Ref NoOBS/6/9/2/6/R
TitlePicture library files for personalities beginning with R
Extent8 boxes
Creator NameThe Observer Limited; Picture Desk; Observer Picture Library
DescriptionFiles of prints of the following individuals:

Box 1:
Raban, Jonathan
Rabin, Yitzhak (Including sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert)
Radcliffe, Father Timothy (Set by Jane Bown)
Radford, Penny (Staff)
Radford, Tim (Staff)
Radiohead (Including sets by Murdo MacLeod)
Rados, Ivan
Rae, Dr John (Set by Jane Bown)
Raeburn, Anna (Including set by Jane Bown)
Rafferty, John (Staff)
Rafsanjani, Hashemi
Raft, George (Set by Don McCullin)
Rahman, Bayan
Rahman, Sheikh Mujibur (Chris Smith)
Rahmani, Hojatoleslam
Raine, Craig
Raine, Gillian
Raine, Kathleen (Set byJane Bown)
Raison, Timothy (Sets by Jane Bown and Godfrey MacDominic)
Raitz, Vladimir (Set by Jane Bown)
Ramaphosa, Cyril
Rambert, Dame Marie (Including sets by Jane Bown and John Hodder)
Ramelson, Bert
Ramirez Sanchez, Ilich (aka The Jackle) (All agency)
Ramis, Harold
Ramos Horta, Jose
Ramphal, Shridath (Set by Tony McGrath)
Rampling, Charlotte (Sets by Jane Bown, Nobby Clark and Dod Miller)
Ramsbottom, Sir Walter (Set by Jane Bown)
Ramsden, Sue (Staff)
Ramsey, Alfred Ernest (Portrait by Stuart Heydinger)
Ramsey, 2nd, Dr (Archbishop of Cantebury) (Sets by Jane Bown, Neil Libbert, Phillip Jones Griffiths, David Newell Smith, Sean Smith, Bryn Campbel and Karsh)
Ramsey, Gordon
Rand, Margaret (Set by Jane Bown)
Randall, David (Set by Jane Bown)
Randall, John (Set by Jane Bown)
Randall, Marty
Randall, Pam (Set by Jane Bown)
Randall, William (Including set by John Hodder)
Randolph, Denys (Set by Jane Bown)
Randolph, Roy (Sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert)
Raney, Jimmy (Set by Nobby Clark)
Ranfurly, Lady
Rankin, Ian
Rankin, Jean (Set by Jane Bown)
Rankin, John
Ranson, Malcolm (Set by Richard Mildenhall)
Rantzen, Esther (Including sets by Peter Johns, Kenneth Saunders and Neil Libbert)
Raphael, Adam (Staff)
Raphael, Frederick (Set by Nobby Clark and Allan Titmuss)
Rashid, Junior
Raspberry, William (Set by Jane Bown)
Ratner, Leslie (Set by Jane Bown)
Rattle, Simon (Including set by Jane Bown)

Box 2:
Ratushinskaya, Irina (Sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert)
Rauschenberg, Robert (by David Sim)
Raven, Simon (Sets by Jane Bown and Stuart Heydinger)
Ravenhill, Mark
Ravenhill, Mr (Set by Jane Bown)
Rawlinson, Lord Peter (Set by Jane Bown)
Rawlings, Jerry (Portrait by Anna Tully)
Raworth, Tom (Including set by Sally Soames)
Ray, Cyril (Staff)
Ray, Man (Including set by Karsh)
Raymond, Paul
Raynsford, Nick
Razzac, Mohammed and Valerie (Set by Jane Bown)
Rea, Chris (Including set by Dod Miller)
Rea, Chris (Staff)
Rea, Stephen
Read, Sir Herbert (Set by Jane Bown)
Read, Sir John
Read, Mike
Reade, Col Dan (Set by Jane Bown)
Reader, Eddi
Reader, John (Staff)
Reader, Ralph
Reading, Marchioness of
Reading, Bertice (Set by Jane Bown and Nobby Clark)
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
Reardon, John (Staff - Photographer)
Redfern, Simon (Staff)
Redfield-Jamison, Kay
Redford, Robert (Including set by Jane Bown)
Redgrave, Corin
Redgrave, Jemma (Set by Jane Bown)
Redgrave, Lynn (Including set by Neil Libbert)
Redgrave, Michael (Including sets by Jane Bown, Nobby Clark and Karsh)
Redgrave, Peter (Set by Jane Bown)
Redgrave, Vanessa (Including sets by Jane Bown, Nobby Clark and Neil Libbert)
Redgrove, Peter (Set by Jane Bown)
Redhead, Brian (Including sets by Jane Bown and Dennis Thorpe)

