Ref NoOBS/6/9/2/6/H
TitlePicture library files for personalities beginning with H
Extent18 boxes
Creator NameThe Observer Limited; Picture Desk; Observer Picture Library
DescriptionFiles of prints of the following individuals:

Box 1:
Hass, Philip
Habash, George
Habgood, John (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hacker, Alan
Hackett, Desmond
Hackett, Sir John (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hadert, David
Hadid, Zaha
Hadlow, Janice
Haffner, Sebastian
Hagenbach, Dr Charles (Set by Jane Bown)
Haggart, Piers
Haggerty, Julie
Hagman, Larry (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hague, William
Hahn, Prof Otto (Image by Fritz Eschen)
Haien, Jeanette
Haig, General Alexander M
Haig, James (Set by Jane Bown)
Hailes, Julia
Hailsham, Lord (Including sets by Jane Bown, Jo Waldorf, Colin Jones, Stuart Heydinger, David Newell Smith, Neil Libbert, Tony McGrath, Eric Wadsworth, Kenneth Saunders, Tony Martin, David Marshall, Phillip Jones Grifiths)

Box 2:
Hain, Peter (Including sets by Jane Bown, E H West and Neil Libbert)
Haitink, Bernard (Including set by Jane Bown)
Haji-Ioannou, Stelios
Halberstam, David
Halcro Ferguson J (Staff) (Sets by Godfrey Macdominic and Michael Peto)
Hale, Georgeina
Hale, John
Hale, Kathleen (Set byJane Bown)
Haley, Alex (Set by Peter Johns)
Haley, Gail (Set by Neil Libbert)
Haley, Sir William (Set by Jane Bown)
Halifax, Lady
Hall, Adelaide
Hall, Alvin
Hall, Andy (Staff)
Hall, Barry (Set by Jane Bown)
Hall, Edmund
Hall, Eric
Hall, Ernest (Set by Denis Thorpe)
Hall, Ian (Set by Tony McGrath)
Hall, Jennifer
Hall, Jerry (Including sets by David Mansell and agency images)
Hall, Joyce (Set by Peter Johns)
Hall, Lord (Set by Jane Bown)
Hall, Peter (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hall, Prof Peter (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hall, Philip
Hall, Rich
Hall, Richard (Staff)
Hall, Rodney
Hall, Tony
Hall-Dare, Clody
Hallet, Jean-Pierre
Hallett, Roger
Hallgrimsson, Geir (Including set by Anthony Vincent)
Halliday, Edward (All agency)
Halliday, Fred
Hallowes, Odette (Including set by Tony McGrath and image by Karsh)
Hallworth, Grace
Halpin, Kevin (Including sets by Don McCullin and Colin Jones)
Halsey, Prof A H
Halstead, Ronald (Set by Jane Bown)
Halton, Fiona
Halverson, Ron
Hamada, Shoji
Hamadi, Saadoun
Hamann, Paul
Hambling, Maggi
Hamermesh, Mira
Hamid, Peter
Hamilton, Adrian (Staff)
Hamilton, Alex (Staff)
Hamilton, Andy
Hamilton, Anne (Set by Jane Bown)
Hamilton, Archibald
Hamilton, David (Set by Jane Bown)
Hamilton, Sir Denis (Set by Jane Bown)
Hamilton, Geoffrey
Hamilton, Guy (Set by Peter Johns)
Hamilton, Iain
Hamilton, Ian (Staff & Author)

