Description | #Files of negatives of the following individuals:
Box 1: Galo, Naum (sculptor) Gabriel, Peter Gabriella (milliner) Gacon, Jean Gaddafi, Mrs Gailani, Seyed Ahmad Gaitskell, Hugh Galbraith, JK [John Kenneth] (including set by David Newell Smith) Gale, Alan Gale, Dick (staff) Gale, George Gale, John (staff) (including set by Jane Bown) Galil, Amac Galitz, Laurence
Box 2: Gallagher, Mr (set by David Newell Smith) Galvin, Daniel (set by Tony McGrath) Galway, James (set by Jane Bown) Gamble, Edward Gamble, Laura (Observer Expo 70 competition winner) Gandhi, Indira (including images of lying in state) (including set by Tony McGrath) Gandhi, Rajiv Ganley, Len Garcke, Kenneth Gardham, Derek Gardiner, Robert (set by David Newell Smith) Gardiner, Stephen (staff) (set by Tony McGrath) Gardner, Christine & Eddie (set by David Newell Smith) Gardner-Thorpe, Lieutenant Colonel Gardner-Thorpe Garland, Judy (set by David Newell Smith) Garland, Madge Gartland, Tony Garmoyle, Lord (set by Tony McGrath) Garner, David (set by Tony McGrath) Garner, Errol (set by David Newell Smith) Garner, Joel Garner, Lawrence Garner, Sir Saville Garnett, Angelica Garnett, David (set by Tony McGrath) Garnett, Henry (set by David Newell Smith) Garrad, Leslie (set by Tony McGrath) Garrett, Bob Garry, Charlene (set by Jane Bown) Garwood, Dennis (set by David Newell Smith)
Box 3: Gaskill, William (including set by Jane Bown Gaskin, John Gass, Lady Elizabeth Gassman, Michael (Zeta magazine) Gasyonga II, Charles (Omugabe of Ankole) Gatacher, EV (Madame Tussaud's) Gatacre, Teresa Gates, Bill Gatward, Alan Gau, John (film maker) (set by Jane Bown) Gaughan, Michael (set by David Newell Smith) Gauguin, Paul Gaulle, Charles de Gault, John Gaultier, Jean-Paul Gavin, Glenn (set by Neil Libbert) Gay, Russell (set by Neil Libbert) Gaynor, Carol Gazmuri, Jaime (set by Tony McGrath) Geddes, Ford (including set by Tony McGrath) Gee, Mr (Intra Bank) Geers, Bob (set by Tony McGrath) Geesink, Anton (judo) Geest, Mr (banana importer) Geest, Leonard & John van (Geest Industries) Geldof, Bob Gellhorn, Martha Gemayel, Bechir Gemayel, Pierre Gems, Paul Genefke, Inge Kemp General Election 1985 Gentle Power of Song (choral group at Caius College, Cambridge)
Box 4: George, Charlie George, Colin George, David Lloyd (tomb) George, Dr William (set by David Newell Smith) Georgiadis, Nicholas Geraghty, Sean (set by Neil Libbert) Gerhardi, William Gertler, Willie (set by David Newell Smith) Geyer, Vicki Gharbaoui, Dorothy (set by Tony McGrath) Ghent, Marian Giacometti, [Alberto] Gibb, Andrew & Rosemary Gibb, Bill Gibbings, Peter (set by David Newell Smith) Gibbons, Sunny Gibbs, Gladys Gibbs, Somerset (set by Tony McGrath) Gibbs, Stephen Gibson, Andrew Gibson, Arthur Gibson, Dr Ashton Gibson, Ben Gibson, John (set by Neil Libbert) Gibson, Kinnie Gibson, Peter Gibson, Richard Gibson, Roy Gielen, Michael Gielgud, Sir John (including set by David Newell Smith) Gifford, J (jockey) Gifford, Macer (horse racing) Gilbert, Gill (London marathon) Gilbert, Dr John (set by Jane Bown) Gilbert, Martin (set by Tony McGrath) Gilbert, Peter (set by Neil Libbert) Gildert, Tommy Gilchrist, Tom
