown) Gerstenberg, Richard Getty, Balthazer Getty, J Paul (Including set by Jane Bown) Getty (2nd), John Paul (Set by Jane Bown) Getz, Stan (Set by Don McCullin and Allan Titmuss) Ghannouchi, Sheikh Rasheed Gharbaoui, Dorothy Ghazi, Polly (Staff) Gheorghiu, Angela Ghezali, Salima Ghimpu, Neculai Giacometti, Alberto (Including set by Tom Smith) Gialey, Thomas Gibb, Bill (Set by Tony Prime) Gibbard, Les (Staff) Gibbens, Prof D T C N Gibbings, Sir Peter (Guardian) Gibbons, Fiachra (Staff) Gibbons, Stella Gibbs, Sir Humphrey Gibbs, Rev John Gibbs, John Gibbs, Mike Gibbs, Olive Gibbs, Roger Gibbs-Smith, Charles (Set by Jane Bown) Gibney, Margaret Gibson, Sir Alexander (Peter Johns) Gibson, Arthur Gibson, Dr Aston Gibson, Sir Donald Gibson, Lord (Including set by Jane Bown) Gibson, Rex Gibson, Richard (Artist) Gibson, Richard (Author) Gide, Andre (Including rare signed print by Laure Albin-Guillot) Gielgud, Sir John (Including set by Jane Bown and image by Angus McBean) Geilgud, Maina (Including set by Jane Bown, Peter Johns, Nobby Clark, Sue Adler, Kenneth Saunders & E Hamilton West) Gifford, Keith Gifford, Lord Tony (Including set by Jane Bown)
Box 5: Gifford, Michael (Including set by Jane Bown) Gil, Gilberto Gilbert & George (Including set by Eamonn McCabe) Gilbert, Jim Gilbert, John (Sets by Jane Bown and Kenneth Saunders) Gilbert, Martin Gilbert, Sandra Gilbert, Stephen (Set by Jane Bown) Gilbey, Monsignor Alfred Glibey, Emma Gilbreath, Alexandra Gilchrist, Patric Gilday, Cindy Giles, Bill Giles, Carl (Set by Jane Bown) Gill, Brendan Gill, David Gill, Ken Gill, Petor Gill, Petra (Daughter of Eric Gill) Gillard, Michael (Staff) Gillard, Michael Sean Gillespie, Bobby (Primal Scream) Gillespie, Dana Gillespie, Dizzy (Sets by Allan Titmuss, Tom Smith and Tony McGrath) Gilliam, Terry Gilliat, Penelope (Staff) Gilling, Dr Judy (Set by Jane Bown) Gillinson, Clive Gillman, Tricia Gillon, Maggie (Staff) Gillon, Dr R A Gillot (Set by Jane Bown) Gillott, Jackie (Set by Peter Johns) Gilmore, Mikal Gilmore, Peter Gilmore, Dr Alan (NSPCC) Gilmore, Dave Gilmore, Sir Ian Gilot, Francoise Gilroy, Paul (Set by Jane Bown) Gimpel, Jean Gingell, Alfred (Staff) Gingell, Dave Gingell, Sir John Gingold, Hermione (Sets by Jane Bown and Eric Wandsworth) Gingrich, Newt Ginsberg, Allen (Including seet by Jane Bown) Giordan, Marion Giorno, John Gipsy Kings Girodias, Maurice Giscard D'Estaing, Mme Anne Aymone (Including sets by Jane Bown, Frank Martin and E Hamilton West) Giscard D'Estaing, Valery (Ex French PM) Giscombe, Junior
Box 6: Gish, Lillian (Set by Jane Bown) Gish, Sheila Gismonti, Egberto Gittings, John (Staff) Giuliani, Rudolph Giuliano, Geoffrey Giulini, Carlo Maria Givens, Robin Gladdis, William Gladstone, William Gladwin, John Gladwyn, Lord (Including set by Jane Bown) Glaister, Dan (Staff) Glaister, Lesley Glancey, Jonathan (Staff) Glanville, Brian Glanville, Susannah Glare, Peter Glass, David Glass, J T A Glass, Phillip Glazyev, Sergey Gleeson, Brendan Glemp, Josef Glen, Iain Glenamara, Baron (Formerly Edward Short) Glencross, David Glendinning, Robin Glendinning, Victoria (Including sets by Jane Bown and Tony McGrath) Glenn, John Glennie, Evelyn Gless, Sharon (Set by Jane