Box 3:
Hamilton, Neil and Christine
Hamilton, Paula
Hamilton, Richard
Hamilton, Suzanna
Hamilton, Victoria (Set by Jane Bown)
Hamilton, Willie
Hamilton-Finlay, Ian
Hamilton-Paterson, James (Set by Jane Bown)
Hamlyn, Mark (Set by Jane Bown)
Hamlyn, Paul (Including image by Bert Hardy)
Hammadi, Dr Sadoun
Hammami, Said (Set by Nobby Clark)
Hammarberg, Thomas
Hammarskjold, Dag (Including 3 x images by Karsh)
Hammer, Dr Armand
Hammerstein, James
Hammerstein, Oscar (By Karsh)
Hammond, Celia
Hammond, David
Hammond, Eric
Hamnett, Katharine
Hampshire, Susan (Including sets by Jane Bown, Peter Johns, Nobby Clark, E Hamilton West and Kenneth Saunders)
Hampson, Keith
Hampson, Thomas (Set by Sue Adler)
Hampton, Christopher (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hampton, Lionel (Including set by Nobby Clark)
Hamutenya, Hidipo
Hamza, Abu
Hancey, Jeremy
Hancock, Alexander (Set by Jane Bown)
Hancock, Rev Frances (Set by Jane Bown)
Hancock, Freddie
Hancock, Mike
Hancock, Nick (Set by Eamonn McCabe)
Hancock, Sheila
Hancock, Tony (Including sets by Stuart Heydinger, David Sim and Henri Cartier-Bresson)
Handl, Irene
Hands, Terry
Haneke, Michael
Haney, Paul
Hanff, Helene
Hanks, Nancy (Set by Jane Bown)
Hanks, Tom
Hanley, James
Hanley, Jeremy
Hanlon, John (Staff) (Set by Jane Bown)
Hann, Geoffrey (Set by Jane Bown)

Box 4:
Hanna, Vincent
Hannah, Jimmy
Hannam, Bert (Set by Jane Bown)
Hanney, Roy (Set by Jane Bown)
Hanover, Prince George of
Hanratty, James
Hansen, Brett
Hansen, Joseph
Hansford Johnson, Pamela
Hanson, Barry
Hanson, Lord James (Including set by Jane Bown and an image by Karsh)
Hanson, Michele (Staff)
Hanze, Hans Werner (Set by Neil Libbert)
Har, Fong (Set by Jane Bown)
Haran, Maeve (Including set by Jane Bown)
Haras, John
Harber, Anton
Harburgh, Yip (EY)
Harcourt, David (Set by Jane Bown)
Hardcastle, William
Hardie, Kate
Harding, Luke (Staff)
Hardwick, Christine
Hardwick, Joan (Set by Jane Bown)
Hardwick, Mollie
Hardy, Bert
Hardy, David (Including sets by Jane Bown and Sue Adler)
Hardy, Francoise
Hardy, Frank
Hardy, Jeremy
Hardy, Dr John (Set by Jane Bown)
Hardy, Noel
Hardy, Robert
Hare, Arthur (Set by Jane Bown)
Hare, David (Including sets by Jane Bown and Eamonn McCabe)
Hare, Doris (Including set by Jane Bown)
Harewood, Lord and Lady (Including set by Jane Bown and David Newell Smith)
Harker, Ronald (Editor and Manager of the Observer Foreign News Service)
Harkess, James
Harkin, Senator Thomas
Harman, Harriet (Including set by Jane Bown)
Harnoncort, Nikolaus
Harnoy, Ofra
Harper, Gerald (Set by Jane Bown)
Harper, Heather (Including image by Houston Rogers)
Harper, Keith (Staff)
Harrell, Andre
Harrer, Heinrich
Harrhy, Eidowin
Harries, James
Harris, Anthony (Staff)
Harris, Arthur
Harris, Rev Barbara
Harris, Julie (Including image by Dennis Stock (Magnum) and set by Jane Bown)
Harris, Kenneth (Staff) (Including set by Jane Bown)
Harris, Richard (Including set by Jane Bown and image by Glauco Cortini)
Harris, Rolf
Harrison, Gabriel
Harrison, George (Including images by Jane Bown and agency)
Harrison, Rex (Including set by Jane Bown)
Harrison, Tony
Harry, Debbie
Hart, Judith (Including set by Jane Bown)

Box 5:
Hartley, Alec (Staff)
Hartnell, Sir Norman (Set by David Sim)
Hartog, Howard (Set by Jane Bown)
Hartwell, Martin (Air crash survivor)
Harty, Russell
Harvey, Jack
Harvey, P J
Harvey, Peter (Staff)
Harvey-Jones, Sir John (Including set by Jane Bown)
Harwood, Elizabeth
Hatfield, Hurd (By Clarence Bull MGM)
Hatley, Belinda
Hatoum, Mona
Hattenstone, Simon (Staff)
Hattersley, Roy (Including sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert)
Hatton, Derek (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hauff, Reinhard
Haughey, Charles
Havel, Vaclav (Including illustration by Trog)
Havergal, Giles (Set by Murdo Macleod)
Havers, Sir Michael (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hawatmeh, Naref
Hawes, Ann
Hawes, Peter & Jenny
Hawke, Bob
Hawkes, Jacquetta (Including sets by Jane Bown and Michael Peto)
Hawkes, Nigel (Staff)
Hawking, Prof Stephen**