Box 3:
Redman, Amanda
Redmond, Phil
Redwood, John
Ree, Jonathan (Set by Antonio Olmos)
Reece, Norman (Set by Jane Bown)
Reed, Lou
Reed, Oliver (Set by Jane Bown and Gary Weazer)
Reedie, Craig
Rees, Helen (Set by Neil Libbert)
Rees, Lord Merlyn
Rees, Roger (Including sets by Nobby Clark and Richard Mildenhall)
Rees-Mogg, William (Including set by Jane Bown)
Reeve, Christopher
Reeves, Rev Donald (Including set by Jane Bown)
Reeves, James
Reeves, Keanu
Reeves, Saskia
Reeves, Vic (Set by Jane Bown)
Regan, Jane
Reger, Janet
Rego, Paula (Including set by Jane Bown)
Reich, Steve
Reid, Beryl (Including set by Jane Bown)
Reid, Christopher (Set by John Reardon)
Reid, Jimmy (Including set by Philip Jones Griffiths)
Reid, Milton
Reid, Sir Norman
Reid, Sir Robert (Sets by Jane Bown and Sue Adler)
Reindrop, Bishop
Reinhardt, Max
Remedios, Alberto
Remick, Lee (Set by Jane Bown and Tony McGrath)
Remnant, Lord (Including sets by Jane Bown, Sue Adler and Eamonn McCabe)
Rendell, Ruth (Including set by Jane Bown)
Renison, Sir Patrick (Set by Jane Bown)
Renton, Tim (Including set by Jane Bown)
Resha, Robert (Don McCullin)
Resnik, Regina
Reyes, Alina
Reyold, Albert (Sets by Jane Bown and Murdo MacLeod)

Box 4:
Reynolds, Anna (Including set by Jane Bown)
Reynolds, Bruce Richard
Reynolds, Fiona (Set by Jane Bown)
Reynolds, Oliver (Set by Jane Bown)
Reynolds, Stanley
Rhinet, Henry (Set by Eamonn McCabe)
Rhodes, Zandra (Including set by Jane Bown)
Rhodes James, Robert
Rhys Jones, Griff (Including set by Jane Bown)
Riach, Hughie
Ribar, Dr Ivan (Set by Jane Bown)
Ricci, Ruggerio (Set by Jane Bown)
Ricciarelli, Katia (Sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert)
Rice, Tim (Sets by Jane Bown and Nobby Clark)
Rice-Davies, Mandy
Rich, Buddy (Set by Nobby Clark)
Richard, Little (Set by Richard Mildenhall)
Richards, Ayo Vaughan
Richards, Biddy (Set by Jane Bown)
Richards, Keith (Including sets by Jane Bown and Eamonn McCabe)
Richards, Susan
Richards, William (Set by Jane Bown)
Richardson, Charlie (Set by Jane Bown)
Richardson, Jo
Richardson, Joely (Set by Jane Bown)
Richardson, Sir John
Richardson, John (Set by Jane Bown)
Richardson, Maurice (Staff) (Including negs)
Richardson, Miranda
Richardson, Natasha
Richardson, Sir Ralph (Including sets by Jane Bown, Cecil Beaton, Nobby Clark, Ian Cook and David Newell Smith)
Richardson, Tony (Set by Jane Bown)
Richie, Shane (Set by Jane Bown)
Richman, Jonanthan
Richter, Gerhard
Ricketts, Jenie (Staff)
Rickman, Alan
Ridici, Vittorio (Jane Bown)
Ridley, Dame Betty
Ridley, F A (Set by Jane Bown)
Ridley, Nicholas (Including set by Jane Bown, Don McPhee and Neil Libbert)
Ridley, Philip
Ridley, Yvonne (Set by Jane Bown)
Riefenstahl, Leni
Rifkind, Malcolm (Including set by Jane Bown)
Rigg, Diana (Including set by Jane Bown and Nobby Clark)
Riley, Bridget (Including set by Jane Bown)

