Ref NoOBS/6/9/2/6/M
TitlePicture library files for personalities beginning with M
Extent22 boxes
Creator NameThe Observer Limited; Picture Desk; Observer Picture Library
DescriptionFiles of prints of the following individuals:

Box 1:
McAdam, Jenny (Including set by Peter Johns)
Macal, Zdenek
McAlister, Bill
McAlpine, Lord Alistair (Including set by Jane Bown)
McAnally, Ray
MacAree, Geo (Including set by Kenneth Saunders)
MacAskill, Ewen (Staff)
MacAulay, Dame Rose (Including set by Cecil Beaton)
McAuley, Sarah
McAuliffe, Jackie
McAuliffe, Nichola
McAvoy, Doug
McBean, Angus (Including sets by Jane Bown, Richard Mildenhall and self-portrait)
McBirnie, Beryl
McBride, James
McBurney, Simon (Including set by Jane Bown)
McCabe, Colin
McCabe, Eamonn (Former picture editor/photographer)
McCabe, John
McCabe, Patrick (Including sets by Jane Bown and Andrew Testa)
McCall, Carolyn (Staff)
McCall, Fiona (Staff)
McCallum, Jimmy
McCanlis, Duncan
McCann, David
McCann, Duncann
McCann. Eamonn
McCann, Joseph
McCarry, Charles
McCarthy, Bridget
McCarthy, Chris (Including set by Jane Bown)
McCarthy, Dennis
McCarthy, Eugene (Including set by Chris Smith)
McCarthy, Fiona
McCarthy, John (Including set by Jane Bown)
McCarthy, Mary (Including sets by Jane Bown, Ian Berry, Cecil Beaton and Michael Peto)
McCarthy, Roshan
McCarthy, Siobhan
McCartney, Paul
McCartney, Linda
McCartney, Stella (Including set by Eamonn McCabe)
McCaughrean, Geraldine

Box 2:
McClatchey, Deconess Diana
McClean, Cilla
McCleod, Jenny
McLeod, Maurice
McCloy, John (Including set by Karsh)
McCluhan, Terri
McClure, Stuart (Staff)
McCluskie, Sam
McColgon, Mike
MacColl, Ewan (Including sets by Don McPhee and Colin Jones)
McColl, Kirsty
McCombes, Terence (Including set by Peter Johns)
McConville, Maureen (Staff)
MacCorkindale, Simon
MacCormac, Richard
McCowen, Alec (Including sets by Jane Bown, Neil Libbert, Peter Johns, Kenneth Saunders and E. Hamilton West)
McCox, Sylvester
McCrae, Rosina
MacCready, Paul (Including set by Jane Bown)
McCredie, John
McCready, Mary
McCrum, Michael (Including sets by Peter Johns and Chris Smith)
McCrumb, Robert (Staff)
McCrystal, Cal
McCullin, Donald (Including sets by Jane Bown and Eamonn McCabe)
McCullough, Evelyn (Including set by Jane Bown)
McCurbin, Clinton
McCurley, Anna
McCusker, Harold
McDermott, Geoffrey (Including sets by Don McCullin and David Sim)
McDermott, Phelim
McDermott, Sylvia
McDiarmid, Hugh (Including set by Michael Peto)
McDiarmid, Ian (Including sets by Neil Libbert and Henrietta Butler)
McDonagh, Margaret
McDonagh, Martin
Macdonald, Alistair
McDonald, Andrew
McDonald, Graeme
McDonald, Hettie
Macdonald, Ian**
Macdonald, John
Macdonald, John (Author)
Macdonald, Lyn
Macdonald, Malcolm (Including set by Philip Jones Griffiths)
Macdonald, Margo
McDonald, Melanie (Including set by Jane Bown)
Macdonald, Marianne
McDonald, Oonagh
Macdonald, Ramsey
Macdonald, Robert David
Macdonald, Sharman
McDonald, Sheena (Including set by Jane Bown)
McDonald Trevor
McDonall, Lois (Including set by Jane Bown)
McDonall, Michaela (Staff)
MacDowell, Andie
McDowell, Malcolm (Including set by Jane Bown)
McDowell, Richard
McElhone, Helen

Box 3:
McEnery, John
McEnery, Peter
MacErlean, Neasa (Staff)
McEwan, Ann (Staff)
McEwan, Ian (by Tony McGrath)
McEwan, Geraldine
McEwan, Margaret
McFadden, Cyra
McFadyean, Lady
McFadyean, Melanie (Staff)
McFadyean, Jock
McGahern, John
McGahey, Mick
McGann Brothers (Including set by Jane Bown)
McGear, Mike
McGee, Alan
McGeogh, Angus (Staff)
McGeown, Patrick
McGhee, George (Including set by Karsh)
McGhie, John (Staff)
McGibbon, Dr Pauline
McGill, Peter (Staff)
McGillis, Kelly
McGinniss, Joe
McGiolla, Thomas
McGiven, Arthur
McGlasham, Colin (Staff)
McGough, Roger
McGovern, Senator George (Including sets by Kenneth Saunders, Colin Smith and Bill Millinship)
McGovern, Jimmy (Including set by Frank Baron)
McGovern Liz (Including set by Jane Bown)
McGovern, Alec (Including sets by Neil Libbert and Nobby Clarke)
McGrath, John (Including set by Jane Bown)
McGrath, Melanie
McGrath, Patrick (Including set by Jane Bown)
McGrath, Tom
McGrath, Tony (Staff)
McGraw, Ali
McGreal, Chris (Staff)
McGredy, Sam
McGregor, Chris
McGregor, Ewan (including set by Andrew Testa)
McGregor, Ian
McGregor, John
McGregor, Lord (of Durris)
MacGregor, Ian
MacGregor, Neil (including set by Jane Bown)
McGregor, Sue
McGriff, Jimmy
McGuigan, Hugh
McGuighan, Ray
MacGuinness, Frank
McGuinness, Martin
McGuire, Mairead
McGuire, Scarlet (including set by Neil Libbert)
Mach, David
Machado, Benedito
McHardy, Anne (Staff)
Machel, Samora
McHenry, Don
Mc, Sheila
McIlvanney, Hugh (Staff)
McIlvanney, William