Box 6:
Hawkins, Prof Gerald
Hawkins, Jack
Hawksley, Warren
Hawksworth, John (Set by Jane Bown)
Hawley, Grenville
Hawley, Dr Robert
Hawn, Goldie (All agency)
Haworth, David (Staff)
Haworth, Jann
Hawthorne, Nigel (Including sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert)
Hawthorne, Vaughan (By Neil Libbert)
Haxell, Frank (Including set by Peter Keen and agency)
Hay, Gyula
Hay, W T H
Haydar, Loutof Allah
Haydee, Marcia
Hayes, Brian (Including set by Eamonn McCabe)
Hayes, Brian
Hayes, Sir Brian (Set by Jane Bown)
Hayes, Catherine
Hayes, Helen
Hayes, Isaac (All agency)
Hayes, Dr John
Hayes, Josy (Set by Jane Bown)
Hayes, Patricia
Hayes, Tubby
Hayhoe, Barney
Hayle, Sir Fred (Set by Jane Bown)
Hayman, Cyd
Hayman, David
Hayman, Helen (Including set by Jane Bown)
Haynes, John (Set by Jane Bown)
Haynes, Michael
Haynes, Rene
Haynes, Todd
Hayter, Reg
Hayter, Teresa (Set by Jane Bown)
Hayter, Sir William (Staff)
Haytner, Nick
Hayward, Anthony
Hayward, Bridget (Set by Jane Bown)
Hayward, Sir Isaac
Hayward, Leslie (Set by David Newell Smith)
Hayward, Paul (Staff)
Hayward, Robert
Hayward, Ron
Hayward, Susan (All agency)
Haywood Ellen, Patricia
Hayworth, Rita (All agency)
Hazan, Marcella
Hazelhurst, None
Hazelwood, Charles (Set by Jane Bown)
Head, Edith
Head, Tim
Heal, Sylvia
Healey, Denis (1945-1976)
Healey, Denis (1977-1980)
Healey, Denis (1981 - )

Box 7:
Healey, Denis (Wife of Denis) (Including set by Jane Bown)
Healy, Gerry
Healy, John (Set by Jane Bown)
Heaney, Seamus (Including set by Jane Bown)
Heaps, Leo
Hearn, George
Hearst, David (Staff)
Heath, Adrian
Heath, Dr Anthony (Set by Jane Bown)
Heath, Catherine
Heath, Chris
Heath, Edward
Heath, Edward (1962-1965) (Including sets by Jane Bown, Philip Jones Griffiths, Don McCullin, Colin Jones, David Newell Smith, Stuart Heydinger, John Hopkins and Tom Smith)
Heath, Edward (1966-1969) (Including sets by Eric Wadsworth, David Newell Smith, Stuart Heydinger, John Hodder, Bryn Campbell, Chris Smith)
Heath, Edward (1970) (Including sets by Eric Wadsworth, Chris Smith, Tony McGrath, David Newell Smith and John Hodder)
Heath, Edward (1971-1972) (Including sets by Peter Johns, E H West, David Newell Smith, Chris Smith, Roger Smith and Tony McGrath)
Heath, Edward (1975-1979) (Including sets by Peter Johns, E H West, Frank Martin, Don Mcphee, Kenneth Saunders, Jane Bown, Neil Libbert and Nobby Clark)