Box 5: Giles, Jack Giles, Johnny Giles, Mark St Gilks, Gillian Gill, Barry (set by Adam Scott 23 March 1987) Gills, Graham E (Merrill Lynch) Gillette, Neil Gilli, Kathryn Gilliam, Terry (set by David Newell Smith) Gillespie, Dizzy Gillirand, Chris & John Gilmore, Ian Gilmore, Rosalind Gilson, Anne Giniliani, Rudolph Ginsberg, Alan Ginzton, Dr (set by Tony McGrath) Girolami, Paul Gish, Lillian (set by Jane Bown) Gladwyn, Lord (set by Neil Libbert) Glanville, Bryan (set by Tony McGrath) Glasgow, David Glatman, Leslie Glaudemans, Evert Glean, Marion Gleeson, Teddy Glen, John Glendenning, Victoria (set by Tony McGrath) Glickman, Gabriel (set by Jane Bown) Glover, Helen Glover, Jeffrey Gluck, Malcolm Glyn, Caroline Glynn, Maurice Goad, Mr Gobbi, Tito (including set by Jane Bown) Godfrey, Bob Godfrey, Rodney Godley, Wynne
Box 6: Goebbels, Joseph Goering, H Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Gold, Robin (set by Tony McGrath) Goldberg, Arthur Goldberg, Leslie (including set by Tony McGrath) Golden, Helen Goldenson, Leonard Goldie, Mrs Golding, John Golding, William Goldsmith, James (including set by David Newell Smith) Goldsmith, Stewart Goldsmith, Walter (set by Neil Libbert) Goldstein, Professor (set by David Newell Smith) Goldstone, Mr Goletka, Ivor (including sets by Tony McGrath and Neil Libbert) Gollancz, Victor (set by Jane Bown) Gollencz, Lillie Golombek, Harry (set by Tony McGrath) Gombrich, Professor EH [Ernst Hans] Gomez, Dr (set by Neil Libbert) Gomme, Leslie Gommes, John Gondolfi Gonzales, Felipe & Ronald Reagan Gooben, Ross Gooch, Graham Goodall, Reginald Goodall, Tom Gooden, Robert (set by David Newell Smith)
Box 6: Goodison, Sir Nicholas Goodman, Lord (set by David Newell Smith) Goodman, Mr Goodman, Benny Goodman, Harry (including set by Neil Libbert) Goodson, Alfred (set by David Newell Smith) Goodwin, Peter Goolden, Richard (including set by David Newell Smith) Goosens, Sidoney Gorbachev, Mikhail Gordeev, Mr (Russian Trade Delegation) (set by David Newell Smith) Gordon-Baker, Charles Gordimer, Nadine Gordon, Audrey (set by Tony McGrath) Gordon, Dick Gordon, Elizabeth Gordon, Ian (set by David Newell Smith) Gordon, John Gordon, L Gordon, Mary Gordon-Baker, Charles (set by Neil Libbert) Gordon-Hall, Peter Gordon-Walker, Patrick (including set by David Newell Smith) Gore, Father Brian Gormaston, Lord Gormley, Joe (including sets by Tony McGrath and Neil Libbert) Gorst, Irene Gosling, Don (including set by Tony McGrath) Gosling, Nigel (set by Jane Bown) Goslitski, Ronnie Gotell, Walter (set by Neil Libbert) Gotthard, David (set by Neil Libbert) Gough, Piers Gould, Arthur (set by Tony McGrath) Gould, Bryan Gould, Lawrence
Box 8: Gould, Norman Gould, Sir Ronald Gould, Shane Goulding, Cathal (set by Tony McGrath) Gouldsbury, Pamela (set by David Newell Smith) Goulet, Yann (set by Tony McGrath) Gourdie Gourley, Simon Gower, David Gower, Professor L Gower, Linton Gowling, Alan Grace, WG (set by Tony McGrath) Goyco, Juan Goymen, Korel Grade, Lord (set by Tony McGrath) Grade, Lew Grade, Michael (set by Tony McGrath) Grady, John (set by David Newell Smith) Graham, Andrew Graham, Alastair Graham, Archie (set by David Newell Smith) Grafftey-Smith, Jinx (set by Jane Bown) Graham, Billy (including sets by Tony McGrath and David Newell Smith) Graham, Cecil (funeral) Graham, John Graham, William Graham-Yooll, Andrew Grandfield, Nigel Granger, Stewart Grant, Alan (set by Jane Bown) Grant, Alec Grant, David Grant, John (MP) (set by Jane Bown) Grant, Mickey (staff) Grant, Peter Grant, Stephanie Grant, Ted (set by Tony McGrath) Granville, Joseph Grassi, Paolo (set by Tony McGrath) Gration, David Gratwick, Tom Graves, Robert
