Ref NoOBS/6/9/3/2/S
TitleNegatives for personalities beginning with S
Extent16 boxes
Creator NameThe Observer Limited; Picture Desk; Observer Picture Library
DescriptionFiles of negatives of the following individuals:

Box 1:
Sack, Barry
Sadat, Anwar
Sagger, S
Saha, Radhika
Sahl, Mort
Saidi, AI
Sainer, Leonard
Sainsbury, David
Sainsbury, (Lord) John (including set by Tony McGrath)
Saint-Claire Allen, Augustine (set by Neil Libbert)
Saint Giles, Mark (set by Neil Libbert)
Saint Jorre, John (set by Jane Bown)
Saint Oswald, Lord
Sakharov, Andrei
Saks, Gene (set by Tony McGrath)
Salem, Mrs
Salinger, Pierre
Salisbury, Guy
Salter, Robert & Katie
Saltmarshe, Christine
Salzman, Harry (set by David Newell Smith)
Salzman, [Jacqueline] (set by Tom Smith)
Samaranch (Juan Antonio)
Sampson, Anthony (staff) (including set by Tony McGrath)
Sampson, Nicos
Samuelson, Professor Paul
Samworth, David
Sanctuarm, Gerald
Sanchez, Emilio
Sandberg, Michael
Sandeman, David (set by David Newell Smith)
Sandeman, Tim
Sanders, Brooke (set by Tony McGrath)
Sanderson, Frank (including set by Neil Libbert)
Sanderson, Tessa
Sandhal, Craig (set by Neil Libbert)
Sandilands, Jo (staff) (set by Tony McGrath)
Sandry, Peter
Sandys, Duncan
Sanger, Fred
Sangharakshita, Sthavira
Sann, Son
Sapsed, David

Box 2:
Sargon, Ninochka
Sarler, Carol
Saro-Wiwa, Ken
Saraffian, Dikran
Sarajcic, Ivo (set by David Newell Smith)
Sarolta (set by Tony McGrath)
Saroop, Narinder (set by Neil Libbert)
Satre, Jean-Paul (some with Kenneth Tynan)
Sash, Cecily (set by Neil Libbert)
Sass, Sylvia (set by Neil Libbert)
Sasson, Jacques (set by Neil Libbert)
Saunders, David (set by Neil Libbert)
Saunders, Ernest (including set by Neil Libbert)
Saunders, Fiona
Saunders, G
Saunders, Dr James (set by Tony McGrath)
Saunders, May (set by Neil Libbert)
Saunders, Nicholas
Saunders, Vic
Saura, Carlos
Savage, Jack W
Savage, Dr Wendy
Savary, Peter de
Saville, John (set by Tony McGrath)
Savimbi, Jonas
Savundra, Emil (set by Tony McGrath)
Savante, Jorgen
Sawh, Roy
Sax, Sidney
Say, Roy
Sayer, Ann
Sayer, Lady (set by David Newell Smith)
Scamp, Jack
Scanlon, Hugh (including set by David Newell Smith & Neil Libbert)
Scarborough, Earl of
Scargill, Anne
Scargill, Arthur (including set by Neil Libbert)

Box 3:
Scargill, Arthur (continued)
Scarman, Sir Lesley (including set by Neil Libbert)
Schell, Maximilian (set by Tony McGrath)
Schild, Annabel
Schillebeeck, Father Edward (set by Neil Libbert)
Schlab, Alice
Schlagman, Richard
Schlee, Anna
Schlesinger, Dr A
Schmidt, Helmut (set by Tony McGrath)
Schon, Donald (set by David Newell Smith)
Schreiber, Chaim (set by Neil Libbert)
Schreiber, Jean-Jacques Servan (set by David Newell Smith)
Schreiner-Engel, Patricia (with Raul Schiars)
Schroeder, Gerhard (set by David Newell Smith)
Schubert, Karsten
Schueppert, Clancy
Schumacher, Dr EF (set by David Newell Smith)
Schuman, Howard (set by Neil Libbert)
Schummy, David
Schuster, Eugene (set by Neil Libbert)
Schwarz, Walter (staff) (set by David Newell Smith)
Schwartzenbach, Dr James (set by Neil Libbert)
Scichlione, Giovanni
Scobie, William
Scofield, Paul (set by David Newell Smith)
Scott, Sir David
Scott, Doug (set by Tony McGrath)
Scott, George
Scott, Sir Hilary
Scott, James (set by Tony McGrath)
Scott, Jim
Scott, JB
Scott, Peter
Scott, Ronnie
Scott, Sheila (set by Tony McGrath)
Scott, Susan (set by Tony McGrath)
Scott James, Anne (Ann) (staff)
Scott-Moncrieff, David (set by David Newell Smith)
Scragg, Phillip
Scrano, Giovanni (set by Tony McGrath)
Scrase, Thomas (set by David Newell Smith)
Scrunton, Roger
Scrimgeour, Angus
Scrooge, Edouard le
Scully, Joy (staff) (set by David Newell Smith)
Scully, Lorraine
Seabrook, Jeremy (set by Tony McGrath)
Seale, Patrick (staff)