Box 4
MacInnes, Colin
McInnes, Hamish
MacIntosh, Cameron (Including set by Jane Bown)
McIntosh, John (Including set by Jane Bown)
McIntosh, Andrew (Lord)
McIntosh, Neil
McIntosh, Sir Ronald
McIntyre, Donald (Including sets by Nobby Clark, Tony McGrath and Eric Wadsworth)
McIntyre, Ian (includes set by Neil Libbert)
McIntyre, Robert (Dr.)
MacKay, Andrew
MacKay, Fulton
MacKay, Lord
MacKay, Louis (Including set by Jane Bown)
McKay, Peter (Including set by Jane Bown)
MacKay, Shena
MacKay, William (Including set by Jane Bown)
McKean, Lorne
McKechnie, Donna (Including sets by Neil Libbert and Frank Martin)
McKechnie, Sheila
McKee, Gina (Including set by Antonio Olmos)
McKellen, Ian (Including sets by Jane Bown, Don McPhee etc.)
McKenna, Briege (Including set by Jane Bown)
McKenna, Paul
McKenna, Siobhan (Including sets by Jane Bown and Peter Johns)
McKenna, Virginia (Including sets by Peter Johns and E Hamilton West)
McKenzie, Bruce (Including set by Don McCullin)
MacKenzie, Sir Compton
McKenzie, Iain (Staff)
McKenzie, John (Jock)
MacKenzie, John (Including set by Frank Martin)
McKenzie, John
McKenzie, Julia
MacKenzie, Kelvin
MacKenzie, Midge (Including sets by Jane Bown and Ian Cook)
McKenzie, Robert (Staff)
McKenzie, Ruth
McKern, Leo (Including sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert)
Mackerras, Sir Charles
McKidd, Kevin
McKie, Bob
MacKie, David (Staff)
McKie, John (Staff)
Mackie, Lord
McKie, Robin (Staff)
McKillop, Debbie
McKimmie, Lynne
McKinley(Guggenheim), Hazel (Including set by Jane Bown)
McKinnon, Andrew
McKinnon, Angus
Mackintosh, Cameron (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mackintosh, John
McKuen, Rod
MacLaine, Shirley (Including set by Jane Bown)
McLaren, Malcolm (Including set by David Bailey)
McLaughlin, Mitchell
McLean, Alister
McLaurin, Sir Ian

Box 5
McLean, Bruce
MacLean, David
McLean, John
McLean, Lenny (Including sets by Jane Bown and Sean Smith)
McLean, Sorley (Including sets by Tom Stuttard and Murdo McLeod)
McLeish, Iona
McLennan, Elizabeth
McLennan, Gordon (Including set by Jane Bown)
McLennan, Graeme (Including set by Jane Bown)
MacLennan, Robert
McLeod, Colin (Including set by Murdo McLeod)
McLeod, Ian (Including set by Jane Bown)
McLeod, Jenny
MacLeod, Lady Evelyn
MacLeod, Murdo (Staff)
MacLeod, Sheila (By Jane Bown)
MacLiammoir, Michael (Including sets by Jane Bown, David Sim)
McLoud, Errol (By Jane Bown)
McLoughlin, Jane (Staff)
McLoughlin, Jeremy (By Jane Bown)
McLoughlin, Patrick
McLoughlin, Paul (Dr.) (Including sets by Jane Bown and Frank Martin)
McLuhan, Stephanie
McMahon, Sonia
McMahon, Sir William
MacManus, James (Staff)
McManus, Mark (Including set by Nobby Clark)
McMaster, Brian
McMeekin, Brian
McMichael, Gary
McMichael, John
MacMillan, Harold (Including sets by Jane Bown, Chris Smith, Nobby Clark etc.)
MacMillan, James
MacMillan, Kenneth (Including sets by Denis Thorpe, Tony McGrath, David Silitoe)
MacMillan, Steve
MacMillan, Susannah (By Jane Bown)
MacMillan, Terri
McMullin, Ken
McNally, Francis
McNally, Raymond
McNally, Terence
McNally, Tom
McNamara, Kevin
McNamara, Robert (Including sets by Terence le Goubin and David Newell Smith)
McNamee, Gordon
McNaughton, Colin
McNay, Mike (Staff)
McNee, David
McNeil, Claudia (Including set by Peter Johns)
Maconchy, Elizabeth
McPeak, Steve
McPhee, John
McPherson, Connor
McQuade, John
McQueen, Alexander
McQueen, Geoff
McRae, Duncan
McRae, Hamish (Staff)

