Ref NoOBS/6/9/3/2/L
TitleNegatives for personalities beginning with L
Extent6 boxes
Creator NameThe Observer Limited; Picture Desk; Observer Picture Library
DescriptionFiles of negatives of the following individuals:

Box 1:
Labour party launch of economic programme 'Investing in People'
Labovitch, Clive
Labovitch, Penelope (set by Tony McGrath)
Lacey, Ed (staff)
Laidler, Albert
Laine, Cleo (including set by David Newell Smith)
Laing, Austen (set by David Newell Smith)
Laing, Hector
Laister, Peter
Lake, Greg
Lakeman, Enid
Laker, Freddie (set by Tony McGrath)
Lamb, Miss
Lamb, Alan
Lamb, Lillian
Lamb, Warren
Lambert, Sarah
Lambert, Yann
Lambton, Lord
Lamont, Robyn
Lamont, Victor
Lamorisse, Claude (set by Tony McGrath)
Lamplugh, Suzy
Lampton, Lucy
Lanchester, John
Lance, Bert
Landau, Lionel & Walter (set by David Newell Smith)
Landen, Dinsdale (set by Tony McGrath)
Landesman, Fran & Jay
Lane, David (set by Tony McGrath)
Lane, Eddie
Lane, Mark
Lane, Sue & Peter
Lang, Doe
Langbein, Henze & Brenton (set by Tony McGrath)
Lange, Alexander
Lange, David
Lannaman, Sonia
Lanyon, Andrew (set by Tony McGrath)
Lapping, Brian (set by Tony McGrath)
Lapworth, Bill (set by David Newell Smith)
Larkin, Philip
Larkins, Derrick
Larkcom, Joy
Lascelles, Henry
Lasdun, Denys
Lashmar, Paul
Lasky, Melvin (set by David Newell Smith)
Latham, Robeth
Lau, Patrick (set by Neil Libbert)
Lauda, Niki
Laumonien, Dr Laurence
Laurence, Stephanie
Laver, Rod
Lavi, Hushang

Box 2:
Law, Roger
Law, Valerie Ann (set by Tony McGrath)
Lawaetz, Gudie (set by Tony McGrath)
Lawal, Derek
Lawick-Goodall, Dr Jane (set by David Newell Smith)
Lawler, Wallace (including set by David Newell Smith)
Lawley, Sue (set by Tony McGrath)
Lawman, David (set by David Newell Smith)
Lawrence, Ruth & Harry
Lawrence, Tony
Lawry, Mr & Mrs
Lawson, Anthony
Lawson, Nigel (including set by Neil Libbert)
Lawton, Tommy
Layfield, Sir Frank
Lazari, Christos
Lazell, Henry
Lea, Len
Leach David
Leach, Gerald (staff) (including sets by David Newell Smith & Neil Libbert)
Leach, Roger
League, Raymond
Leahy, John
Leaman, Dick (set by Tony McGrath)
Lean, Geoffrey
Leandros, Vicky
Learmond, Peter
Leasor, James (set by Tony McGrath)
Lebus, Oliver (set by David Newell Smith)
Lederer, Lajos
Lee, Diep van
Lee, Gordon (including sets by Tony McGrath & David Newell Smith)
Lee, James
Lee, Jennie (set by David Newell Smith)
Lee, Ken (set by Tony McGrath)
Lee, Kuan Yew (set by David Newell Smith)

Box 3:
Lee, Martin
Lee, Michael
Lee-Smith, Jenny
Leech, Kenneth
Leeman, Andrew
Lees, Sue
Lefebvre, Archbishop
Leggatt, Donald (staff)
Legh-Jones, Alison (set by Tony McGrath)
Legum, Colin
Lehrer, Tom (set by Tony McGrath)
Leigh, Adam (set by Neil Libbert)
Leigh, David
Leigh, Jack (set by Neil Libbert)
Leigh, Geoffrey
Leigh, John (set by David Newell Smith)
Leigh, Roberta (set by Neil Libbert)
Leigh, Robin
Leighton, Alan
Leighton, Jeremy
Lemon, Denis
Lencehvsky, Oleg S
Lendl, Ivan
Lenton, Dr
Leonard, Nicholas (set by David Newell Smith)
Leppard, Raymond (set by David Newell Smith)
Leresche, Hope (set b y David Newell Smith)
Lessing, Doris
Lester, Ack
Lester, Anthony
Lester, Dick
Lester, Ted
Lester, Yami (including set by Neil Libbert)
Lestor, Joan
Levenson, Mr (set by Neil Libbert)
Leventon, Annabel (set by Tony McGrath)
Lever, Lord (set by Jane Bown)
Lever, Bernard (set by David Newell Smith)
Lever, Harold (including sets by Neil Libbert, Tony McGrath & David Newell Smith)
Levey, Sir Michael (set by Neil Libbert)
Levick, Roger (set by Tony McGrath)
Levin, Bernard
Levin, David
Levin, Patricia
Levine, Angela
Levine, Vivian
Levine-Meyer, Mrs (set by Jane Bown)
Levinger, Moshe
Levy, Bernard (set by Tony McGrath)
Levy, Joseph (set by David Newell Smith)
Levy, Paul
Lewin, Hugh (set by Tony McGrath)

