Ref NoOBS/6/9/2/6/O
TitlePicture library files for personalities beginning with O
Extent4 boxes
Creator NameThe Observer Limited; Picture Desk; Observer Picture Library
DescriptionFiles of prints of the following individuals:

Box 1:
Oakenfold, Paul
Oakley, Phil (Set by Gavin Smith)
Oakley, Ann
Oakley, Chris
Oakley, Nik (Set by Jane Bown)
Oates, Joyce Carol
Obank, Ken (Staff)
Obasanjo, President
Obote, Milton
O'Brady, Rory (Former president of Sinn Fein)
Obratzov, Serge (Set by Erich Auerbach)
O'Brien, Edna (Including set by Jane Bown)
O'Brien (Govenor of the Bank of England)
O'Brien, Oswald
O'Brien, Richard (Including set by Jane Bown)
O'Brien, Sir Tom (Including illustration)
O'Callaghan, John (Staff)
Ocasek, Rick
O'Casey (Including set by Jane Bown)
O'Casey, Shiuaun (Actress)
O'Cathoin, Detta (Including set by Jane Bown)
Ocean, Humphrey
Ockrent, Christine
O'Connell, Cam (Staff)
O'Connor, Donald
O'Connor, Hazel (Set by Nobby Clark)
O'Connor, Johnathan (Including set by Jane Bown)
O'Connor, Sinead (Including sets by Jane Bown, Henrietta Butler and Allan Titmuss)
O'Connor, Ulick
Oddie, Bill
Odell, John (Set by Jane Bown)
Odell, Peter (Set by Jane Bown)
Odier, Daniel
Odinga, Oginga (Including unidentified medium format negatives)

Box 2:
O'Doherty, Shane
O'Donoghue, Hughie
Odone, Christina (Including set by Jane Bown)
O'Donnell, Peter
O'Donovan, Patrick (Staff)
Oestreicher, Rev Paul
O'Faolin, Julia (Including set by Jane Bown)
O'Faolain, Sean
Ofili, Chris (Sets by Jane Bown and Eamonn McCabe)
Ogata, Sadako
Ogdon, John
Oglesby, Tamsin
Ogilvy, David (Set by Gerry Graham)
Ogrady, John (Including set by Jane Bown)
O'Hagan, Andrew
O'Hagan, Mr Joe (Illustration by Unknown artist)
O'Halloran, Michael
O'Hanlon, Ardal (Set by Eamonn McCabe)
O'Hanlon, Redmond (Set by Jane Bown)
O'Hara, Mary
Oistrakah, David (Sets by Neil Libbert, Erick Auerbach and Michael Peto)
Oistrakh, Igor (Sets by Karsh and Frank Martin)
Ojukwo, Col (Nigeria)
O'Kane, Maggie (Guardian Staff)
Okhai, Bashir and Ibrahim (Sety by Jane Bown)
Okri, Ben (Including set by Jane Bown)
Oldenburg, Claes
Oldroyd, Eleanor
Olds, Sharon
O'Leary, Dermet (Set by Antonio Olmos)
Oletski, Jules
Olins, Ben (Staff)
Oliver, Eric
Oliver, James (Set by Murdo MacLeod)
Oliver, Michel
Oliver, Stephen
Olivier, Borg
Olivier, Julie Kate
Olivier, Sir Laurence
Olivier, Richard
O'Malley, Desmond (Set by Roger Hutchings)
O'Malley, Mary
O'Malley, Tim
O'Mara, Kate
Omond, Roger (Staff)
Ondaajte, Michael
Onassis, Aristotle (Sets by Jane Bown Neil Libbert and agency)
Onassis, Jacqueline (Sets by Neil Libbert and agency)
Ondaatje, Michael
O'Neal, Tatum
O'Neil (Staff)
O'Neil, Lord
O'Neill, Lord (4th Baron) (Set by Cecil Beaton)
O'Neill, Martin John
O'Neill, Captin Terence
O'Neill, Thomas 'Tip'
One, Hiro (By Murdo MacLeod)
Ono, Yoko (Including Sets by Gary Weazer, E Hamilton West and agency)
Ophuls, Marcel (Set by Neil Libbert)
Opie, Iona (Set by Jane Bown)
Opie, Julian
Opie, robert (Including set by Jane Bown)
Opik, Lembit
Oppenheimer, Harry (Set by Peter Johns and Angus McBean)
Oppenheim-Barnes, Sally (Including sets by Jane Bown, Tony McGrath and Eamonn McCabe)
Oppenheimer, Robert (Sets by Jane Bown and Karsh)
Oram, Michael (set by Jane Bown)
Orbach, Susie (Including set by Jane Bown)
Orbison, Roy (Set by Allan Titmuss)
O'Reardon, Dolores (Set by Jane Bown)

Box 3:
Organ, Bryan
Orme, Dennis (Including set by Jane Bown)
Orme, Stanley (Including sets by Kenneth Saunders, Don McPhee and Dennis Thorpe)
Ormond, Julia (Set by Jane Bown)
Ormond, Mark
Ormsby, Frank
O'Rourke, Peter
Orr, Marjorie (Staff)
Orrell, Bob
Ortega, Daniel
Ortega, Rosillio
Ortiz, Christina
Orwell, George
Osborn, Hilary
Osborne, John (Sets by Jane Bown and Karsh)
Osborne, Nigel (Sets by Neil Libbert and Murdo MacLeod)
Osborne, Phil (Staff)
O'Shannon, Maggie (Staff)
O'Shea, Dr Marie
Oshima, Nagisa
Osman, President El-Nur
Osman, Louis
Ostman, Arnold
O'Sullevan, Peter
O'Sullivan, Gilbert
O'Sullivan, Grace
O'Sullivan, Maureen
Oswald, Lee Harvey (All agency)
O'Toole, Peter (Including sets by Jane Bown, Dennis Thorpe, Philip Jones Griffiths, David Sim, Eric Wadsworth and Nobby Clark)
Ottavani, Carnival Alfredo (Set by Karsh)Ottley, Rev Tony (Set by Jane Bown)
Ottley, Rev Tony
Oubridge, Brig'
Ouseley, Herman
Ove, Horace
Owen, Agnes
Owen, Alun (Including Neil Libbert and Chris Smith)
Owen, Bernard (Set by Tony McGrath)
Owen, Bill
Owen, Clive
Owen, Daniella
Owen, David (1) (Including sets by Jane Bown, Don McPhee, Neil Libbert, Dennis Thorpe and John Hodder)

Box 4:
Owen, David (2) (Including set by Jane Bown)
Owen, Deborah
Owen, Glynis
Owen, Ieuan
Owen, Dr John
Owen, Nick
Owen, Peter (Sets by Nobby Clark and Peter Johns)
Owens, Caroline
Oxenford, Daphne (Set by Jane Bown)
Oz, Amos (Including sets by Peter Johns, David Silitoe and Sue Adler)
Ozal, Turgut
Ozawa, Seiji (Set by Tony McGrath)
Ozbek, Rifat
Access StatusOpen

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