Box 6
MacShane, Denis
McShane, Luke
McShane, Mike
McSharry, Deirdre
McSharry, Ray
MacStiofain, Sean (Including set by Tony McGrath)
McStravick, Tony (Including set by Jane Bown)
McSween, Peter
McTaggart, David
McTaggart, Jim
McTeer, Janet (Including set by Jane Bown)
McVicar, John (Including set by Eamonn McCabe)
McWhirter, Norris and Ross (Including sets by Tony McGrath and Joe Waldorf)
McWilliam, Candia
McWilliam, FE (Including set by Michael Peto)
McWilliams, Michael (Including sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert)
McWitty, Bill
Maazel, Lorin (Including sets by Nobby Clark and G MacDominic)
Mabey, David (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mabey, Richard
Mabon, Dickson (Dr.)
Macara, Sandy
Mace, Edward (Including set by Jane Bown)
Machel, Samora
Madam, Sonya
Madani, Admiral Ahmad
Madden, Deidre
Madden, Max
Maddock, Diana
Maddox, Conroy
Maddox, John
Maddox, Mary
Maderna, Bruno
Madia, Edwin (Including set by Nobby Clark)
Madill, Diana
Madox, Ruth
Maeterlinck, Maurice (Vintage set by E.O. Hoppe)
Magee, Bryan
Maginnis, Kenneth
Magistretti, Vico
Magnusson, Magnus (Including set by Kenneth Saunders)
Magnusson, Sally
Magritte, Mrs (Set by Jane Bown)
Magruder, Jeb and Gail
Maguire, Anne
Maguire, Frank
McGuire, Maria (Including set byJane Bown)
Mahdi, Sadiq Abdel Rahman el (Including set by Jane Bown) and wife
Mahfouz, Naguib
Mahjoub, Jamal
Mahmood, Lesley (Set by Don McPhee)
Mahon, Sir Dennis
Mahoney, David (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mahoney, John
Mahoney, Louis
Mahy, Margaret
Maiden, Tony (Including set by Tony McGrath)
Maidment, Kenneth
Maitland, David (By Jane Bown)
Majid, Farida (By Dennis Thorpe)

Box 7
Major, John (and wife)
Major, John (-1991)
Major, John (Election 1992)
Major, John (1994-1995)
Major, Norma
Major, Terry
Major, Theodore
Makaras, Sir Charles
Makarios, Archbishop
Makarov, Victor
Makarova, Natalia (Including sets by Jane Bown, Peter Johns and Kenneth Saunders)
Makatini, Johnnie
Makavesev, Dusan (Including set by Jane Bown)
Makeba, Miriam (Including sets by Neil Libbert and Peter Johns)
Makepeace, John
Maki, Aki Kawrif
Makins, Clifford (Staff)
Makins, Sir Roger (Set by Jane Bown)
Malamud, Bernard
Malcolm, Derek (Staff)
Malcolm, Janet
Malet, Leo
Malcolm, Fiona (Set by Jane Bown)
Malik, K.N.

Box 8:
Malinovsky, Marshall (Image by Karsh)
Malkovich, John (Including sets by Henrietta Butler and Antonio Olmas)
Malle, Louis
Mallet, Agnes
Mallie, Eamonn (Sets by Jane Bown and David Mansell)
Mallin, Tom
Mallinson, Father Arnold (Set by Jane Bown)
Mallinson, Dick (Staff)
Mallon, Seamus
Mallowan, Sir Max
Malloy, Brian (Set by Murdo MacLeod)
Malone, Gerry (Including set by Jane Bown)
Malouf, David (Including set by Jane Bown)
Malraux, Andre (Including sets by Bryn Campbell, John Hodder and Karsh)
Malton, Jackie (Set by Jane Bown)
Mamet, David (Set by Nobby Clark)
Mahjoud, Jamal
Manahan, Anna
Mancham, James
Manchester, William
Manini, Tony (Staff)
Mancroft, Lord
Mandel, Paul (Staff)
Mandela, Mandla
Mandela, Nelson (1) (Including sets by Jane Bown, Murdo MacLeod, Michael Peto and Ian Berry (Magnum))
Mandela, Nelson (2)
Mandela, Winnie (Including sets by Frank Herman and Gideon Mendel)
Mandela, Zinzi
Mandelson, Peter (Including set by Eamonn McCabe)
Manekshaw, Lt Gen (Set by Kenneth Saunders)
Mangelsdorf, Albert (Set by Allan Titmuss)
Mangano, Sylvana (Image by Mario Tursi)
Mangold, Jim
Manic Street Preachers
Manilow, Barry
Mankiewicz, Joe
Mankowitz, Wolf
Manley, Michael
Manley, Norman (Set by Michael Peto)
Mann, Dr Anna (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mann, Arthur Henry (Set by Jane Bown)
Mann, Rt Rev Michael (Set by Kenneth Saunders)
Mann, Thomas (2 x Karsh)