Box 4:
Seales, Peter (set by Neil Libbert)
Searle, Christopher (set by Neil Libbert)
Searle, Geoffrey
Searle, Graham
Seawell, William T
Secombe, Harry
Secunda, Tony
Seddon, George
Sedlecka, Irene
Seed, Brian (staff)
Seeley, Mr (set by David Newell Smith)
Seeney, Cathleen
Segal, Eric
Seguin, Jocelyne (set by Tony McGrath)
Segura, Pancho
Seidman, Jack
Seiff, Marcus (set by David Newell Smith)
Seiffert, Colonel (set by David Newell Smith)
Seiki, Mitsunori
Selasi, Haile
Sellers, Mark (set by Tony McGrath)
Sellers, Peter (including set by David Newell Smith)
Selly, Clifford (staff)
Selmes, Christopher (including set by Neil Libbert)
Semple, Professor Stephen
Semyonov, Julian
Sen, Seruze
Senderens, Alain & Eventhia
Senior, Dr David (set by Neil Libbert)
Senior, Trevor
Sepahri, Sue (set by Neil Libbert)
Servadio, Gaia
Settle, Alison (staff)
Sevriades, Gaia
Seviour, David
Sewell, Anna (gravestone)
Sewell, Brian
Sexton, Dave
Seymour, Anthony & Annette
Seymour Caroline
Seymour, Lynn

Box 5:
Shaban, Nabil (set by Neil Libbert)
Shackleton, Alexandra (set by David Newell Smith)
Shaffer, Peter (set by Neil Libbert)
Shah, of Iran (set by David Newell Smith)
Shah, Eddie
Shah family
Shaka, Bussam
Shakespeare, John (set by Tony McGrath)
Shakespeare Centenary (Alexandra Palace)
Shales (Umpire)
Shamena, Mr & Mrs (set by Tony McGrath)
Shamji, Abdul
Shane, Jack (set by David Newell Smith)
Shanks, Pat
Shann, David
Shapiro, Helen (set by Neil Libbert)
Shapiro, Jacob
Sharansky, Anatoly
Sharfstein, Percy (sey by David Newell Smith)
Sharif, Mrs Omar (Fatin Hamama)
Sharif, Omar (including set by David Newell Smith)
Sharman, Liz
Sharna, Ursula
Sharon, Ariel
Sharp, Eric
Sharp, Ken
Sharpe (Athletics)
Sharpe, Baroness (set by David Newell Smith)
Sharpley, John
Shastri, Mr (Prime Minister of India) (including set by David Newell Smith)
Shavers, Earnie
Shaw, Brian
Shaw, Carol
Shaw, Reverend Denis
Shaw, Giles
Shaw, Maud
Shaw, Neil
Shaw, Robert (set by David Newell Smith)
Shaw, Sandie (set by Tony McGrath)
Shaw, Susan
Shawcross, Lord (set by David Newell Smith)
Sheard, Daniel
Sheffield, John
Shellbourne, Philip (including set by David Newell Smith)

Box 6:
Sheldon, Miss (Beneden School)
Sheldon, Dr John
Shelvsy, Herbert & Edith (set by Neil Libbert)
Shephard, Geoffrey (set by Tony McGrath)
Shephard, Oliver
Shepherd, Brian (set by Tony McGrath)
Shepherd, David (set by Neil Libbert)
Shepherd, Giles
Shepherd, Sister Margaret (set by Jane Bown)
Sheppard, Anthony
Sheppard, Reverend David (including set by Tony McGrath & David Newell Smith)
Sheppard, Geoffrey
Shepperd, Alfred
Sher, Anthony
Sherfield, Ian (set by David Newell Smith)
Sherlock, Barry (set by Neil Libbert)
Sherman, Samuel (set by David Newell Smith)
Sherrin, Ned
Sherritt, Mark
Shevchenko, Arkady
Shield, Sir Neil
Shields, Jack
Shilton, Peter
Shimell, William
Shipman, Heather
Shirley, Philip
Shirling, Clive
Shivers, Pat
Shlapobersky, John (set by David Newell Smith)
Shoard, Marion (set by Neil Libbert)
Shone, Monica
Shone, Sir Robert
Shore, Peter
Shorey, Paul
Shorthouse, John
Shot, David
Shostakovich, Maxim (set by Tony McGrath)
Shovelton, Geoffrey
Shouse, Jouette (set by David Newell Smith)
Showering Brothers
Showering, Keith (set by Tony McGrath)
Shultz, George (set by Neil Libbert)
Shultz, Harry
Susha (including set by David Newell Smith)
Shute, David

