Description | Files of prints of the following individuals:
Box 1: Nabokov, Vladimir (Includes set by Peter Keen) Nadal, Raphael (not tennis player) Nagano, Kent (By Dennis Thorpe) Nagy, Phyllis Nail, Jimmy Naipaul, VS (Including sets by Peter Keen and John Reardon) Nair, Devan (By Jane Bown) Nairn, Ian (Staff) Naish, Bronwen Najibullah Nally, Mike (Staff) Namboodiripad, E.M. Sankaran (By Michael Peto) Namier, Sir Louis Napier, John Napier-Bell, Simon Napper, Alison (By Jane Bown) Narayan, Jaya Prakash (By Jane Bown) Narayan, R.K. (Including set by Jane Bown) Narayan, Rajan (By Jane Bown) Nardini, Daniela (By Andrew Testa)
Box 2 Narizzano, Silvio (By Eamonn McCabe) Narromore (By Jane Bown) Nasrin, Taslima Nasseibeh, Sari Nasser, Gamal Abdel (Including picture by Karsh) Nathaniel Nathen, Sarah (By Jane Bown) Nation, Terry (by Frank Martin) Naughtie, James (Staff) Naughton, Bill (By Don McCullin) Naughton, John Navasky, Victor Navrozov, Andrei (Guardian writer) Nawiasky, Mechtild (Staff) Naylor, Gloria Naylor, Janet Naylor, Jim Naylor, Margot (Staff) Nazareth, Isobel Nazir-Ali, Michael (Dr.) Njabuld, Ndebele N'Dour, Youssou Neagle, Anna (Including sets by Jane Bown and Peter Johns) Neal, Gub Neal, Gerry Neame, Christopher Neave, Airey Neave, Rikki Needham, John (Including set by Jane Bown) Needham, Joseph (By Jane Bown) Needham, Richard Needham, Sabrena Needle, Jan (By Dennis Thorpe) Needler, Harold (By Colin Jones) Neel, Alice (By Robert Maplethorpe) Neeson, Liam Negoda, Natalya Negroponte, Nicholas Nehru, Pandit (Including sets by Neil Libbert) Nehru, Jawaharlal Neil, Andrew (Including set by Jane Bown) Neil, Hildegard Neil, Lucy Neil, Ron Neill of Bladen, Lord (Q.C.) Neizvestny, Ernst (By Ida Kar) Nekrasov, Viktor Nelligan, Kate (Including sets by Neil Libbert and Kenneth Saunders) Nellist, Dave Nelmes, Stanley Nelson, Lord (By Jane Bown) Nelson, Ralph Nelson, Richard Nelsson, Richard (Staff) Nelsova, Zara Nemeth, Miklos Nemon, Oscar Nepal, King and Queen of Nerina, Nadia Neruda, Pablo (By Chris Smith) Nesbitt, Cathleen Nesbitt, Robert (By Robin Laurence) Nesin, Aziz Nestor, Pam Netanyahu, Benjamin Netherlands, Royal Family of (Including sets by Jane Bown, David Newell Smith and Tony McGrath) Neto, Augustinho Nettleford, Rex (Prof.) Neuberger, Julia (Including set by Jane Bown)
Box 3 Neudecker, Mariele Neuhaus, Denise (By Jane Bown) Neustatter, Angela Neveux, Georges Neville, Charles Neville, Elizabeth (By Jane Bown) Neville, John (Including sets by Jane Bown and Angus McBean) Neville, Richard Neville-Jones, Dame Pauline Nevin, Charles (Staff) New Kids On the Block Fans Newby, Eric Newby, P.H. (By Peter Johns) Newell, Mike Newell-Smith, David (Staff) Newman, G.F. Newman, Bishop Jeremiah Newman, Kenneth (Sir) (Including Jane Bown) Newman, Nanette (By Frank Martin) Newman, Paul Newman, Randy Newman, Rob Newman, Sidney (Including set by David Sims) Newsam, Peter (Inclusing set by Jane Bown) Newsome, Lloyd Newton, Anthony Newton, Eric (Staff) Newton, Gordon (By Jane Bown) Newton, Helmut (Including set by Nobby Clark) Newton, Mike Newton-John, Olivia (Including sets by Jane Bown and Tony McGrath) Ngakone, Albertina (Dr.) Ngo-Dinh-Nhu (By Jane Bown) Nglow, Euan Ngugi Wa Thiong o * (by Jane Bown, 1984) Nguyen Khank, General Nguyen Van