Box 9:
Manners, Richards
Manning, J L (Staff)
Manning, Jane
Manning, Olivia
Mansfield, Sir Peter (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mansell, David (Staff)
Mansell, Major John (Set by Jane Bown)
Manser, John (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mansfeild, Jane (Set by Jane Bown)
Mansholt, Dr Sicco L (Including sets by Tony McGrath, and Stuart Heydinger)
Mantel, Hilary (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mantle, Richard (Set by Murdo MacLeod)
Manunick, Bluey
Manyika Kangai, Kymbira (Set by Jane Bown)
Manzie, Sir Gordon (Set by Jane Bown)
Mapanje, Jack
Maphisa, Nosiviwe
Maples, John
Mapplethorpe, Robert
Mapp, Lucille
Marais, Jean (Set by Jane Bown)
Marber, Patrick (Including sets by Jane Bown, Eamonn McCabe and Dod Miller)
Marceau, Marcel (Including set by Jane Bown)
March, Andrew
March, Dr Lionel
Marchais, Georges
Marchant, Tony
Marckus, Melvyn (Staff)
Marconi, The Marchesa
Marcos, President
Marcos, Imelda
Marcovici, Silvia
Marcus, Abraham (Staff)
Marcus, Stanley
Marden, Brice
Marechera, Dambudzo
Margolis, Sydney (Sets by David Newell Smith and Sally Soams)
Margolyes, Miriam
Marian, Tina (Set by Kenneth Saunders)
Marjoram, John
Mark, Jan
Markova, Alicia (Including set by Jane Bown)
Marks, Alfred
Marks, Dennis
Marks, Howard
Marks, Lawrence (Staff)
Marks, Leo
Marks, Vic (Staff)
Markwick, Jim (Former Guardian Chief Executive)
Marland, Caroline (Former Guardian Managing Director)
Marley, Bob
Marley, Ziggy
Marlow, Tony
Marowitz, Charles
Marples, Ernest (Set by Jane Bown and illustration by unknown artist)
Marquand, Richard
Marsal, Guido (Set by Frank Martin)
Mars-Jones, Adam (Set by Jane Bown)
Marsalis, Ellis
Marsalis, Wynton
Marsden, Betty
Marsden, Frank

Box 10:
Marsden, Gordon
Marsh, Jean
Marsh, Dr Lionel (Set by Jane Bown)
Marsh, Lord Richard (Including set by Jane Bown)
Marsh, Dame Ngaio (Set by Bryn Campbell)
Marsh, Mr Peter (Set by Jane Bown)
Marshall, Brian
Marshall, Bucky
Marshall, Sir Colin
Marshall, Frank
Marshall, John Ross (Including illustration by Gibbard)
Marshall, Leslie
Marshall, Lord
Marshall, Norman
Marshall, Paule
Marshall, Penny
Marshall, Sybil (Set by Jane Bown)
Marshall, Tina
Martell, Edward (Sets by Jane Bown, Colin Jones and Michael Peto)
Martin, Bill (Set by Jane Bown)
Martin, Brendan (Set by Jane Bown)
Martin, Darnell
Martin, Frank (Staff)
Martin, George
Martin, Greg (Set by Eamonn McCabe)
Martin, Helen
Martin, Jonathan
Martin, Ken (Staff)
Martin, Kenneth
Martin, Kingsley (Sets by Michael Peto and Lotte Merniere-Graff)
Martin, Lily (Set by Jane Bown)
Martin, Mary
Martin, Millicent
Martin, Steve
Martin, Tony (Staff)
Martinon, Jean (Set by Peter Johns)
Martins, Peter (Set by Jane Bown)
Martland, Steve
Martyn, John (Sets by Alan Titmass and Gary Weaser
Marvin, Hank
Marx Brothers, The (Sets by Jane Bown and David Newell Smith)
Marx, Karl (Including sets by Philip Jones Grifiths, John Hodder and David Newell Smith)
Mascall, Rev Dr (Set by Jane Bown)
Masefield, Sir John
Maschler, Tom (Set by Jane Bown)
Masekela, Hugh
Mashinini, Emma (Set by Jane Bown)
Mason, Barry
Mason, Brewster (Set by Frank Martin)
Mason, Douglas (Set by Jane Bown)
Mason, Jackie
Mason, James (Sets by Jane Bown, Kenneth Saunders and Peter Johns)
Mason, Lord Rt Hon Roy
Mason, Monica (Sets by Peter Johns and Frank Martin)
Mason, Patrick
Mason, Ronald
Masri, Mai
Massey, Anna
Massey, Will T
Massine, Leonide (Sets by Neil Libbert and David Sim)
Massingham, Hugh (Staff)
Massive Attack
Masters, Brian
Masterson, Valerie
Mastilovic, Danica
Mastroianni, Marcello
Matcham, Leonard J (Sets by Don McCullin and Tony Prime)
Mates, Michael
Mather, Graham

Box 11:
Mather, Harold (Staff)
Mather, Ian (Staff)
Matherson, Eve
Mathieu, Mireille (Set by Jane Bown)
Mathys, H R (Set by David Edwards)
Mattei, Enrico (Set by Calogero Cascio)
Matta, Roberto
Matthau, Walter
Matthew, Don
Matthews, Bernard
Matthews, Colin and David (Set by Jane Bown)
Matthews, Dr (Set by David Newell Smith)
Matthews, Jessie (Including set by Jane Bown)
Matthews, Mr and Mrs John
Matthews, Lord Victor (Including sets by Jane Bown)
Matthews, T S
Matthiessen, Peter (Set by Antonio Olmos)
Matura, Mustapha
Maucher, Helmut
Maude, Francis (Including set by Jane Bown)
Maude Jonus, Harry (Including set by Jane Bown)
Maudling, Martin
Maudling, Reginald (Including sets by Jane Bown, Philip Jones Griffiths, Stuart Heydinger and Don McPhee)
Maugham, Lord Robin (Set by Peter Johns)
Maugham, W Somerset (Including sets by Jane Bown and Karsh)
Maupin, Armistead
Mauri, Fabio
Mauriac, Francois (Set by Jane Bown)
Maurice, Monica (Set by RayGreen)
Mauroy, Pierre
Maury, Marguerite
Mavor, Ronald
Maw, Nicolas (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mawhinney, Dr Brian
Max, Peter (Set by Jane Bown)
Maximova, Ekaterina
Maxwell, Elizabeth
Maxwell, Gavin (Set by Colin Jones)
Maxwell, Ian
Maxwell, Kevin
Maxwell, Pandora
Maxwell, Robert (Including sets by Jane Bown, Peter Keen, David Newell Smith, Eamonn McCabe and Peter Johns)