Box 7:
Shuttleworth, Reverend Fred
Sibley, Antoinette (including set by Jane Bown)
Sibley, Major
Sibson, Tony
Siddle, Ken (set by Jane Bown)
Siddons, Ben
Sieff, Sir Marcus (including sets by Tony McGrath & David Newell Smith)
Siem, Kristien
Siencyn, Neil & Sian
Sihanouk, Prince (of Cambodia)
Sikkim, Queen of (set by Sally Soames)
Sikkim, Crown Prince Wangchuck of
Silcot, Winston
Silicin, John
Silkin, John (including set by David Newell Smith)
Sillars, James (set by Neil Libbert)
Sillitoe (set by Tony McGrath)
Silva, PA de
Silver, Charles
Silver, Eric (set by Tony McGrath)
Silverlight, John (staff) (including set by Neil Libbert & Tony McGrath)
Silverman, Jonathan
Silverstone, Peter
Sim, Alistair (with Stanley Holloway) (set by Neil Libbert)
Sim, David (staff)
Simenon, Georges
Simey, Lady
Simmonds, Mark (set by Tony McGrath)
Simmons, Del
Simmons, Mr (Reeves Brothers)
Simmons, Thomas
Simon, Agnes
Simon, John
Simon, Peter
Simon, Tim (set by Jane Bown)
Simonds, Tony
Simply Red (Mick Hucknall)
Simpson, Alan
Simpson, Mr & MRs Ernest
Simpson, Wallis
Sin, Cardinal
Sinatra, Frank (including set by Neil Libbert)
Sinclair, Andrew (set by Jane Bown)
Sinclair, Angela (set by Neil Libbert)
Sinclair, Clive
Singer, Alfred
Singer, Aubrey
Singer, Francis (set by Jane Bown)
Singer, Joe

Box 8:
Singh Family (set by David Newell Smith)
Singh, Mr (Liberal candidate for Birmingham) (set by Tony McGrath)
Singh, Karan (Indian Minister of Tourism)
Sinyavsky, Andrei
Sirs, Bill
Sisula, Albertina
Sitwell, Dame Edith
Sitwell, Wilmot (including set by Neil Libbert)
Skelton, Nick
Skinner, David & Graham
Skipper, Ian & Peter (set by David Newell Smith)
Skolimowski, Mr & Mrs (set by Tony McGrath)
Skorov, Georgi
Skouras, Spyros
Slade, Ken
Slama, Zdanek (set by Tony McGrath)
Slamuyaiira, Nathan (set by David Newell Smith)
Slater, Jim
Slater, Nicky
Slatter, Alan (set by Tony McGrath)
Slattery, Sir & Lady
Slaughter, Audrey (including set by Tony McGrath)
Slaughter, Joanna (staff) (including sets by Neil Libbert & Tony McGrath)
Sleigh, Bob (set by Tony McGrath)
Sleep, Wayne
Slickney, Mrs (house) (set by David Newell Smith)
Slot, Judge Peter
Slow, Albert
Smallpiece, Sir Basil (including set by David Newell Smith)
Smart, Bill
Smart, Ronald (set by Tony McGrath)
Smart, Victor
Smedley, Wallace (set by Tony McGrath)
Smethurst, Peter
Smigielski, Konrad (staff) (set by David Newell Smith)
Smirk, Charlie (set by David Newell Smith)
Smith, A Vian (set by Tony McGrath)
Smith, Alex Abel (set by David Newell Smith)
Smith Anthony
Smith, Arnold

Box 9:
Smith, Bill (including set by Jane Bown & Tony McGrath)
Smith, Chris (staff)
Smith, Cyril (including set by Neil Libbert)
Smith, Dan
Smith, David
Smith, Denise
Smith, Derek
Smith, Doug
Smith, Douglas
Smith, Elwell (set by David Newell Smith)
Smith, [?Gavin]
Smith, Graham (football agent)
Smith, Harvey (show jumping)
Smith, Helen
Smith, Ian
Smith, Jim
Smith, Joe
Smith, John
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Joyce
Smith, Julia (set by Neil Libbert)
Smith, Sir Leslie
Smith, Lionel
Smith, Liz (staff)