Box 5:
Rimington, Stella (Including set by Jane Bown)
Rimmer, Paul
Ripath, Michael
Rippon, Angela
Rippon, Geoffrey
Ritchie, Walter
Rittner, Luke (Sets by Jane Bown and Sue Adler)
Rivers, Malcolm
Rix, Brian (Including set by Jane Bown)
Rix, Diana
Rizzi, Carlo
Roache, William
Robarts, David (Sets by Tony McGrath and Michael Peto)
Robbins, Harold (Including set by Neil Libbert)
Robbins, Jerome
Robbins, Peter
Robb-Grillet, Alain
Robeson, Paul (Set by Erich Auerbach and Jane Bown)
Roberti, Cardinal Frasncesco (St by Karsh)
Roberts, Allan
Roberts, Andrew
Roberts, Emrys (Set by Jane Bown)
Roberts, Sir Frank (Sets by Don McCullin and Godfrey MacDominic)
Roberts, John
Roberts, Michelle
Roberts, Archbishop Thomas (Sets by Jane Bown and Tony McGrath)
Roberts, Sir William (Set by Eamonn McCabe)
Roberts-Jones, Ivor
Robertson, Denise
Robertson, Diana (Set by Jane Bown)
Robertson QC, Geoffrey (Set by Jane Bown)
Robertson, George (Including set by Jane Bown)
Robertson, Grace (Including set by Jane Bown)
Robertson, Liz (Set by Nobby Clark)
Robertson, Robbie
Robins, Ralph (Including set by Jane Bown)
Robinson, Anne (Including sets by Eamonn McCabe)
Robinson, Gerry
Robinson, Bruce (Including image by Trevor Leighton)
Robinson, Kenneth (Sets by Stuart Heydinger and David Newell Smith)
Robinson, James (Bridgewater 4)
Robinson, Rt Rev John
Robinson, Mark (Set by Jane Bown)
Robinson, Mary (Including set by Jane Bown)
Robinson, Orphy
Robinson, Peter
Robinson, Robert (Set by Jane Bown)
Robinson, Smokey
Robinson, Spike
Robson, Dame Flora
Rochdale, Lord
Roche Sisters (Set by Jane Bown)
Roche, Barbara
Roche, Harry (Guardian Chairman)
Rochfort, Captin Boyd (Including set by Peter Keen)
Rockefeller, Nelson (Set by Neil Libbert and portrait by Donald McCullin)

Box 6:
Rodda, John (Staff)
Rodriguez, Robert
Roddick, Anita (Including set by Jane Bown)
Rodger, George
Rodger, Rev Patrick (Set by Jane Bown)
Rodgers, William (Including sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert)
Rodzianko, Vladimir
Roe, Mark (Staff)
Roger, David
Rogers, Claude (Set by Phillip Jones Griffiths)
Rogers, Frank
Rogers, Ginger
Rogers, Ken (Set by Jane Bown)
Rogers, Kenny
Rogers, Nick (Staff)
Rogers, Peter
Rogers, Piers (Set by Jane Bown)
Rogers, Sir Richard
Roll, Lord Eric (Including set by Peter Keen)
Roll, Michael
Rollins, Sonny (Set by Allan Titmuss)
Rolphe, Kate (Set by Jane Bown)
Romania, Royal Family of (Set by Jane Bown)
Romania, King Michael 1st of
Rome, Richard (Set by Jane Bown)
Romsey, Lord (Set by Jane Bown)
Ronson, Gerald
Rooker, Jeffrey
Rooney, Dennis (Set by Jane Bown)
Rooney, Mickey
Roosevelt, Mrs Eleanor (Set by Karsh)
Rootstein, Adel
Rose, Alec
Rose, Andrew
Rose, David
Rose, David (Set by Jane Bown)
Rose, E J B (Set by Jane Bown)
Rosen, Michael
Rosenberg, Jennifer (Set by Jane Bown)
Rosensohn, Bill (Set by Peter Keen)
Rosenthal, Jack
Rosenthal, Tom (Set by Jane Bown)
Ross, Alan (Staff)
Ross, Sir Alexander (Set by Jane Bown)
Ross, Annie (Including sets by Jane Bown, Ian Cook and Peter Keen)
Ross, Diana (Including sets by Kenneth Saunders and Allan Titmuss)
Ross, Jonathan
Ross, Katharine, Ross (Set by Jane Bown)
Rosse, Earl of (Set by David Sim)
Rossellini, Isabella (Including set by Jane Bown)
Rosselli, John (GDN Staff)
Rossiter, Leonard
Rostdevensky, Gennady (Set by Sue Adler)
Rostow, Eugene (Including set by Stuart Heydinger)
Rostow, Walt W (Sets by Tony McGrath and Karsh)
Rostropovich, Mstislav & Galina (Including sets by Jane Bown, Michael Peto, Erich Auerbach and Neil Libbert)