Box 4:
Lewinsohn, Max
Lewis, Brothers (set by Tony McGrath)
Lewis, Cecil Day (set by David Newell Smith)
Lewis, Geoff (jockey) (including set by Tony McGrath)
Lewis, Jenny
Lewis, Richard
Lewis, Mr (Chairman of Mirrorware)
Lewis, Shari (set by David Newell Smith)
Lewis, Sir Edward (Ted)
Lewis-Jones, Helen
Ley, Gordon (set by Neil Libbert)
Li, Jia (Violinist)
Li, Shuang
Libbert, Neil (staff)*
Libby, Guy (set by David Newell Smith)
Libin, Numa
Lichfield, Lord Patrick (set by David Newell Smith)
Lichfield wedding
Liddle, Helen
Lidstone, John (set by Tony McGrath)
Liedloff, Jean
Likierman, Michael
Lilley, Les (set by Tony McGrath)
Limb, Jerry
Lin, Wei Tong
Linaker, Paddy
Linden, Shirley (set by Tony McGrath)
Lindley, Arnold
Lindsay, Donald
Lindsay-Smith, Iain (set by Tony McGrath)
Lineker, Gary
Lines, Moray (set by David Newell Smith)
Liney, Mr (Managing director of Jet Petroleum)
Ling, Philip
Lini, Walter
Linklater, Magnus
Linnet, Peter (set by Neil Libbert)
Linton, Brian
Lippitt, John (set by Neil Libbert)
Lippmann, Walter
Lipton, Gerald
Lipworth, Sid
Lis, Ladislav
List-Brain, Michael (set by Tony McGrath)
Lister, Marshal (set by David Newell Smith)
Lister, Unity
Little, Anthony
Little, Ian
Litter, Derek & Jilly (set by David Newell Smith)
Littlefair, Harry
Littlejohn, John (set by David Newell Smith)
Littlewood, Joan (including set by Jane Bown & David Newell Smith)
Littler, Prince (set by Jane Bown)
Livermore, Judy
Livingstone, Ken

Box 5:
Livingstone, Ken (continued)
Llewellyn, Dai
Llewellyn, Melissa
Llewellyn, Moelwyn
Llewellyn Roddy
Lloyd, Andy
Lloyd, Colin (set by Neil Libbert)
Lloyd, Dave
Lloyd, David
Lloyd, Harold (set by Jane Bown)
Lloyd, John
Lloyd, Nigel (including set by Tony McGrath)
Lloyd, Richard (set by Tony McGrath)
Lloyd, Susan
Lloyd-Jones, Megan
Lloyd Webber, Julian
Loach, Mrs (wife of Ken Loach)
Lobengula (Grave at Salford)
Lockwood, Anna
Lockwood, Betty
Lockwood, Sir Joseph (set by Neil Libbert)
Lockyer, Keith
Lofthouse, Nat
Logan, Peter
Locker, John
Lomax, David & Megan (set by Tony McGrath)
Lomax, Sir John Garnett
London, Brian
Loney, Martin
Long, Gerry
Long, Gerald
Long, Liz & Peter
Long, Pauline
Longbottom, Charles (set by Tony McGrath)
Longford, Lord (including set by Jane Bown)
Longhurst, Andrew
Longman, Mark (set by David Newell Smith)
Lonsbrough, Anita
Lonsdale, Norman (set by David Newell Smith)
Look, Barbara (set by Neil Libbert)

Box 6:
Loosemore, Sarah
Lord, Cyril (set by David Newell Smith)
Lord, Derek
Loren, Sophia
Lorentzen, Peter (set by Tony McGrath)
Lorenz, Tony
Losey, Joseph
Loudon, John (set by David Newell Smith)
Lough, Ernest
Louis XIV (portrait)
Loveday, George (set by David Newell Smith)
Lovejoy, Derek
Lovelady, Stephen
Lovell, Bernard (set by Tony McGrath)
Lovesey, Peter
Low, Bob
Low, Erna
Low, Gillian
Lowe, Daniel
Lowe, Bob
Lowe, Jeff
Lowell, Robert
Lowenthal, Richard (staff)
Lowndes, Commander (set by Neil Libbert)
Lowndes, Victor (including set by Neil Libbert)
Lowry, LS
Lowry, Pat (set by Neil Libbert)
Lu, Mr (Chinese trade delegation)
Luard, Nicholas
Lucas, Arthur (National Gallery) (set by Tony McGrath)
Lucas, Blanche
Lucas, John
Lucas, Laddie (set by David Newell Smith)
Lucas, Tony
Luckhurst, Brian (set by Tony McGrath)
Luczak, Lilli
Luders, Richard
Ludwig, Daniel
Lukes, Steven
Lumet, Sidney
Lumsden, Audley
Lumley, Joanna
Lundon, Jack
Lurie, Alison
Lutoslawski, Witold (composer)
Lyall, John
Lyden, Aernout van
Lyle, Sir Ian (set by David Newell Smith)
Lynch, Jack (set by Tony McGrath)
Lynn, Gillian (set by Tony McGrath)
Lyon, Kim
Lyon, Ronald (set by David Newell Smith)
Lyons, Bernard (set by David Newell Smith)
Lyons, Eric (set by Tony McGrath)
Lyons, John
Lyons, Stuart (set by Neil Libbert)
Lyons, Tony
System Of ArrangementAlphabetical by surname
Access StatusOpen

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