Box 12:
Maxwell-Davies, Peter (Including sets by Jane Bown, Neil Libbert, Nobby Clarka and Erich Auerbach)
May, Richard (Set by Jane Bown)
May, Theresa
May, Tony (Staff)
Mayall, John
Mayall, Rik (Including set by Jane Bown)
Maybank, Jimmy (Set by Jane Bown)
Mayer, Peter (Including set by Eamonn McCabe)
Mayer, Sir Robert (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mayer, Tony (Set by Peter Keen)
Mayes, Ian (Staff)
Mayhew, Jeremy
Mayhew, Lord Christopher (Including sets by Jane Bown, Stuart Heydinger and Godfrey MacDominic)
Mayhew, Sir Patrick
Mynard, Joan
Mayne, William
Mayo, Gael Elton (Set by Jane Bown)
Mayo, Simon
Mazari, Sardar Sherbaz (Set by Tony McGrath)
Maze, Jessie
Mbeki, Thabo
Mbia, Guillaume Oyono
Mboya, Tom (Including set by Jane Bown and Wire agency negs)
Meacher, Michael (Including set by Jane Bown)
Meacher, Molly (Including set by Jane Bown)
Meacock, John
Mead, Prof James (Set by Jane Bown)
Mead, Margaret
Meade, Prof James
Meade, Lady Laura
Meadows, Shane
Means, Russell
Mears, Harry (Set by Nobby Clark)
Measham, David
Meckler, Nancy
Medak, Peter
Medawar, Prof Peter Brian (Set by Colin Jones)
Medcalf, Bill
Medem, Julio
Medici String Quartet
Medley, Robert
Medor, Pearl (Set by Neil Libbert)
Medvedev, Zhores and Roy
Medwin, Michal
Meek, David
Mehrotra, Prakash
Mehta, Gita
Mehta, Sonny (Set by Jane Bown)
Mehta, Ved (Including sets by Jane Bown, Don McPhee and Frank Martin)
Mehta, Zubin (Including set by Michael Peto)
Meier, Eva (Set by Nobby Clark)
Meier, Johanna
Meier, Sid
Meikle, James (Staff)
Meir, Mrs Golda (Including set by Michael Peto)
Meirer, Desiree
Melchett, Lady Sonia
Melchett, Lord (Including set by Jane Bown and Tony McGrath)

Box 13:
Melchett, Lord
Melchoir, B (including set by Kenneth Saunders)
Meldrum, Brian
Melia, Jo
Melia, Michael
Mellinger, Leonie
Mellish, Lord (Includes set by Jane Bown)
Mellor, David
Mellor, David (designer)
Mellor, Kay
Melly, George
Melville, Pauline
Mena, Antonio Ortiz
Menchu, Rigoberta
Mende, Dr E
Mendes, Sam
Mendes France, Pierre (by Henri Cartier-Bresson)
Mendes, Chico
Menell, Joe
Menges, Chris
Menon, Krishna
Menotti, Gian-Carb
Menuhin, Hephzibah
Menuhin, Yehudi
Menzies, Peter
Menzies, Robert G
Mercer, David
Mercer, Mabel
Merchant, Ismail
Merchant, Piers
Merchant, Vivian
Mercouri, Melinda
Mercury, Freddie
Meredith, Burgess (by David Sim) *
Merman, Ethel (by Don McCullin)
Merrick, Bernard
Merritt, Lindsay
Merton, Paul
Mervyn, William
Mesquita, Vado

Box 14:
Messaien, Oliver
Messenger, Melinda
Messerer, Madame
Messiaen, Olivier
Messud, Clare
Mestel, Jonathan
Metcalf, Charles
Methven, Sir John
Metrebian, Kaye
'Metropolitan Anthony' (by Jane bown)
Meyer, Sir Anthony
Meyer, Jimmy
Meyer, Peter
Meyer, Richard
Meyer, Sir Robert
Meyer-Levine, M
Meyers, Jack
Mhlango, Sam (by Jane Bown)
Miami, Mandy
Michael, George
Michaels, Anne
Michaux, Lewis (by Ian Berry)
Mitchell, Keith
Mitchell, John
Michelmore, Cliff (by Michael Peto)
Michener, James
Michie, Ray
Michie, Bill
Micou, Paul
Midder, Sarah
Middlebrook, Diane
Middleton, Drew (by Peter Keen and Don McCullin)
Middleton, Sir Peter
Midgley, Mary
Midgley, Robert
Middler, Bette (by Nobby Clark)
Miers, David
Mies van der Roh, Ludwig
Mifune, Toshiro
Mihill, Chris (Staff)
Mikardo, Ian (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mikhalkov, Nikita (by Kippa Matthews)
Mikhashoff, Yvar
Mikoyan, Anastas (by Karsh)
Milburn, Alan
Miles, Bernard (Including sets by Jane Bown and Peter Johns)
Miles, Professor John
Miles, Richard (Staff)
Miles, Roy (by Sue Adler)
Miles, Sarah (including Jane Bown)
Miles, Sylvia
Miles, Tim (Staff)
Miles, Tony (Including set by Jane Bown)
Milford, Kathy (by Jane Bown)
Milford, Marchioness Haven (by Peter Johns)
Milinaire, Caterine (by Peter Johns)
Millar, Billy
Millar, Sir Frederick, Hoyer (by Jane Bown)
Millar, Stuart (Staff)
Millard, Arthur
Miller, Andrew
Miller, Ann