Box 8:
Heath, Edward (1980-) (1) (Including sets by Jane Bown, Kenneth Saunders, Philip Jones Griffiths, Neil Libbert, Peter Johns, David Newell Smith, John Hodder, Don McPhee, and Frank Martin)
Heath, Edward (1980-) (2) (Including sets by Don McPhee, Frank Martin, E H West, Dennis Thorpe, Neil Libbert and Kenneth Saunders)
Heath, Edward (Portraits) (Including sets by Peter Johns, Frank Martin, Don McPhee, John Hodder and E H West)
Heath, Roy
Heathfield, Peter and Betty
Heaton, Francis
Heaton, Paul
Heaven, Constance (Sets by Jane Bown and Chris Smith)
Heawood, Jonathan (Staff - OBS writer)
Hebblethwaite, Margaret
Hecht, Ernest
Hecht, Robert
Hedley, Philip
Heenan, Archbishop (Including sets by Jane Bown, David Newell Smith, Don Morely, Ray Green, Stuart Heydinger, Ray Beathie, Chris Smith and Neil Libbert)
Heffer, Eric (1980-) (Including illustration by unknown artist)
Hefner, Christine (Set by Jane Bown)
Hefner, Hugh (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hegarty, Frances
Hegland, David (Set by Jane Bown and David Newell Smith)
Hegley, John
Heilbron, Lorna (Set by Jane Bown)
Heilbron, Vivien
Heim, Archbishop Bruno
Heine, William (agency)
Heineman, Larry
Heinz, Henry John (Image by Karsh)
Hekmatyar, Gulboddin
Helfgott, David
Heller, Bob (Staff)
Heller, Joseph (Sets by Frank Martin and Allan Titmuss)
Heller, Zoe
Hellman, Lillian (All agency)
Hellman, Louis
Heilpern, John (Staff)
Helmond, Katherine (Including set by Jane Bown and Frank Martin)
Helpmann, Robert (Including sets by Peter Johns and David Newell Smith)
Hembrough, Peter
Hemingway, Ernest (All agency plus 6 x Karsh)
Hemingway, Margot
Hemmings, David (Set by Ian Berry)
Hemmings, Lindy
Hempel, Anoushka
Hemsley, Thomas (Set by Nobby Clark)
Hencke, David (Staff)
Henderson, Colin (Staff)
Henderson, Denys
Henderson, Dickie

Box 9:
Henderson, Garvin
Henderson, Joe
Henderson, Nicholas (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hendler, Herb
Hendra, Tony
Hendricks, Barbara
Hendricks, Vicky
Hendrix, Jimi (Sets by agency and and David Mansell)
Hendry, John
Hendy, Rev Graham (Set by Jane Bown)
Henley, Robert
Hennequin, Jim
Henri, Adrian (Including set by Jane Bown)
Henry, Georgina (Staff)
Henry, Lenny
Henry, Paul
Henry, Pauline
Henry, Victor
Henshall, Ruthie
Henshaw, Doreen (Set by Ray Green)
Henshaw, Michael (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hensher, Philip
Henson, Jim
Henson, Nicky
Henton, Lesley
Hentshlaecer, Kurt
Henty, Bill
Henze, Hans Werner
Hepburn, Audrey (Including agency and set by E H West)
Hepburn, Katherine (All agency)
Heppenstall, Rayner (Set by Stuart Heydinger)
Hepplewhite, Ros (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hepton, Bernard (Set by Frank Martin)
Hepworth, Barbara
Herbage, Alex
Herbert, Caroline
Herbert, Caroline
Herbert, David (Including set by Jane Bown)
Herbert, James (Set by Jane Bown)
Herbert, Jocelyn (Including set by David Sim)
Herbert, Leon
Herbert, Michael (Sets by Jane Bown and Peter Johns)
Herbert, Susannah
Herbert, Victor
Herbert, Wally
Herbinson, Margaret
Hercules, Trevor
Herisher, Philip
Herman, Brother
Herman, Pee Wee
Herman, Ros
Herman, Woody
Hern, Nick
Heron, Patrick (Including set by Jane Bown)
Herr, Michael (Including set by Jane Bown)
Herrera, Astrid
Herring, Richard
Herriott, James
Herron, Carilivia (Set by Jane Bown)
Herron, Ron
Hersh, Seymore M (Including set by Jane Bown)
Herskovitz, Marshall
Hertford, Marquis of Including set by Ian Bradshaw)
Hertz, Joachim
Hertog, Maurice (Including 1 image by Karsh)
Heseltine, Annabel (Daughter of Michael)
Heseltine, Anne (Wife of Michael)

