Description | Files of prints of the following individuals:
Box 1: Pacey, Alice (Set by Jane Bown) Pacino, Al (Set by Sue Adler) Pacino, Al (Portrait by Sue Adler) Packer, Kerry Padley, Walter Pagano, Margareta (Staff) Page, Anthony Page, Bruce Page, Campbell (Staff) Page, Frank (Staff) Page, Hugo Page, Kathy Page, Kevin (Staff) Page, Louise Page, Tim Pagett, Nicola (Sets by Jane Bown, Alan Titmass, Henrietta Butler and Nobby Clark) Pagnamenta, Peter Paige, Elaine (Including sets by Jane Bown and Nobby Clark) Paine, William & Audrey (Set by Jane Bown) Painter, George D Paish, Prof Frank (Set by Michael Peto) Paisley, Ian (Including sets by Tony McGrath and David Newell Smith) Paisley, Ian (Including sets by Don McPhee, MArtin Arglesa and Sean Smith) Paisley, Kyle
Box 2: Pakraven, Shahwaz Pakula, Alan Palau, Luis Paley, Grace Palin, Michael (Including sets by Eamonn McCabe and Jane Bown) Pallister, David (Staff) Palme, Olof Palmer, Angela (Staff) Palmer, John (Staff) Palmer, Lilli (Set by Jane Bown) Palmer, Robert Palmer, Stephen (Staff) Palmer, Tony (Staff) Palmer-Tomkinson, Tara Palminteri, Chazz Palumbo, Peter (Including set by Jane Bown) Palunin, Sava Pamuk, Orhan Pandya, Nick (Staff) Panic, Milan Panov, Galina Panov, Valey and Salia (Including set by Nobby Clark) Panufnik, Andrzej Paoli, Cecile Paolini, Christopher (Set by Jane Bown) Paolozzi, Eduardo Papandreou, Andreas Papas (Staff) Papp, Joseph Papworth, Rev John Parahia, Murray (Set by Jane Bown) Paratin, Phil Pardoe, John Paredes, Marisa Parekh, Asha Paretsky, Sara Parfitt, David Parfitt, David Parfitt, Judy Parikian, Manoug Parini, Jay Paris, Mica Parish, Daphne (Including sets by Jane Bown and Sue Adler) Park, Alex Park, James Park, Merle (Including set by Jane Bown) Parker, Alan (Film Director) Parker, Alan (Comedian) Parker, Andi Parker, Charlie (His widow and his instruments) Parker, Cornelia Parker, Diana (Set by Jane Bown) Parker, Evan Parker, Helen Parker, John Parker, Jon Kimura (Set by Allan Titmuss) Parker, Sir Peter (Including set by Jane Bown)
Box 3: Parker, Robert Parker, Stephen (Staff) Parker, Stewart (Sets by Martin Argles and Don McPhee) Parker, Tim and Olaf Parker, Tony Parkes, Rev James (Sets by David Newell Smith and Michael Peto) Parkin, Michael (Staff) Parkin, Michael (Gallerist, husband of Molly Parkin) Parkin, Molly (Including set by Jane Bown) Parkin, Sarah Parkinson, Ann (Including set by Jane Bown) Parkinson, Cecil (Including sets by Jane Bown, Neil Libbert, John Reardon, Dod Miller, David Mansel, Graham Turner, Sean Smith and David Sillitoe) Parkinson, Geoffrey Parkinson, Michael (Including set by Peter Johns) Parkinson, Norman (Including set by Jane Bown) Parks, Gordon (Set by Peter Johns) Parks, Hilde Parks, Tim Parnes, Anthony Keith Parr-Burman, Phil Parrett, Janet (set by Jane Bown) Parris, Mathew Parry, Gareth (Staff) Parry, Glyn Parry, Jann (Staff) Parry, Natasha Parry, Terry Parsons, Betty (Including set by Jane Bown) Parsons, Charlie Parsons, David (Set by Jane Bown) Parsons, Denis (Set by Jane Bown) Parsons, Estelle (Set by Peter Johns) Parsons, Jed (Set by Jane Bown) Parsons, Tony Part, Arvo Parton, Dolly Partridge, Eric (Set by Stuart Heydinger) Partridge, Francis (Including set by Jane Bown) Partridge, David Partridge, James Partridge, Nick (Set by Jane Bown) Pascall, Alex Pasmore, Victor (Set by Jane Bown) Pasolini, Pier Paolo Pass, Nellie Passmore, Nick (Staff) Patachou Patel, Prapilbhai (Set by Jane Bown) Paterson, Alex Paterson, Don Patil, Madhav Paton-Davis, John Paton-Walsh, Jill Patten, Brian Patten, Christopher Patten, John (Including sets by Neil Libbert, Don McPhee, David Sillitoe and Graham Turner) Patten-Walsh, Jill Paterson, Bill Patterson, Glen Patterson, Harry Patterson, Dr Margaret (Meg) (Including set by Jane Bown)