Box 15:
Miller, Arthur (Including sets by Jane Bown and Peter Johns)
Miller, Bebe
Miller, David (Illustration)
Miller, Dod
Miller, Edward
Miller, Sir Eric (Including set by Jane Bown)
Miller, Dr Frank Hansford (Including sets by Jane Bown and Peter Johns)
Miller, Geri (with Andy Warhol)
Miller, Henry (Including sets by Jane Bown, Peter Johns and David Sim)
Miller, J.D
Miller, Jonathan (Including sets by Jane Bown, Peter Johns, David Newell Smith and Eamonn McCabe)
Miller, Karl (Editor of London Review of Books)
Miller, Karl (by Jane Bown)
Miller, Marie Chantal (Wedding pictures)
Miller, Mike
Miller, Millie
Miller, Norman
Miller, Robert (Staff)
Miller, Sue
Miller, Susan
Miller, Professor Terence
Miller, Zygmunt
Millet, Kate (Including stes by Jane Bown, Bryn Campbell and Tony McGrath)
Milligan, Spike (Including sets by Jane Bown, Peter Johns and David Newell Smith)
Millinship, Bill (Staff)
Mills, Barbara
Mills, Eleanor
Mills, Hayley
Mills, Heather (Obs staff)
Mills, John
Mills, Robin (by Jane Bown)
Millstead, Diane
Milne, Alasdair (Including set by Jane Bown and Frank Martin)
Milne, Christopher R (Including sets by Tony McGrath and E. Hamilton West)
Milne, Eddie
Milne, Paula (Including set by Jane Bown)
Milner, Marion
Milner, Mark (Staff)
Milosevic, Slobodan
Milton, Major Robert (by Jane Bown)
Mimieux, Yvette
Min, Anchee
Mindszenty, Cardinal Josef (by Jane Bown)
Minford, Patrick (By Jane Bown)

Box 16
Ming-Min, Perg (Prof.) (by Jane Bown)
Minghella, Anthony
Mingo, Josette Bushell
Minnelli, Vincente
Minnelli, Liza (Including sets by Jane Bown and Nobby Clark)
Minogue, Kylie
Minsky, Howard
Mintoff, Dom
Minton, Ken (by Jane Bown)
Minton, Yvonne
Miro, Joan (by Karsh?)
Miro, Pilar
Mirren, Helen (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mirsky, Jonathan (Staff)
Mirvish, Ed
Mirylees, Kika
Mirzoeff, Edward
Miskin, Sir James (by Jane Bown)
Mistry, Rohinton
Mita, Ciriaco de
Mitchell, Adrian
Mitchell, Alan (by Jane Bown)
Mitchell, Austin
Mitchell, Bob (Richard)
Mitchell, David
Mitchell, Donald (Dr.) (by Jane Bown)
Mitchell, James (Including set by Chris Smith)
Mitchell, John (by Jane Bown)
Mitchell, Joni
Mitchell, Julian
Mitchell, Juliet
Mitchell, Katie (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mitchell, Kevin (Staff - sports writer)
Mitchell, Martha (by Kenneth Saunders)
Mitchell, Robin
Mitchell, Rosalind
Mitchell, Warren
Mitchell, Yvonne (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mitchison, Naomi (Including sets by Jane Bown and Nobby Clark)
Mitchum, Robert (including sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert)
Mitford, Jessica (Inclusing sets by Jane Bown and Peter Johns)
Mitford, Nancy
Mitsotakis, Constantine
Mittelholzer, Anna
Mitterand, Francois (& wife)
Miyagima, Tatsuo
Mkosi, Lewis
Mnouchkine, Ariane
Mo, Timothy
Moayevi, Ali Reza
Mochinsky, Elija
Modai, Yitzhak
Modak, Frida
Modebe, Claudius