Box : 10
Heseltine, Michael (1972-1980)
Heseltine, Michael (1981-1983)
Heseltine, Michael (1984-1990)
Heseltine, Michael (1991-1993)
Heseltine, Michael (1994-?)
Heseltine, Michael (Including set by Jane Bown)
Heseltine, William (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hess, Rudolf (Sets by Neil Libbert an Agency)
Heston, Charlton (Including set by Jane Bown and E H West)
Hetherington, Alastair (Editor of the Manchester Guardian)
Hetherington, Peter (Staff)
Hetherington, Sir Thomas (Set by Jane Bown)
Hethershaw, William (By Denis Thorpe)
Hetterley, Sean
Hewston, Christopher
Hewitt, Don
Hewitt, Helen (Set by Jane Bown)
Hewitt, Major James
Hewitt, Patricia (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hewitt, Peter
Hewitt, Steve
Hewson, Georgina (Staff)
Hext, Simon
Heydinger, Stuart (Staff)

Box : 11
Heyerdahl, Thor
Heymann, Klaus
Heyn, Dalma
Heynes, Gordon (By David Newell Smith)
Haywood, Stan
Heyworth, Peter (Staff)
Hibbard, Peter
Hibbert, Anna (Grandaughter of Garinbaldi) (Set by Jane Bown)
Hibbert, Jimmy
Hibbert, Tom
Hickey, Michael (Bridgewater 4)
Hickley, George (Set by Jane Bown)
Hickman, Linda & Daughters (Set by Jane Bown)
Hickmet, Richard
Hickox, Richard
Hicks, David
Hicks, Mike
Hicks, Nicola
Higgins, George (Set by Jane Bown)
Higgins, Prof Guy
Higgins, Jack
Higgins, Michael
Higgins, Paul
Higgins, Ronald (Staff)
Higgins, Dame Rosalyn
Higgins, Stuart
Higgs, Dr Mariette (Including set by Jane Bown)
Higgs, Prof Peter
Higsmith, Patricia
Higson, Charles (Set by Jane Bown)
Hilary, David
Hildreth, Jan
Hildrew, Peter (Staff)
Hiles, Jim
Hill, Adrian
Hill, Benny (All Agency)
Hill, Bernard
Hill, Christopher (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hill, David
Hill, Dame Elizabeth
Hill, Harry
Hill, George Roy (With Robin Williams - Photographer unknown)
Hill, Jane (By Jane Bown)
Hill, Katy
Hill, Paul
Hiltunen, Eila (By Karsh)
Hill, Leslie
Hill, Lord (of Luton) (Including set by Jane Bown and Eric Wadsworth)
Hill, Lord Ted (Including unsigned illustration possibly by Papas)
Hill, Malcolm Keith
Hill, Susan (Including sets by Jane Bown, Eamonn McCabe and Neil Libbert)
Hill, Walter
Hillary, Sir Edmund (Including 2 x Karsh and Agency images)
Hiller, Wendy (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hillery, Dr Patrick (Including illustration possibly by Gibbard)
Hillier, Bevis (Set by Jane Bown)
Hillman, David (Staff)*****
Hillman, Judy (Staff)
Hillmore, Peter (Staff)
Hills, Carla (Set by Jane Bown)
Hills, Dennis
Hills, Gavin
Hills, Julia
Hills, Lawrence (Set by Jane Bown)
Hilton, Albert (By Robert Smithies)
Hilton, A (Staff)
Hilton, Jenny (Sets by Jane Bown and Frank Martin)
Hilton, Tessa
Hilton, Tim (Guardian writer)
Hind, Archie (Guardian prize winner)
Hinde, Thomas (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hindemith, Paul

Box : 12
Hindley, Myra
Hines, Barry
Hines, Earl
Hines, Gregory
Hinjelo, Oscar
Hinton, Lord
Hinton, Nicolas
Hipsley, (Staff)
Hird, Thora (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hiro, Dilip
Hirst, Damien
Hirst, David (Staff)
Hiscock, Eric
Hislop, Ian (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hislop, John (Including set by Jane Bown, Joe Waldorf and Peter Keen)
Hiss, Alger (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hisson, Charles (Set by Jane Bown)
Hitchcock, Alfred (Including sets by Tony McGrath, Ray Green and agency images)
Hitchens, Christopher
Hitchin, Brian
Hite, Shere (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hitler, Adolf 1 (All agency images)
Hitler, Adolf 2 (All agency)
Hoagland, John
Hoban, Russell
Hobbs, William
Hobsbawm, Eric (Including set by Jane Bown)

