Description | Files of negatives of the following individuals:
Box 1: Kagan, Dr Helena (set by David Newell Smith) Kagan, Lord Kahane, Meir Kahn, Professor Herman (including set by Tony McGrath) Kai, Kin Yung (set by Tony McGrath) Kallmann, Dorothy Kalms, Stanley (set by David Newell Smith) Kambona, Oscar Kamil, Fouad Kammeran, Sheila Kanawa, Kiri Te (set by Tony McGrath) Kane, Ros Kanlingle, Pendukini Kapoor, Sashi (set by David Newell Smith) Kapitza, Dr Peter Karan, Mr Karbo, Karen Kardelj, E Karia, Dahya (set by Tony McGrath) Karim, Abdul Karnali, Mr & Mrs (set by Tony McGrath) Karsow, Nina (set by David Newell Smith) Kashoggi Yacht Katchenko Affair Katz, Arthur Katz, Michael Kaul, TN Kaufmann, Gerald (set by David Newell Smith) Kauda, Kenneth (including set by Jane Bown) Kavan, Mr Kavanagh, John
Box 2: Kay (Kaye), Geoffrey (including sets by David Newell Smith & Tony McGrath) Kay-Mouat, Jon Kaye Brothers (set by David Newell Smith) Kaye, David (set by David Newell Smith) Kaye, Gerry Kaye, Reginald & Phillip (set by Tony McGrath) Kayson, John (set by David Newell Smith) Kazan, Elia Keal, Brian Kealey, Owen Kearton, Sir C Frank (Lord Kearton) (including sets by Tony McGrath, Neil Libbert & David Newell Smith) Keating, Tom Keays, Sara Kebbell, Stephen (set by Jane Bown) Kedar, Timi Kedourie, Professor (set by Neil Libbert) Kee, Robert Keegan, Kevin Keegan, William Keel, Edward (set by David Newell Smith) Keeler, Christine Keeler, Paul (set by David Newell Smith) Keene, John Keep, Charles (set by David Newell Smith) Keeping, Simon Keil, Fred (set by Neil Libbert) Keil, Keith Keith, Sir Kenneth (including set by David Newell Smith) Kelly, Dr Dennis Kelly, Donald (set by Tony McGrath) Kelly, James (set by Tony McGrath) Kelly, Michael & Edith (set by Tony McGrath) Kelly, Ned Kelly, Phil Kelly, Ray & Susan Kelner, Simon (staff) Kelsall, Tom Kemal, Yasar Kemp, Eric (Bishop of Chichester) Kemp, Jalli (set by David Newell Smith) Kendall, Bill (set by Neil Libbert) Kendall, Felicity Kendrick, Alex Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, David
Box 3: Kennedy, Edward Kennedy, Ian Kennedy, Grace & Jeannie Kennedy, Joe Kennedy, John F Kennedy, Robert Kenny, Sean Kenny, Yvonne Kenrick, Bruce (set by Tony McGrath) Kent, Bruce Kent, Geoffrey Kenyatta, Jomo Kermode, Professor Frank Kerner, Geoff Kerr, Anne Kerr, James Kerr, Wesley Kerr, Margaret Kerridge, John Kerrison, Ray Kershaw, L Kerston, Mrs Kertesz, Istvan (including set by David Newell Smith) Ketley, John Kew, Gerry (Geraldine) Khaira, Marjit Singh Khaleo, Leila (set by Neil Libbert) Khalid, Brigadier (set by Neil Libbert) Khalita, Omar Khaliq, Mr & Mrs Khambatta, Peresis (set by Tony McGrath) Khan, Dr Abel Qader Khan, Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Asghar (including set by Neil Libbert) Khan, President Ayub (including set by David Newell Smith) Khan, Chaka
Box 4: Khan, Jahangir Khan, Majid Khan, Narseem (set by David Newell Smith) Khan, Shahnaz (set by Neil Libbert) Khana, General Khatchaturian, Aram (set by Tony McGrath) Khomeini, Ayatollah Khruschev, Nikita Kibedi, Wanume (set by Neil Libbert) Kidel, Boris (staff) (set by David Newell Smith) Kidd, Eddie Kiernan, John (set by David Newell Smith) Kiley, Bill (set by Tony McGrath) Killanin, Lord Killick, Eric Killington, Terry Kilmartin, Joanna (staff) (set by David Newell Smith) Kilmartin, Olivia (set by David Newell Smith) Kilmartin, Terry (including set by Tony McGrath) Kilpatrick, Sam (set by Tony McGrath) Kilroy-Silk, Robert Kimche, John (set by David Newell Smith) Kinch, John King, Anthony King, Barry King, Billie Jean King, Cecil (set by Tony McGrath) King, Coretta (set by David Newell Smith) King, David King, Deborah King, Francis King, Graham (including set by Tony McGrath) King, John (set by David Newell Smith) King, Sir John King, Dr Horace King, Harold King, Mike (staff) King, Richard (set by Neil Libbert) King, Tom King, Tony (set by Tony McGrath) Kingdon, Roger Kingsland, Fred (set by Tony McGrath)
Box 5: Kingsley, David (set by David Newell Smith) Kinnear, Roy (set by Neil Libbert) Kinnock, Neil (some with Glenys Kinnock) Kipling, Rudyard Kirby, Chris (set by Neil Libbert) Kirby, Herbert (set by Neil Libbert) Kirby, Louis Kirk, Frank Kirk, Kent Kirkwood, Mark Kissinger, Henry (including sets by Neil Libbert and Tony McGrath) Kitsinger, Sheila Kitson, David Kitson, Norma Kitson, Norma (continued) Kitson, Steve Kitt, Eartha (set by David Newell Smith) Kitt, Thomas Kittel, Riki Kitzinger, Sheila (set by Neil Libbert) Kivell, Rex Nan (set by David Newell Smith) Kizitol, Ssebaana Klarsfeld, Serge Klein, Rudolph (staff) Klemperer, Otto Klue, Joe Klugman, Maureen Knight, Andrew Knight, Denise Knight, Geoffrey (set by Tony McGrath) Knight, Peter (set by Neil Libbert)
Box 6: Knight, Sophia Knightly, Betty Knobil, Henry Knott, Alan (set by David Newell Smith) Knowler, Donald Knowles, Michael (set by Tony McGrath) Knowles, Roderic Knowles, K Knox, Brian Knox, Rawle Knox-Johnston, Robin Knussen, Oliver (including set by Neil Libbert) Koestler, Arthur Koh, Adele (set by Neil Libbert) Kohl, Helmut Kohnstamm, May Kollek, Teddy Kolouchova, Eva Konstantinouna, Elena (set by Tony McGrath) Koppel, JP Korchnoi, Victor Kornberg, Eugene Korovessis, Pericles (set by David Newell Smith) Kosygin (including set by David Newell Smith) Koven, Leonard Kralj, Sally & Peter Kramer, Mrs Krantz, Judith Kraus, Herr Kreitman, Hyman (set by Tony McGrath) Kristal, Leonard Krivine, Alain (with Tariq Ali) (set by David Newell Smith) Krogager, Eilif (set by Tony McGrath) Kroger, Peter & Helen Kroll, Dr Una Kroniarides, Henry (set by David Newell Smith) Kruger, Ellis Krylov, Marshal Kubelik, Rafael Kumar, Satish (set by Tony McGrath) Kushner, Harvey Kustow, Michael (set by David Newell Smith) Kuti, Fela (Anikulakpo) Kuzusaka, Chise Kwan Nam Kwintner, Jeff (set by David Newell Smith) Kyle, Barry Kypreos, Chris