Box 17
Modine, Matthew
Moerel, Marre
Moggach, Deborah (including set by Jane Bown)
Mogwe, Lorato
Mohamed, Willy and Stephen
Mohammed, Omar Bakri
Mohammedi, Mohammed Nabi
Moi, Arap (Portrait by Andrew Wilson)
Moir, James
Moir, Jan
President Mojadidi
Mole, Stuart
Moll, Kurt
Moll, Maria
Moller, Julie
Mollet, Paul
Molloy, Mike (Including set by Jane Bown)
Molloy, Robert
Molnar, Nicolette
Molotov, VM (by Karsh)
Countess von Moltke
Molton, Gregory
Molyneaux, James
Royal Family of Monaco (Including picture by Karsh)
Monbiot, George (Staff)
Monchaux, Cathy de
Lady Monckton
Lord Monckton (Including sets by Jane Bown and Michael Peto)
Moncrieffe, Sir Ian (By Jane Bown)
Moncur, Andrew (Staff)
Mondale, Walter (and wife)
Mondlane, Eduardo (Dr.)
Monet, Cristina
Money, Ernie
Monk, Adrian (by Jane Bown)
Monk, Meredith
Monk, Thelonious (Including sets by Eric Auerbach and David Redfern)
Monkhouse, Bob (Including set by Eamonn McCabe)
Monkhouse, Paddy (Staff)
Monks, John
Monlake, Eli
Monnet, Jean (Including sets by Jane Bown, Karsh, Stuart Heydinger)
Monnington, Walter (Prof.)
Monro, Hector (Sir)
Monroe, Elizabeth
Monroe, Marilyn
Montagu, Ashley (Prof)
Montagu, Helen
Montague, Diana
Montague, Michae
Montana, Kay
Montand, Yves
Montaug, Haoui
Count of Monte Bello
Montefiore, Hugh (Rt. Rev.) (Including sets by Janes Bown and Stuart Heydinger)
Montessori, Maria (by Jane Bown)
Monteux, Pierre (Sets by Godfrey MacDominic and Michael Peto)
Montevecchi, Liliane
Montgomery, David
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard Law
Montgomery, Isobel (Staff)
Montgomery, Marion
Montgomery, Stuart
Viscount Montgomery (Including set by Karsh)
Montgomery, Hugh Massingberd (by Jane Bown)
Moody, Peter (by Jane Bown)
Moody, Rick
Moody, Roger
Moon, Keith (By Nobby Clark)
Moon, Lady Sarah Graham
Mooney, Bel
Moore, Alan
Moore, Alice (by Tony McGrath)
Moore, Barbara (Dr.) (Including set by Michael Peto)
Moore, Bill (by Don McPhee)

Box 18
Moore, Brian (Including sets by Jane Bown and Nobby Clark)
Moore, Bryan (and wife)
Moore, Charles (Daily Telegraph)
Moore, Christy
Moore, Debbie
Moore, Dudley
Moore, Elsie
Moore, Henry (2x) (Including sets by Jane Bown, Erich Aurbach, Peter Keen, Karsh, Peter Johns, Jorge Lewinski)
Moore, John (Including sets by Jane Bown)
Moore, Jonathan
Moore, Katherine (By Jane Bown)
Moore, Kevin
Moore, Lorrie
Moore, MacDonald
Moore, Mary (By Jane Bown)
Moore, Michael
Moore, Nicholas
Moore, Oscar (Staff?)
Moore, Patrick (Including sets by Jane Bown and David Newell Smith)
Moore, Paul (By Jane Bown)
Moore, Peter
Moore, Richard
Moore, Roger
Moore, Steven
Moore, Suzanne (Staff)
Moore, Ted
Moorehouse, Frank
Moorhouse, Geoffrey (Staff)
Moores, Frank Duff (ncluding picture by Karsh)
Moores, John and Cecil
Moraes, Henrietta
Morahan, Christopher
Moran, Fernando
Lord Moran (Inluding set by Karsh)
Moran, Margaret
Moravia, Alberto (Including picture by Karsh)
More, Carey
More, Kenneth (Including set by Jane Bown)
Moreaux, Jeanne (Including sets by Jane Bown and Jack Nisberg)
Morecambe and Wise (Including set by Peter Johns)
Moretti, Mani
Morey, Eddie
Morgan, Austen

Box 19
Morgan, Charles (and Vivien Lipschitz)
Morgan, Elaine
Morgan, Edwin
Morgan, Fidelis
Morgan, Gwyn
Morgan, Jeremy (Staff?)
Morgan, John Paul
Morgan, Kenneth
Morgan, Laurie (Including set by Jane Bown)
Morgan, Lluned
Morgan, Father Paul
Morgan, Piers (By Eamonn McCabe)
Morgan, Susan (including sets by Jane Bown and Nobby Clark)
Morgan, Wendy
Mori, Mariko
Moriarty, Michael
Morihara, Massao (By Jane Bown)
Morishita, Yoko
Morley, Eric and Julia (Including set by Jane Bown)
Morley, Mike
Morley, Paul (journalist)
Morley, Robert (Including set By Jane Bown)
Moro, Aldo (By Neil Libbert)
Moroka, J.S. Dr.
Morot, Marc
Morreau, Jacqueline
Morrell, Frances
Morrell, Jill (Including set by Jane Bown)
Morrell, Nicholas (Staff)
Morrelli, Bishop Mauro (By Jane Bown)
Morrice, Norman
Morris, Alfred
Morris, Bill
Morris, Clive (By Neil Libbert)
Morris, Dennis
Morris, Desmond (Dr.) (By Jane Bown)
Morris, Fiona (Staff)
Morris, James (Staff)*
Morris, Jan*
Morris, Jenny (By Jane Bown)
Morris, John
Morris, Michael (Staff)
Morris, Mike (By Dennis Thorpe)
Morris, Peter Temple
Morris, Sarah Jane
Morris, Terence (Staff)
Morrison, Bill
Morrison, Blake (Staff)
Morrison, Danny
Morrison, Doug (Staff)
Morrison, Grant
Morrison, Jasper
Morrison, Jim
Morrison, Peter
Morrison, Sara (Including set by Jane Bown)
Morrison, Steve
Morrison, Van
Morrissey, Neil
Morrissey, Trish
Morrissy, Mary
Morrow, James (Staff)
Morrow, Rev Father James (Set by Murdo MacLeod)
Morrow, John
Morse, Helen (Sets by Jane Bown and Peter Johns)
Morse, Sir Jeremy (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mortimer, Bob (Set by Eamonn McCabe)