Box : 13
Hobson, Ian
Hoson, Jean
Hockney, David (Including set by Jane Bown, Eamonn McCabe, Peter Johns, Judah Passow, Sue Adler, Nobby Clark, Tony McGrath, Gary Weaser, Steve Pyke, E Hamilton West, Frank Martin, Henrietta Butler, Sean Smith and Grahman Turner)
Hodder, John (Staff - Photographer)
Hodder, Sally (Staff)
Hoddinott, Alun
Hodey, Joan (By Phillip Jones Griffiths)
Hodge, John
Hodge, Margaret
Hodge, Patricia (Sets by Janes Bown and Kippa Matthews)
Hodge, Vicky
Hodges, Jo
Hodgkin, Howard (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hodgkin, Godfrey (Staff)
Hodgson, Julian
Hodgson, Robin
Hodson, Haro (Staff) (Including 2 x negatives)
Hodson, Phillip
Hoey, Kate
Hoffenberg, Steve
Hoffman, Dustin (All agency images)
Hoffman, Eva
Hofmann, Peter
Hoffman, Steve
Hoffnung, Mrs
Hogan, Hulk
Hogan, Paul
Hogarth, William (House only)
Hogg, Douglas
Hogg, Min (Staff)
Hogg, Norman
Hogg, Pam
Hogg, Sarah
Hoggart, Paul
Hoggart, Richard
Hoggart, Simon (Staff)
Hoghughi, Dr Masud (Set by Jane Bown)
Hogwood, Christopher
Holborogh, Jacki
Holborow, Jonathan
Holme, Lord Richard
Holt, Harold (by Bryn Campbell)
Holt, Themla (Including set by Jane Bown)
Holt, Toni
Holub, Miroslav
Holyoake, Sir Keith J
Holzer, Jenny
Homes, Ami
Honer, John
Honeycombe, Gordon
Honeyman, Janice
Hood, Morag
Hood, Stuart (Including sets by Jane Bown and Robin Lawrence)
Hook, Harry
Hook, Margaret
Hook, Ruth
Hooker, Jeremy
Hooks, Bel
Hooley, Terry
Hope, Bob
Hooper, Ann (Set by Jane Bown)
Hooper, Ewan
Hooper, John (Staff)
Hooper, Robin (Set by Nobby Clark)

Box 14:
Hooson, Emlyn
Hoover, Herbert (All agency including 1 x image by Karsh)
Hoover, J Edgar (All agency including 2 x image by Karsh)
Hopcraft, Arthur
Holbrook, David (Including sets by Jane Bown and Eric Wadsworth)
Holden, Anthony (Staff)
Holden, David
Holden-Brown, Derek (Including set by Jane Bown)
Holder, Clare
Holdon, Annabel (Set by Jane Bown)
Hollick, Lord
Holloway, Stanley
Holly, Buddy (All agency)
Holm, Ian
Holman, Clare
Holman, Robert
Holman Hunt, Diana (Set by Jane Bown)
Holmes, Andrew
Holmes, Ann
Holmes, Chris
Holmes, David
Holme, Eamonn
Holmes a Court, Janet
Holmes, John
Holmes, Sherlock
Holroyd, Michael (Including set by Jane Bown)
Holst, Miss Imogen
Holt, Mr
Hope, Bob
Hope, Christopher (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hope, Rev David
Hope-Wallace, Phillip
Hopkins, Antony (Pianist)
Hopkins, Anthony (Music critic) [may be the same man as the above]*
Hopkins, Anthony (Actor) (Including sets by Jane Bown and agency images)
Hopkins, Dr Philip (Set by Jane Bown)
Hopkins, Stephen
Hopkinson, Cliff (Staff)
Hopkinson, Sir Tom
Hopkirk, Joyce
Hopper, Dennis (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hopps, David (Staff)
Horam, John R
Horder, John (Set by Jane Bown)
Hordern, Sir Michael (Including sets by Jane Bown, Don Morley and Neil Libbert)