Box 10:
Smith, Liz (staff) (continued)
Smith, Maggie
Smith, Marita
Smith, Mary Anne
Smith, Dr Mike
Smith, Nan & Wally
Smith, Nigel
Smith, Norah
Smith, Norman
Smith, Paul
Smith, Pauline
Smith, Richard
Smith, Roberta
Smith, Rodney
Smith, Ron
Smith, Stevie (staff)
Smith, Stephen
Smith, Tim Abel (set by Neil Libbert)
Smith, T Dan
Smith, Tom (staff) (set by David Newell Smith)
Smith, Tommy
Smith Masters, Tony
Smithies, Professor
Smyth, Robin
Smythe, Pat (show jumping) (set by Tony McGrath)
Smythe, Reg
Smythe, Tony (set by David Newell Smith)
Snell, Howard (set by Tony McGrath)
Snell, John (set by Tony McGrath)
Snodgrass, Carrie (set by Tony McGrath)
Snook, Brian
Snow, Sebastian
Snowdon, Lord
Soames, Lord (set by Neil Libbert)
Soames, Christopher

Box 11:
Sobers, Garfield (including set by David Newell Smith)
Sobers, Gary (set by David Newell Smith)
Show, Sebastian (including set by David Newell Smith)
Sodame, Omar
Soft Machine (set by David Newell Smith)
Sollom, Dum Wilfred
Solomin, Andrei Yurevich
Solomon, Dr
Solti, Sir George
Solzhenitzyn, Alexander (including set by Jane Bown & Neil Libbert)
Snowdon, Lord
Sood, Percy
Sorensen, Theodore (including set by David Newell Smith)
Sosnoli, Eric (set by Tony McGrath)
Souster, Tim
Southwood, Angela
Soutter, Lucy
Souza, Daniel de
Souza, Jessica de
Sowden, John (set by David Newell Smith)
Sowler, Richard
Soyinka, Wole (including set by David Newell Smith & Tony McGrath)
Soyler, Don (set by Tony McGrath)
Spangle, C
Sparrow, Gerald (set by Tony McGrath)
Sparrow, John
Sparrow, Nicholas
Spedding, Ken (set by Tony McGrath)
Speed, Doris
Speidel, General
Speight, Johnny (set by David Newell Smith)
Spellman, Mike
Spence, Neil (set by David Newell Smith)
Spencer, Cyril
Spencer, John
Spencer, Ritchie
Spencer, Stanley
Spender, Stephen
Sperrings, Bob
Spicer, Professor Arnold (set by Neil Libbert)
Spicer, Caroline
Spicer, Michael
Spiegelman, Art
Spiegler, Mordechai (set by Neil Libbert)
Spieler, Michael
Spiers, Laurence (set by Tony McGrath)
Spilsbury, John (set by Tony McGrath)
Spindlow, Jock

Box 12:
Spinelli (set by Tony McGrath)
Spink, David (set by Sally Soames)
Spink, Geoff
Spinks, Dr Alfred
Spock, Dr Benjamin
Spottiswood, Roger
Spriggs, Jack
Springman, Sarah
Sproull, James
Spurling, John (set by Neil Libbert)
Ssemogerere, Paul
Stace, Vicki (set by Tony McGrath)
Stacey, Reverend Nicholas (set by Neil Libbert)
Stagg, Ted
Stalin, Josef
Stalker, John
Stamp, Professor
Stanbury, Anthony
Standing, Heather (staff)
Standing, John (set by Neil Libbert)
Stanley, JO (including set by David Newell Smith)
Stanley, Venetia
Staples, Justin
Stapleton, Mr
Stapley, Neil
Stassinopoulos, Ariana
Stavnton, Denis
Steadman, Stan
Steadman, Ralph (set by Jane Bown)
Stears, Ian
Steel, David (including set by Jane Bown & Tony McGrath)
Steel, Elizabeth (set by Neil Libbert)
Steele, Murray
Steele, Tommy
Steen, Anthony
Steen, David (set by Neil Libbert)
Steer, Bernie