Bown) Glezer, Alexander Gligoric, Svetozar Gligorov, Kiro (President of Macedonia) Glikman, Gabriel (Set by Jane Bown) Glitter, Gary (Including set by Eamonn McCabe) Glock, Sir William (Sets by Erich Auerbach and Don Morley) Glover, Cory Glover, Brian Glover, Jane (Including set by Jane Bown) Glover, Julian (Including set by Jane Bown) Glover, Mark Glover, Stephen (Set by Jane Bown) Gluck, Malcolm Glynn, Maurice Gobbi, Tito (Including sets by Jane Bown, Frank Martin and Peter Johns) Godard, Jean Luc Godber, Sir George Godber, John Godber, Lord Joseph (Including set by Jane Bown) Goddard, Liza Godfrey, Andrea Godley, Matthew (By David Bailey) Godley, Wynne Godreau, Miguel (Set by Jane Bown) Godunov, Boris
Box 7: Godwin, Anthony (Set by Neil Libbert) Godwin, Fay Goebbels, Dr Joseph (all agency) Goehr, Alexander Goei, Glen Goencz, Arpad Goering, Herman (all agency) Goffin, Louise Gohel, Jay Golani, Rivka Gold, Jack Goldberg, Arthur Goldberg, Nathan Goldberg, Whoopi Goldblum, Jeff Golden, Ronnie Goldenberg, Suzanne (Staff) Goldfinger, Erno (Buildings not portraits) Goldie, Anne (Set by Jane Bown) Golding, John Golding, Llin Golding, William (Including sets by Jane Bown and Eric Wandsworth) Goldman, Francisco Goldman, Peter Goldman, William (Including sets by Jane Bown and E Hamilton West) Goldmark, Mike Goldring, Mary (Including set by Jane Bown) Goldschmidt, Berthold Goldschmidt, John Goldsmith, Edward "Teddy" Goldsmith, Harvey Goldsmith, James (Including set by Jane Bown) Goldsmith, Selwyn Goldsmith, Walter (Including set by Jane Bown) Goldstein, Solomon Goldstone, Anthony Goldsworthy, Andy Goldwater, Senator Barry (Including image by Karsh) Goldwyn, Sam (Including set by Jane Bown) Goldwyn Jnr, Sam Goldy Goletka, Ivor Gollan, John (Set by Peter Johns) Gollancz, Livia ** Gollancz, Sir Victor Gollmer, Richard Golombek, Harry (Ex-Observer correspondent) Golomstock, Igor Golovkina, Sofia Gombrich, Sir Ernst (Including sets by Jane Bown, Eamonn McCabe and Godfrey Macdominic) Goncharov, Andrei Gonella, Nat Gonet, Stella Gooch, Steve Good, Jack (Including set by Jane Bown) Goodall, Howard (Including set by Jane Bown) Goodall, Jane Goodall, Reginald Goodfield, Dr June Goodhart, William Goodies, The Goodison, Sir Nicholas (Including set by Jane Bown)
Box 8: Goodliffe, Michael Goodman, Joe Goodman, John Goodman, Lord (Including set by Jane Bown) Goodman, Maggie Goodrich, Dr Norma Goodway, Nick (Staff) Goodwin, Sir Reginald Goodwin, Richard (Set by Jane Bown) Goodwin, William Goold, Sir James Goolden, Richard Goossens, Leon Goossens, Sidonie Gorbachev, Mikhail (Including sets by Neil Libbert and Eamonn McCabe) Gorbachev, Raisa Gorbanevskaya, Natalia (Set by Jane Bown) Gordievsky, Oleg Gordimer, Nadine Gordon, Alastair Gordon, Dexter Gordon, Douglas Gordon, Fiona & Mark Gordon, Giles Gordon, Hannah Gordon, Ian Gordon, Jon (Staff) Gordon, Mary Gordon, Richard Gordon-Duff, Patrick Gore, Senator Al Gore, Frederick Gorecki, Henryk (Including set by Jane Bown) Gorham, Clare Goring, Marius (Including set by Jane Bown) Gorman, Teresa Gormley, Antony Gormley, Joe (Including sets by Jane Bown, Neil Libbert and Don McPhee) Gorsky, Mrs Doreen Gorst, John Gorz, Andre Gosling, Maud (Set by Jane Bown) Gosling, Nigel (Staff) Gosling, Ray Gossart, Angus Gostin, Larry (Including set by Jane Bown) Gothard, David (Including sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert)