Box 20:
Mortimer, Harry (Set by Don McPhee)
Mortimer, Jim (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mortimer, John (Including sets by Tony McGrath, Eamonn McCabe, Kenneth Saunders and Peter Johns)
Mortimer, Kate (Set by Jane Bown)
Mortimer, Penelope (Set by Jane Bown, Peter Johns, Kenneth Saunders and David Silitoe)
Morton, Sir Alistair
Morton, Andrew
Morton, Bruce (Set by Murdo MacLeod)
Morton, George
Morton, J B (Set by Neil Libbert)
Morton, Rochelle
Morton, Sam (Set by Eamonn McCabe)
Morton, Samantha
Moser, Sir Claus (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mosey, chris (Staff)
Mosey, Roger
Moshinsky, Elijah (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mosimann, Anton (Set by Jane Bown)
Mosley, Lady Diana (Set by Jane Bown)
Mosley, Leonard
Mosley, Nicholas (Sets by Jane Bown and Kenneth Saunders)
Mosley, Sir Oswald (Including set by Don McCullin)
Mosley, Walter
Moss, Kate
Moss, Nick
Moss, Stephen (Staff) (Including negs)
Most, Mickie
Mostel, Zero (Sets by Eric Wadsworth and Bryn Campbell)
Mostyn, Nicholas (Set by Jane Bown)
Motherwell, Robert
Motion, Andrew (Including sets by Jane Bown, Antonio Olmas and Sean Smith)
Mottley, Eva
Mottola, Greg
Mottram, Tony (Staff)
Mount, Ferdinand (Set by Jane Bown)
Mountail, Peter
Mountbatten, Lord (Including sets by Jane Bown and Michael Peto)
Mountbatten, Lord (Including sets by Jane Bown, Michael Peto and Karsh)
Mountbatten, Lord (Set by Jane Bown)
Mousavi, Hossein
Moving Being
Mowlam, Mo (Including set by Jane Bown)
Moxon, Oliver
Moyet, Alison
Moynihan, Colin (Including set by Jane Bown)
Moynihan, Rodrigo
Moyola, Lord (Including illustration)
Mrozek, Slawomir
Mtshali, Oswald (Set by Jane Bown)
Mtwa, Percy
Mubarak, Hosni (Including 2 x Karsh)
Much, James (Guardian)
Mucha, Jiei (Set by Jane Bown)
Mugabe, Robert

Box 21:
Muggeridge, Douglas
Muggeridge, Malcolm (Including sets by Jane Bown and Don McCullin)
Huhsen, Mathana and Nadia Zana
Muir, Jean (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mukhamedou, Irek
Mukhertee, Bharati
Muldoon, Frank (Guardian)
Muldoon, Paul
Muldoon, Rob
Muldoon, Roland
Mulgrew, Gerry (Set by Murdo MacLeod - Including set of Transparencies)
Mulholland, John (Staff)**
Mullan, Peter
Mullen, Barbara
Mullen, Jim
Muller, Heiner
Muller, Robert
Mulley, fred (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mulligan, Andrew (Staff)
Mullin, Robert
Mulley, Fred (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mulligan, Andrew (Staff)
Mullin, Anthony
Mullin, Chris
Mullin, John (Staff)
Mullova, Viktoria
Mulroney, Brian
Mumford, Lewis (Including set by David Sim)
Mundy, Henry (Set by Michael Peto)
Munif, Abdel Rahman
Munim, Tina
Munjaradzi, Henry
Munoz, Juan
Munro, Alice
Munro, Dr Jean (Set by Jane Bown)
Munroe, Carmen
Munrow, David
Murakami, Haruki
Murcell, George
Murdoch, Anna
Murdoch, Elizabeth
Murdoch, Iris (Including sets by Jane Bown, Michael Peto and Frank Martin)
Murdoch, Rupert (Including set by Jane Bown)
Murphy, Dervla
Murphy, Eddie
Murphy, Jill
Murphy, Ken (Staff)
Murphy, Mike (Set by Jane Bown)
Murphy, Pat
Murphy, Paul (Staff)

Box 22:
Murphy, Stephen
Murphy, Tom
Murray, Al
Murray, David
Murray, Ged (Staff Photographer)
Murray, Iain (Staff)
Murray, Jenni
Murray, John
Murray, Lord Len (Including sets by Jane Bown, Peter Johns, John Hodder and Don McPhee) 2x
Murray, Mitch
Murray, Dame Rosemary
Murrell, Rachel
Murrow, Ed (Set by Erich Auerbach)
Murtagh, Peter (Staff)
Muruda, Miguel
Musgrave, Thea
Muskie, Edmund
Musson, Geoffrey (Including set by Jane Bown)
Mutebi, Prince Ronnie (Ronald)
Muti, Riccardo
Muzorewa, Abel (Bishop) (Including sets by Jane Bown, Nobby Clark, Frank Martin and Kenneth Saunders)
Myant, Chris
Myer, Peter
Myers, Barbara
Myers, Bruce
Myers, Mike (By Antonio Olmos)
Myers, Paul (Staff)
Myerson, Jeremy
Myles, Lynda
Myung Whun Chung
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