Box 4: Patterson, Marie (Including set by Jane Bown) Patterson, Paul Patterson, Sarah Patterson, Simon Pattinson, Derek (Including set by Jane Bown) Pattinson, Harry Patterson, Hubert Patullo, Polly Paul, Lord (Sets by Eamonn McCabe and Sue Adler) Paulin, Tom Pauling, Dr Linus (Set by Karsh) Paustovsky, Konstantin (Including sets by Neil Libbert and David Newell Smith) Pavarotti, Luciano (Including sets by Jane Bown, Neil Libbert, Sue Adler, Tony McGrath, Peter Johns and Henrietta Butler) Pavlova, Anna (Pictures of her possessions) (Set by Jane Bown) Pavic, Milorad Pawson, Richard (Set by Jane Bown) Pawson, Tony (Staff) Paxman, Jeremy (Sets by Neil Libbert and Eamonn McCabe) Paxton, Tom Payne, Cynthia (Including set by Jane Bown) Payne, Max Payne, Nicholas Payne, Norman J Payne, Sara (Set by Jane Bown) Paine, William and Audrey (Set by Jane Bown) Paynter, Will (Including sets by Jane Bown and Michael Peto) Paz, Octavio Peabody, Mr George (Statue of) (Set by Jane Bown) Peacock, Prof Alan (Including set by Jane Bown) Peacock, Michael (Sets by Stuart Heydinger and Michael Peto) Peacock, Trevor Pearce, Sir Austin Pearce, Edward Pearce, John Pears, Peter (Sets by Jane Bown and Erich Auerbach) Pearson, Ian Pearson, Jenny (Staff) Pearson, Neil (Set by Eamonn McCabe) Pearson, Winifred (Set by Jane Bown) Peart, Lord (Fred) Peck, Bob Peck, Ellen Peck, Gregory (Set by Jane Bown) Peck, John Peck, M Scott (Set by Jane Bown) Pedler, Dr Kit (Including set by Jane Bown) Peel, John (Including set by Jane Bown) Peers, Peter (Set by Jane Bown) Pei, I M Peitrowska, Agnieszka Pekinel Twins Pelevin, Viktor Pelling, Rev John Pelling, Rowan (Set by Jane Bown) Pema, Jersun Penderecki, Krystof (Including set by Neil Libbert) Pendergrast, Mark Pendleton, Frank Pendragon, Arthur Penhaligon, David Penhaligon, Susan Penhall, Joe (Set by David Sillitoe) Penman, Ian Pennebaker, Donn Alan Penney, Jennifer
Box 5: Penney, Lord Pennington, Michael Pennis, Dennis Penny, Nicholas Penrose, Prof Roger Penrose, Sir Roland (Including set by Jane Bown) Peploe, Mrs Christine (Set by Jane Bown) Pepper, Dr Bill (Set by Jane Bown) Pepper, Redd Perahia, Murray (Including set by Jane Bown) Pereira, Miguel (Set by Jane Bown) Perelman, S J (Including set by Jane Bown) Peres, Shimon (Including Judah Passow, Neil Libbert and Martin Argles) Perez De Cuellar, Javier Peri, Peter Perkin, John (Staff) Perkins, Anthony (Including sets by Jane Bown, Jack Nisberg and Roger Corbeau) Perkins, Emily Perkins, Stella Perl, Mrs Verdun Perlman, Isaac (Set by Jane Bown) Perriam, Wendy Perrot, Roy (Staff) Perry, Dave Perry, Frances (Staff) Perry, Grayson Perry, Lee 'Scratch' Perry, Matthew Persaud, Dr Raj (Set by Eamonn McCabe) Pertwee, Bill Pertwee, Jon Perutz, Kathrin Pesek, Libor Peters, Andi Peters, Clark Peters, Ellis Peterson, Eric Peterson, Oscar (Sets by Jane Bown, Lorrie Graham and Murdo MacLeod) Petherbridge, Edward (Set by Jane Bown) Petit, Chris Petre, Diana Petrescu, Irina Petronio, Stephen Petry, Diana (Staff) Petty, Cecil Pevsner, Sir Nikolaus Peyton, Baron John Peyton, Mrs K M Payton-Jones, Julia Phelphs, Ted Phibbs, Harry (Including set by Jane Bown) Philby, Kim (Including set by Jane Bown) Philips, Emo Philips, Jane Ann Pinter, Harold Phillip, Caryl Phillips, Leslie Phillips, Captain Mark Phillips, Melanie Phillips, Robin Phillips, Sian Phillips, Tom