Box 9: Graves, Robert (continued: set by Colin Jones, 16 June 1965) Gray, Andy Gray, Benny (including set by David Newell Smith) Gray, Eddie Gray, Eileen (set by David Newell Smith) Gre, Barbara Greatorex, Harry (set by Neil Libbert) Greaves, Jimmy Greece, Queen of Green, Alec Green, Angela Green, Belinda (including sets by Tony McGrath and Neil Libbert) Green, Donovan & Sonia Green, Edwin (set by David Newell Smith) Green, Gerry Green, Hughie (set by Neil Libbert) Green, Lionel (set by David Newell Smith) Green & Spencer Green, Mr (unemployed) (set by Tony McGrath) Green, Mr O (set by David Newell Smith) Green, Sir Owen (including set by Neil Libbert) Green, Peter & Martin Green, Philip Green, Ray Green, Rob Green, Stanley (set by David Newell Smith) Greenaway, Peter Greenberg, Daniel S (set by Tony McGrath) Greene, Carol Greene, Graham (including sets by Jane Bown and Tony McGrath) Greene, Sir Hugh Carleton Greene, Jim (set by Neil Libbert) Greene, Sydney (including set by David Newell Smith Greener, Tony (set by Neil Libbert)
Box 10: Greenfield, Edward (set by Neil Libbert) Greenhall, Colin Greenhaigh, Trisha Greenlees, Mike Greenwood, Eve Greenwood, Ron Greenwood, Susanna (set by Tony McGrath) Greer, Germaine (set by David Newell Smith) Grenfell, Andree Greenfell, Joyce (including sets by Jane Bown and Tony McGrath) Gregan, Kate Gregorievich, Daniel Gregory, George (set by David Newell Smith) Gregory, Ken Gregory, Professor Richard (set by Tony McGrath) Gregory, Tony Greig, Tony Grepne, Kirstin (set by Tony McGrath) Gresswell, Don Gretton, John Grey, Admiral Grey, Annabel Grey, Roger de Grey, Simon (set by Tony McGrath) Grey, William Grierson, Ronald Grieve, Mary Griffin, Sir Brian Griffin, Johnny Griffin, Tom (including set by Tony McGrath) Griffith, Hugh (set by Tony McGrath) Griffiths, Alan Griffiths, Albert (set by David Newell Smith) Griffiths, Billy Griffiths, Bruce Griffiths, Charles Griffiths, Eldon (set by Tony McGrath) Griffiths, Gervaise Griffiths, John Griffiths, Roy Griffiths, SC 'Billy' Griffiths-Jones, Lynne Griffiths, Mr (Welsh farmer) (set by Neil Libbert) Griffiths, Peter (MP) Griffiths, Rupert (set by Neil Libbert) Grigg, John (set by David Newell Smith) Griggs, Barbara (set by Neil Libbert) Griggs, Sebastian Grigson, Geoffrey Grimble, Rosemary (set by David Newell Smith) Grimmond, Joe
Box 11: Grimond, Jo (set by David Newell Smith) Grimshaw, Peter Grinstead, Stanley Grisedale, Pamela Grogan, Robert Grosbard, Leonard Gross, Bob (set by Tony McGrath) Gross, Miriam Gross, Samuel & Henry (including set by Tony McGrath and Neil Libbert) Grossart, Angus Grossman, Douglas (set by David Newell Smith) Grossman, Tom Groves, Trevor Grylls, Michael Gryphon 'D'or Group' Guarisco, Anthony Gubaryev, Vladimir (set by Neil Libbert) Gubbay, Raymond (2 Feb 1984, 2 sets by Jane Bown) Guccione, Bob Guest, Nigel Gueffen, Menachem (set by Neil Libbert) Guggenheim, Paul Guggenheim, Peggy Guillebaud, Claude Guiness, Alec Gulliver, James (set by Tony McGrath) Gummer, Selwyn Gunn, John Gunn, Robert Gunter, Ray (including set by David Newell Smith) Gupta, Mihir Guthrie, Sir Giles Gutteridge, Keith Guttman, Alfred Guttman, Dr William (staff) (including set by David Newell Smith) Gwalior, Queen Mother of Gwilt, George Gwyn, Gerald Gyari, Lodi Gyngell, Bruce |