Box 9: Gotisolo, Juan (Set by Jane Bown) Gott, Richard (Staff) Gough, Piers Gough, Peter Gould, Bryan Gould, Dr Donald Gould, Elliott (Including set by Jane Bown) Gould, Joyce Gould, Philip Gould, Sir Ronald Goulden, Richard Goulding, Cathal Goulray, Sir Ian Gourevich, Dr N Gourlay, Simon Govendor, Robert Gow, David (Staff) Gow, Ian Gower, Prof Jim Gowon, Yakubu Gowrie, Lord (Including set by Jane Bown) Grabowski, Mr Grace, David Grace, Jim Grade, Lord Lew Grade, Michael (Including set by Jane Bown) Graef, Roger Graffin, Daniel Grafton, Duke & Duchess Graham, Archie Graham, Billy Graham, Colin Graham, Edgar Graham, Eleanor (Set by Peter Johns) Graham, Helga (Set by Jane Bown) Graham, John (Staff) Graham, Katherine (Including 2 xCecil Beaton and set by Kenneth Saunders) Graham, Martha Graham, Toby (Son of Clare Short) Graham, Gloria Granger, Gawn Grange, Ken (Set by Jane Bown) Granger, Derek Granger, Stewart (Set by Peter Johns and Karsh) Grant, Adrian Grant, Alexander Grant, Alistair (Including set by Jane Bown) Grant, Anthony (Set by David Newell Smith)
Box 10: Grant, Bernie Grant, Cary (Sets by Don Morley and Agency) Grant, Duncan (Including sets by E H West, Kenneth Saunders and Jane Bown) Grant, John Grant, Keith (Sets by Neil Libbert and E H West) Grant, Keith Grant, Linda (Including set by Jane Bown) Grant, Micky (Staff) Grant, Peter (Including set by Jane Bown) Grant, Richard E (Including sets by Nobby Clark and Sue Adler) Grant, Simon Grant, Ted (Set by Jane Bown) Grappelli, Stephane Grass, Gunter Grassi, Paolo Graves, Robert (Including sets by Jane Bown, Colin Jones, Michael Peto and Peter Johns) Gray, Adam Gray, Alastair (Set by Jane Bown) Gray, David (Staff) Gray, Dolores Gray, Jim Gray, Linda Gray, Lord Hamish Gray, MArtin Gray, Pat Gray, Patience (Set by Jane Bown) Gray, Rose (Set by Eamonn McCabe) Gray, Simon (Including sets by Jane Bown and Tony McGrath) Gray Spalding Grayson, Katheryn Gre, Barbara Greaves, Tony Greco, Juliette (Including sets by David Sim and Peter Keen) Greece Royal Family, King Constantine and Queen Ann-Marie (Including sets by Jane Bown and 2x Karsh) Greece Royal Family, King George 2nd Greece, Royal Family, King Paul and Queen Frederika (Set by Colin Jones) Green, Mr & Mrs (Set by Tony McGrath) Green, Anthony (Sets by Jane Bown and Martin Argles) Green, Benny (Set by Jane Bown) Green, Celia (Set by Peter Johns) Green, Chris Green, Chuck Green, Geoffrey (Set by Peter Johns) Green, Hughie Green, Janet (Set by Jane Bown) Green, Leo Green, Michael Green, Owen (Including set by Jane Bown) Green, Pauline Green, Ritchie Green, Sarah (Guardian student award) Greenaway, Peter (Including set by Jane Bown) Greenaway, Sam Greenberg, Daniels Greene, David Greene, Ellen Greene, Felix Greene, Graham (Including sets by Jane Bown, Tony McGrath, Cecil Beaton x 1 and Karsh x 2)