Box 7:
Rotblat, Professor Joseph
Roth, Tim
Rothenstein, Sir John
Rothermere, Lord (Including set by Jane Bown)
Rothko, Mark (Set by Michael Peto)
Rothschild, Jacob (Set by Jane Bown)*
Rotten, Jonny (Sets by Tony McGrath and Allan Titmuss)
Rous, Sir Stanley (Sets by Jane Bown and Stuart Heydinger)
Rousselet, M (Set by Stuart Heydinger)
Routledge, Patricia (Set by Richard Mildenhall)
Rowell, Alexis (Set by Jane Bown)
Rowallan, Lord
Rowe, Dilys (Staff)
Rowe-Ham, Sir David
Rowicki, Witold
Rowland, Kevin
Rowland, Reg (Set by Jane Bown)
Rowland, Tiny (Including sets by Jane Bown and Eamonn McCabe)
Rowland, Dennis
Rowland, Toby (Set by Jane Bown)
Rowlands, Gina (Set by Jane Bown)
Rowley, Pat (Staff)
Roy, Arandhati
Royle, Carol
Royle, Nicholas
Royle, Rev Roger (Set by Jane Bown)
Rozhdestvensky, Gennadi (Including sets by Neil Libbert, Nobby Clark and Erich Auerbach)
Rozin, Sheyla
Ruanne, Patricia
Rubalcava, Christina (Set by Jane Bown)
Rubbra, Dr Edmund (Set by Jane Bown)
Rubens, Bernice
Rubik, Prof Erno
Rubenstein, Helena (set by Jane Bown)
Rubinstein, Arthur (Sets by Erich Auerbach and Michael Peto)
Rubinstein, Gerda
Ruddock, Joan (Including set by Jane Bown)
Ruders, Paul
Rudkin, Alan
Rudkin, David
Rudman, Michael
Rudolphy, Coca
Rueber-Staier, Eva
Rumbold, Angela
Rumens, Carol
Runcie, Most Rev Robert (Including sets by Jane Bown and Neil Libbert)

Box 8:
Runciman, David (Staff)
Runciman, Sir Steven
Rusbridger, Alan (Guardian Editor)
Ruscha, Ed
Rush, K P (Including set by Lotte Meitner-Graf)
Rush, Kenneth (Inncluding set by Karsh)
Rush, Norman
Rush, Otis
Rushdie, Salman (Including set by Eamonn McCabe)
Rushton, William
Rusk, Dean (Including sets by Neil Libbert and Karsh)
Russell, Lord Bertrand (Including sets by Lotte Meitner-Graf x 3, Bryn Campbell, Michael Peto, Philip Jones Griffiths, Karsh and Stuart Heydinger)
Russell, Dora (Set by Jane Bown)
Russell, George
Russell, Iris (Staff)
Russell, Jane
Russell, Ken
Russell, Willy (Including sets by Murdo MacLeod and Richard Mildenhall)
Russo, Richard (Set by Jane Bown)
Rutherford, Dame Margaret
Rutherford, Michael
Ryan, Mary
Ryan, Lord (Including sets by Jane Bown, Tony McGrath and David Newell Smith)
Rylance, Mark (Including set by Jane Bown)
Ryle, John (Staff)
Ryle, Professor Martin (Set by Geoffrey Goddard)
Access StatusOpen

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