Box 6: Phillips, Trevor Phillis, Bob Phipps, Jack Phoenix, Pat Phoenix, River Piaf, Edith Piano, Renzo Picasso, Pablo Picasso, Paloma Piccoli, Michael Pick, Helen (Hella) (Staff)* Pickett, Cindy Pickford, Mary Pickup, Ronald Piehler, H A Pierce, Acton (Set by Jane Bown) Pierce, Charles (Set by Jane Bown) Piercy, Marge (Set by Jane Bown) Piering, Scott Pierre, D B C (Set by Jane Bown) Piggott, Lester (2 copy negatives from colour reversal film) Piggot-Smith, Tim Pilger, John Pilkington, Edward (Staff) Pilkington, John (Staff) Pilkington, Rev Pat (Set by Jane Bown) Pilling, Anne Pincher, Chapman (Including set by Jane Bown) Pinchot, Ann Pinney, Aza Pinnock, Winsome Pinter, Harold Piotrowska, Agnieszka (Including set by Jane Bown) Piper, Billy Piper, John (Including set by Jane Bown) Pisk, Litz Pitcairn, Rev Theodore (Set by Jane Bown) Pitt, Brad Pitt-Kethley, Fiona Pitt-Watson, David Pitts, Martin (Set by Jane Bown) Pizzey, Erin (Including set by Jane Bown) Planner, Nigel (Including set by Jane Bown) Plastercaster, Cynthia Pleasance, Angela Pleasence, Donald (Including sets by Jane Bown, Nobby Clark and Peter Johns) Pliatzky, Leo Plimmer, Charlotte Phsetskaya, Maya Mikhailova Plommer, Leslie (Staff) (Including negatives) Plowright, Joan (Including sets by Jane Bown, Nobby Clark and Peter Johns) Plunkett, James Podgorny, Nikolai Poliakoff, Serge (Image by Karsh) Poliakoff, Stephen Polanski, Roman Pollini, Maurizio Pollock, Alice Pollock, Jackson Polskikh, Galina Pompidou, Georges Ponting, Clive (Including set by Jane Bown) Pool, Hannah (Staff)
Box 7: Pop, Iggy Pope John Paul 2nd (Including set by Jane Bown) Pope Paul 6th (Sets by Stuart Heydinger and Chris Smith) Pope John 23rd (Sets by Karsh and Peter Keen) Pope Pius 12th (Set by Karsh) Portillo, Michael Postelthwaite, Pete (Including set by Jane Bown) Potter, Dennis (Including set by Jane Bown) Pound, Ezra Powell, Anthony (Including set by Jane Bown) Powell, Gen Colin Powell, Dilys Powell, Enoch Powell, Jonathan (Including a set by Jane Bown) Pratchett, Terry (Including set by Jane Bown) Preminger, Otto Prescott, John (1) Prescott, John (2) (Including set by Jane Bown) Preston, Peter (Guardian Editor 1975-1995)
Box 8: Preston, Simon (Including set by Jane Bown) Prevert, Jacques (Image by Brassai) Previn, Andre Price, John Price, Vincent Priestland, Gerald (Set by Jane Bown) Priestley, J B (Including sets by Jane Bown and Colin Jones) Primarolo, Dawn Prince (Including sets by Alan Titmass and Henrietta Butler) Prince, Habold (Sets by Jane Bown and Nobby Clark) Pringle, John (Staff) Pringle, Valentine (Set by Jane Bown) Prior, James (Including set by Jane Bown) Pritchard, John (Sets by Colin Jones, Geofrey MacDominic, Tony McGrath, Erich Auerbach and Allan Titmuss) Pritchett, Oliver (Set by Jane Bown) Pritchett, Oliver (GDN Staff) Pritchett, V S (Set by Jane Bown) Prittie, Terence (GDN Staff) Proby, P J Procktor, Patrick Profumo, John (Including set by Jane Bown) Prokofiev, Madame (Set by Jane Bown) Prokovsky, Andre Proops, Marjorie (Sets by Jane Bown and Peter Johns) Prosser, Edward (Set by Jane Bown) Proulx, Annie (Including set by Jane Bown) Prowse, Phillip (Set By Murdo MacLeod) Pryce, Jonathan (Sets by Jane Bown, Nobby Clark, Richard Mildenhall and Neil Libbert) Pryce Jones, Alan (Staff) Pryke, Paula (Set by Jane Bown) Pszoniak, Wojtek Pullman, Bill Purdie, Sam Purum, Flora Purvis, Stewart (Set by Jane Bown) Putnam, Ashley Puttnam, David (Including set by Jane Bown) Pyke, Edward (Set by Jane Bown) Pym, Francis (Including sets by Jane Bown and Lorrie Graham) Pyne, Natasha (Set by Jane Bown) |