Box 13:
Steer, Bernie (continued) (including set by David Newell Smith)
Steer, Professor John (set by Neil Libbert)
Steiger, Rod
Stein, Cyril
Stein, Peter
Steinberg, Jack
Steinberg, Saul (set by David Newell Smith)
Steiner, George
Steiner, Rolf
Stenhouse, Hugh (set by David Newell Smith)
Stenson, Alec (with Andre Knight) (set by David Newell Smith)
Stenton, Geoff
Stephen, Andrew (staff) (set by David Newell Smith)
Stephens, Bill
Stephens, Bob
Stephens, Fiona
Stephens, Robert (staff)
Stephenson, Professor
Stephenson, Caroline
Stephenson, Ian
Stephenson, James
Steptoe, Patrick
Sterling, Duke (set by Tony McGrath)
Sterling, Geoffrey (Jeffrey)
Stern, Isaac
Stevens, David (staff) (set by Tony McGrath)
Stevens, John
Stevens, Kirk
Stevens, Kirsty
Stevens, Lorraine
Stevens, Ray
Stevenson, David
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stewart, Daniel
Stewart, Ian
Stewart, Jackie
Stewart, Joseph
Stewart, Michael
Stewart, Micky
Stewart, Sir Ronald (set by David Newell Smith)
Stewart-Wood, Jeanette
Stigwood, Robert (set by Tony McGrath)
Stiles, Nobby
Stilwell, Richard (set by Tony McGrath)
Stimpson, Professor
Stinton, Leslie (set by David Newell Smith)
Stinton, Nicky (staff) (set by Tont McGrath)
Stirling, James (set by Tony McGrath)
St John, Ronald

Box 14:
Stobbs, John (staff) (set by David Newell Smith)
Stock, Alec
Stockdale, Noel
Stockoe, Arthur (set by David Newell Smith)
Stocks, Alan
Stoddart, Michael (including set by Tony McGrath)
Stokes, David
Stokes, Sir Donald
Stokes, Doris
Stokes, John
Stokowski, Leopold
Stone Children
Stone Brothers
Stone, David
Stone, IF
Stone, Jack (set by David Newell Smith)
Stone, John (set by Neil Libbert)
Stone, Margaret (staff)
Stonehouse, Jane
Stonehouse, John (including set by Tony McGrath & Neil Libbert)
Stoneman, Bill
Stones, Peter (set by Neil Libbert)
Stonier, Tom
Stoppard, Dr Miriam
Storrer, John
Stotford, Catherine
Stott, Mary
Stotter, Carl
Strachey, John
Straight, Michael
Strang, Amanda
Strange, John
Strasser, Freddie (set by David Newell Smith)
Stratton, Angela
Strauss, Susan
Strauss, Josef
Strawbs (set by Jane Bown)
Stravinsky, Igor

Box 15:
Street, Adrian
Street, Bill
Street-Porter, Janet
Streisand, Barbara
Stribling, John
Strickland, David
Strickland, Tim
Stringer, Dr Christopher
Stringer, Graham
Stritch, Elaine (set by Tony McGrath)
Strode, Hudson
Strong, Shirley
Strouse, Charles
Strowger, Jack (set by Neil Libbert)
Strudwick, Roy
Stuart, Adrian
Stuart, Frank
Stuart, Mike
Stuart-Shaw, Mr
Stutterford, Bill (set by Neil Libbert)
Styles, Martin (Martyn) (set by Tony McGrath)
Suarez, Adolpho (set by Tony McGrath)
Suchet, David
Suckling, William (set by David Newell Smith)
Sudbury, Reg
Sugar Babe Six (set by David Newell Smith)
Sugar, Alan
Sugden, Sir Arthur
Sugrue, Butty
Sukarno, Madame
Suliotis, Elena (set by Neil Libbert)
Sulkin, Robert (set by Neil Libbert)
Sulley, Eric (including set by Tony McGrath & Neil Libbert)
Sullivan, John (set by Tony McGrath)
Sullivan, Lorana
Sullivan, Martin
Summer, James (set by Tony McGrath)
Summers, Mark
Summersgill, Tom
Sumner, Richard
Suss, J (set by David Newell Smith)
Sutch, Screaming Lord
Sutcliffe, Joan
Sutcliffe, John
Sutherland, Duke & Duchess

Box 16:
Sutherland, Professor
Sutherland, Joan
Sutherland Abbott, John (set by David Newell Smith)
Sutton, Harry
Sutton, Margaret & Richard
Suyin, Han
Suzman, Helen
Swales, Warren
Swallow, Sir William (set by Tony McGrath)
Swami Prabhupada, Bhaktivedanta (including set by Tony McGrath)
Swann, Clive
Swanson, Bob
Swart, Charles Robert
Swart, JJ (including set by Neil Libbert)
Swayne, Ronald (set by Neil Libbert)
Swedlin, Rosalie
Swedloff, Alan (set by Tony McGrath)
Sweeny, Anthony (set by Neil Libbert)
'Sweet Honey in the Dock'
Swete, Trevor
Swift, Jeremy
Swindin, George
Sydney, Bernice (set by David Newell Smith)
Szabo, Violette
Szerzyng, Henryk
System Of ArrangementChronological by surname
Access StatusOpen

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