Thieu, President Niarchos, Stavros Nicholl, Duncan Nichol, Helen Nichol, Jim Nichol, Noleen Nicholas, David Nicholas, David Nicholas, Jeremy (By Kenneth Saunders) Nicholls, Patrick Nichols, Dandy Nichols, Grace Nichols, Mike Nichols, Peter Nichols, Ross Nicholson, Ben (By Bill Brandt) Nicholson, Brian (Staff) (Including set by Jane Bown) Nicholson, Sir Brian Nicholson, Caroline (Staff) Nicholson, Dido Nicholson, Emma Nicholson, Geoff (Staff) Nicholson, Mavis (By Jane Bown) Nicholson, Nigel (Including set by Jane Bown) Nicholson, Norman (By Jane Bown) Nicholson, Rosemary (By Jane Bown and Sue Adler) Nicholson, William Nicolls, Janet Nicols, Maggie Nicolson, Ben Nicolson, Harold (Sir) (By Jane Bown and Howard Coster) Nicolson, Nigel (By Jane Bown and Peter Johns) Nickell, Rachel Jane
Box 4 Niesewand, Peter Nightingale, Virginia Nijinska, Romola Nikolayev, Andrian (Major) (By Karsh) Nittve, Lars Nitze, Paul (Including set by Karsh) Niven, David Nixon, Donald (By Jane Bown) Nixon, Kay (By Jane Bown) Nixon, Vivian Nils, Nobby Nilsen, Dennis Nilson, Anton Nilsson, Birgit (Sets by Jane Bown, Peter Johns and Don Morley) Nims, Jerry (Dr.) Nin, Anais Ninagowa, Yukio Nisbet-Smith, D. Nixon, Richard (Including set by Jane Bown and a Gibbard illustration) Nkomo, Joshua (Including set by Jane Bown) Nkosi, James (Lewis) (By Jane Bown) Nkrumal, Kwame (Including set by Peter Keen) Noakes, John Noakes, Vivian Noble, Adrian Noiret, Philippe Nolan, Anna (Set by Jane Bown) Nolan, Lord Nolan, Sydney Nolte, Nick Nond, Luigi (Set by Erich Auerbach) Noon, Jeff (Set by Dennis Thorpe) Nooteboom, Cees Norden, Dennis Norfolk, 16th Duke of (Set by Anthony Vincent and Eric Wadsworth) Nordli, Odvar (Set by Jane Bown) Norfolk, 17th Duke of (Sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert) Norman, Sir Arthur (Including sets by Jane Bown and Tony McGrath) Norman, Bary (Including set by Eamonn McCabe) Norman, Frank Norman, Howard (Set by Jane Bown) Norman, Jessye (Including sets by Jane Bown, Peter Johns and Frank Martin) Norman, Philip (Including set by Nobby Clark) Norrington, Roger Norris, Steven (Including sets by Antonio Olmos and Martin Argles) Norrish, hilary (Set by Jane Bown) Norstein, Yuri North, Dick North, Robert Northern, Michael Norton, Deborah (Set by Peter Johns) Norton, Jim Norton, Mary (Set by Angus McBean) Norton-Taylor, Richard Norwich, Lord John Julius (Including set by Jane Bown) Norwood, Mandi Nott, Sir John (Including set by Jane Bown)
Box 5: Nott, Lady (Set by Jane Bown) Nott, Kathleen (Staff) Noutelle, Lawrence (Set by Jane Bown) Novak, Kim (Set by Tom Smith) Novell, Jean Christopher (Set by Jane Bown) Ntshona, Winston Nu, U (Including sets by Jane Bown and Tony McGrath) Nugent, Lucy (Set by Jane Bown) Nujoma, Sam Numan, Garry Numeiry, Gafar (Set by Jane Bown) Nunn, Trevor (Including sets by Jane Bown, Nobby Clark and Don McPhee) Nureyev, Rudolf (Including sets by Jane Bown, Peter Johns, Michael Peto, David Sim, Brian Seed, Colin Jones, Neil Libbert, Tony McGrath, Nobby Clark, John Reardon and Richard Mildenhall) Nuriglia, R C Nursaw, William (Staff) Nyerere, Julius (Including sets by Jane Bown and Stuart Heydinger) Nygh, Anna (Sets by Jane Bown and Nobby Clark) Nyman, Michael Nxumalo, Simon (Set by Frank Martin) Nzo, Alfred |