Box: 15
Horler, John
Horley, Sandra (Set by Jane Bown)
Horlick, Nicola (Including set by Jane Bown)
Horn, Keith
Hornby, A S
Hornby, Nick
Horne, Lena (Including set by Jane Bown)
Horne, Marilyn
Horner, Arthur
Hornsby, Jennifer
Horowitz, Anthony
Horovitz, Michael****
Horowitz, Vladimir
Horrocks, Jane
Horrocks, (Including set by Jane Bown)
Horsey, Julian
Horsfield, Debbie
Horsmann, Mathew (Staff)
Horoszowski, Mieczyslaw
Horton, Tessa
Horwell, Veronica (Staff)
Hosking, Julian
Hoskins, Bob (Including sets by Jane Bown and Nobby Clark)
Hoskyns, John (Including set by Jane Bown)
Houdini, Harry (All agency)
Hough, Julian
Houghton, Prof John (Set by Jane Bown)
Houghton, Lady
Houghton, Robin
Houlston, John
Hounssou, Djimen
Housemann, John
Housemartins, The
Housiary, Shirazeh
Housoton, Bob (Staff)
Houston, Pam
Houston, Whitney
Houeida, Abbas
Hoving, Thomas
Howard, Alan (Including sets by Jane Bown and Nobby Clark)
Howard, Anthony (Staff)
Howard, Chris
Howard, Christian
Howard, Elizabeth Jane
Howard, Baron George (Set by Tony McGrath)
Howard, Francis
Howard, Leslie
Howard, Michaelv (MP)
Howard, Michael (Not the MP) (Set by Godfrey MacDominic
Howard, Trevor (Including sets by Peter Johns and Frank Martin)
Howarth, Alan (Including set by Jane Bown)
Howarth, Donald (Set by Peter Johns)
Howarth, Elgar (Set by Sue Adler)
Howarth, George
Howarth, Jenny
Howarth, Lesley
Howarth, Peter
Howatch, Susan
Howe, Darcus (Set by Jane Bown)
Howe, Eric (Set by Jane Bown)
Howe, Sir Geoffrey (1) (Including 2 x unsigned illustrations)

Box: 16
Howe, Sir Geoffrey (2) (Including sets by Jane Bown, Neil Libbert and Tony McGrath)
Howe, Jeremy (Set by Jane Bown)
Howe, Lady
Howell, David
Howell, Lord Denis (Including set by Jane Bown)
Howell, Georgina (Staff)
Howell, Lis
Howells, Anne
Howells, Geraint
Howells, Dr Kim
Howerd, Frankie (Including sets by Jane Bown, Neil Libbert and David Newell Smith)
Howitt, Peter
Hoyland, John (Including sets by Jane Bown and Sue Adler)
Hoyle, Douglas
Hoyle, Sir fred (Including sets by Jane Bown, Godfrey Macdominic and Kenneth Saunders)
Hoyles, Prof Celia
Hsiao, Ch'ien
Hsiao-Tung, Fei (AKA Fei Xiaotong)
Hu, King
Hua, Huang (Set by Jane Bown)
Hubard, Mark (Guardian Correspondent) (Including negs and contact)
Hubbard, Alan (Staff)
Hubbard, Ron
Hubbard, Freddie
Hubbard, Ian
Huber, Max
Huckerby, Martin (Staff)
Huckfield, Leslie
Hucknall, Mick
Hudd, Rod
Huddleston, Trevor (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hudson, Hugh
Hudson, John
Hudson, Richard
Hudson, Robert (Set by Jane Bown)
Hudson, Rock (Image by Kenneth Saunders)
Hubner, Lee
Huelsenbeck, Richard
Hughes Brothers
Hughes, Catherine (Set by Jane Bown)
Hughes, David
Hughes, David
Hughes, Catherine (Set by Jane Bown)
Hughes, David (MP)
Hughes, David (Novelist)
Hughes, Finola
Hughes, Frieda
Hughes, Glyn
Hughes, Gwyn
Hughes, Howard (All agency)
Hughes, John (National Front)
Hughes, John (Labour MP)
Hughes, Kirsty (Set by Jane Bown)
Hughes, Langston
Hughes, Margaret (Staff)
Hughes, Nerys

