Description | Files of negatives of the following individuals:
Box 1: I'anson, Geraldine Iacocca, Lee A Ikeda, Hayato Illick, Ivan (set by David Newell Smith) Illingworth, Ray (set by Tony McGrath) Imbert, Peter (set by Jane Bown) Inchcape, Lord (including sets by Jane Bown and David Newell Smith) Ingamells, John Inglis, Billy (set by Neil Libbert) Inglis, Brian Ingram, Janine & Harold Ingram, Richard Ingrams, Mary (set by Jane Bown) Innes, David (set by Neil Libbert) Inonu, Ismet (set by David Newell Smith) Iqbal, Mohammad Ireland, Dr J
Box 2: Irons, Norman (set by Tony McGrath) Irvine, Andy Irving, Clive Irwin, Gwynther Isagba, Bernard (set by Neil Libbert) Isanos, John (set by Neil Libbert) Isherwood, Christopher (including set by Jane Bown) Isherwood, Rita Isaacs, Jeremy (19 August 1982, set by David Stevens) Ishihara, Takashi (set by Neil Libbert) Ito, Mrs (set by Tony McGrath) Ives, Thomas Iwan, Dafydd & Marian (set by Tony McGrath)