Box 11: Greene, Graham C (Not the author) (Including set by Jane Bown) Greene, Hugh Carleton (Including sets by Jane Bown, Michael Peto and Eric Wandsworth) Greene, Jenny (Set by Jane Bown) Greene, Lord Sidney Greene, Ted (set by Jane Bown) Greene, Vivien (Including sets by Jane Bown and Kenneth Saunders) Greenfield, Edward (Staff - former Guardian music critic) Greengross, Alan Greenslade, Roy Greenwald, Maggi Greenway, Harry Greenwood, Gillian Greenwood, Lord Anthony (Including sets by Jane Bown and Eric Wandsworth) Greer, Germaine (Including set by Jane Bown) Greenwood, Walter Greer, Ian Greer, Rev William Gregg, Colin Gregory, Cynthia Gregory, Dick Gregory, Phillippa (Including set by Jane Bown) Gregory, Thomas (Set by Jane Bown) Gregory, Walter (Set by Jane Bown) Gregson, June (Staff) Grenfell, Joyce (Including set by Jane Bown) Grenville, Kate Gretton, John Grey, Annabel Grey, Anthony Grey, Beryl Grey, Eileen Grey, Joel Grier, Pam Grierson, Ronald (Including set by Jane Bown) Gries, Lance Grieve, Cmdr John Griffin, Annie Griffin, Harry Griffin, Jonathan Griffin, Melanie Griffiths, Allen (Set by Jane Bown) Griffiths, Eldon (Including illustration unsigned - possibly by Gibbard) Griffiths, James (Set by Jane Bown) Griffiths, Nanci Griffiths, Peter Griffiths, Ray Griffiths, Richard Griffiths, Sian Griffiths, Steffan Griffiths, Trevor (Including set by Jane Bown) Griffiths, Barbara Grigorovitch, Yuri Grigson, Geoffrey Grigson, Jane (Staff) Grimaldi, Joseph (Including image by Jane Bown of his grave and a copied illustration of him) Grimes, Frank
Box 12: Grimond, Jo (Including sets by Jane Bown, Michael Peto, Philip Jones Griffiths and David Newll Smith) Grimond, Laura (Including set by Jane Bown) Grimshaw, Nicholas Grindea, Miron Grisewood, Freddy Grist, John Gromyko, Anatol A (Set by Don McCullin) Gromyko, Andrei (Includes some with Donald Trelford) Gropius, Walter Gross, John (Staff) Grossman, David (Including set by Jane Bown) Grossman, Lloyd Grossmith, Harry Grosvenor, Earl Grosz, Karoly Grout, James Groves, Sir Charles Gruenberg, Erich Gruenther, Gen Alfred (Image by Karsh) Grundy, Trevor Guard, Pippa Guardian Angels Guare, John Guarisco, Anthony Gubaryev, Vladimir Gubaidulina, Sofia Gubbay, Raymond (Set by Jane Bown) Gucci, Maurizio Guccione, Bob (Including set by Jane Bown) Guerin, Orla Guerlain, Jean Paul (Set by Jane Bown) Guest, Iain (Staff) Guest, Joanne Guevara, Celia Guevara, Che Ernesto (All agency) Guild, Robin Guild, Tricia Guillem, Sylvie Guinness, Sir Alec (Including set by Jane Bown, and 1 x Angus McBean) Guinness, Desmond Guinness, Jonathan
Box 13: Gulland, Charles Gulliver, James (Set by Jane Bown) Guofeng, Hua (portrait by Neil Libbert) Gulyaski, Andrei Gumbel, Councillor Muriel Gummer, John Gummer, John Selwyn Gunesekera, Romesh Gunn, Thom (Including set by Jane Bown) Gunning, Dennis (Set by Jane Bown) Gunter, John Gunter, Ray (Including unsigned illustration possibly by Pappas) Guofeng, Hua Guppy, Shusha (Including set by Jane Bown) Gunnah, Dr Abdulrazak Guofeng, Hua (AKA Hua Kuo-feng) (Sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert) Guteirrez, Horacio Guterson, David Guthrie, Arlo Guthrie, Sir Giles (Including set by Colin Jones) Guthrie, Sir Tyrone Gutteridge, Lucy (Set by Jane Bown) Guyt, Hans, Gwalior, Queen Mother of (Indian Jonata Party) Gwangwa, Jonas Gwenlan, Gareth Gyalpo, Mrs Pema (Dali Lama's sister) Gyngell, Bruce Gysin, Brion |