Box 17:
Hughes, Patricia
Hughes, Patrick
Hughes, Robert (MP)
Hughes, Robert (Art critic/author) (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hughes, Sally (Guardian International student award)
Hughes, Sean (Actor/comedian) (Including set of negatives)
Hughes, Sean (MP)
Hughes, Sirley (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hughes, Simon
Hughes, Stuart
Hughes, Ted (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hughesdon, Charles (Set by Jane Bown)
Hugh-Smith, Andrew
Hugill, Barry (Observer Staff)
Hugo, Tara
Hulanicki, Barbara
Hulbert, Jack
Hull, Billy
Hull, Rod
Hume, Cardinal Basil (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hume, John
Hume, Mick
Humperdink, Englebert
Humphries, Barry (aka Dame Edna Everage) (Including sets by David Newell Smith, Peter Johns, Anthony Vincent, Nobby Clark, Murdo MacLeod, Neil Libbert, Don McPhee, E Hamilton West, Kenneth Saunders and Gary Weaser)
Humphrey, Hubert (Including sets by Chris Smith, Bryn Campbell and 1 x Karsh)
Humphrey, Marcus
Humphreys, Arthur (Sets by Jane Bown and Bryn Campbell)
Humphreys, Chris
Humphry, Derek
Humphrys, John
Hundertwasser, Friedensreich
Hungwana, Mr (Set by Jane Bown)
Hunkins-Hallinan, Hazel
Hunn, David (Observer staff)
Hunnicut, Gayle (Sets by Jane Bown, Peter Johns, E Hamilton West and Frank Martin)
Hunniford, Gloria
Hunt, Jonathan (Guardian's Hamilton story)
Hunt, Lord David
Hunt, Lord Sir John (mountaineer)
Hunt, Marsha (Including set by Jane Bown)
Huntingford, Prof Peter (Set by Jane Bown)
Huntley, Commander Bob
Huntley, Jessica
Hunton, Stephen
Hurd, Douglas (1)

Box 18:
Hurd, Douglas (2)
Hunt, Ron
Hunte, Joe
Hunter, Dr Alan
Hunter, David
Hunter, Evan
Hunter, Gerry
Hunter, Holly
Hunter, Sir John
Hunter, Kathryn
Hunter, Kelly
Hunter, Rita
Hunter, Teresa (Staff)
Huntford, Roland (Staff)
Hurd, Douglas
Hurford, Peter
Hurley, Liz
Hurll, Michael
Hurst, Lee
Hurt, John (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hurt, William (Sets by John Hodder and Richard Smith)
Hurwicz, Angelica (Set by Neil Libbert)
Husain, Shenzad
Hussain, Altaf
Hussain, Ifther
Hussein of Jordan (Portrait by Chris Smith)
Hussein, Saddam (All agency)
Hussein, Waris
Hssey, MJ (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hussey, Olivia (Set by Jane Bown)
Huston, Anjelica (One portrait by Tony McGrath)**
Huston, John (Set by Robert Penn)
Huston, Perdita
Hustvedt, Siri
Hutber, Patrick (Staff)
Hutchence, Michael
Hutchings, Geoffrey (Set by Nobby Clark)
Hutchins, Pat
Hutchinson, Ashley (Set by Nobby Clark)
Hutchinson, Harry
Hutchinson, Max
Hutchinson, Ron
Hutchinson, Tim Hely (Set by Jane Bown)
Hutchings, Roger (Staff)
Huth, Angela (Sets by Jane Bown and Sue Adler)
Hutton, Andy (Staff)
Hutton, Barbara (Including 2 x images by Cecil Beaton)
Hutton, John
Hutton, Timothy
Hutton, Will (Former Editor of the Observer)
Huxley, Aldous (All agency)
Huxley, Prof Andrew
Huxley, Sir Julian (Including set by Jane Bown)
Hwang, David Henry
Hyams, Donald
Hyams, Harry
Hyerabad, Princess Esra of
Hyman, Joe (Sets by Colin Jones and Tony McGrath)
Hynd, Ronald (Set by Peter Johns)
Hynde, Chrissie
Hynes, Garry
Hytner, Nicholas
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