Description | Files of negatives of the following individuals:
Box 1: Waddell, Jean (set by Tony McGrath) Waddington, Bob Waddington, Reverend John (set by David Newell Smith) Wade, Erik (Managing Director, Dimplex) (set by David Newell Smith) Wade, Joe (set by Tony McGrath) Wade, Virginia (set by Tony McGrath) Wadsworth, Andrew (Jacob Island company) Waggett, John Wagner, Sir Anthony (including set by David Newell Smith) Wagner, Friedelind (set by Tony McGrath) Wagner, John Wagner, Victor & Gideon (set by Tony McGrath) Wagstaff, Alan Wagstaff, Christopher (set by Tony McGrath) Wain, John (staff) Wainwright, John Waite, Terry (peace envoy) Wajda, Andrezej Wakefield, Duncan Wakeham, John (set by Neil Libbert) Wakeling, EG (Advance Electronics) Wakeman, Rick (marriage to Nina Carter) Wakeman, Sue Wakhweya, Emmanuel Wald, Judy (set by Neil Libbert) Waldheim, Kurt (set by David Mansell) Walentynowicz, Anna Wales, David Walford, Peggy (Peace activist) (set by David Mansell) Walker, Dr Barry Walker, Caroline Walker, Fred Walker, George (set by Neil Libbert) Walker, Gerald (set by David Newell Smith) Walker, HA (set by Sally Soames) Walker, John Walker, Reverend Martin Walker, Patric (astrologer) (set by David Newell Smith) Walker, Peter (Member of Parliament) (including set by David Newell Smith)
Box 2: Walker, Richard Walker, Ron Walker, Rudolph (set by Jane Bown) Walker, Sarah Walker, W (Boxing) Walker, General Sir Walter Wallace, Keith Wallace, Trevor Waller, Walter Wallis, Alfred (set by David Newell Smith) Wallis, Dr John (set by David Mansell) Wallis, Ken Wallis Brothers (set by Jane Bown) Walsh, George Walsh, John (set by David Newell Smith) Walsh, Michael Walsh, Ted (jockey) Walter, Harriet (including set by Neil Libbert) Walter, Richard (staff) Walters, Ian (sculptor) (set by David Mansell) Walters, Mya Walters, Peter Walton, William Waltrip, William Wanger, Walter Wansell, Geoffrey (set by Tony McGrath) Wapshott, Nick (set by David Mansell) Ward, Judith Warburg, Fredrick Ward, Diana Ward, Eileen Ward, Ian Ward, Marilyn (Miss England 1971) (set by David Newell Smith) Ward, Peter Ward, Simon Ward, Dr Stephen Ward, Terry Ward Jackson, Barbara Wardman, Robert Ware, Charles Warhol, Andy Waring, J (Electrocomponents) Warmsley, Nigel
Box 3: Warner, David (set by David Newell Smith) Warner, Deborah (theatre director) Warner, PB (set by David Newell Smith) Warnock, Mary Warnock, Mike (set by David Newell Smith) Warren, Gwen & Arthur (set by Tony McGrath) Warren, Raymond (English composer) (set by David Newell Smith) Warrington, Jean Warter, Sir Philip Warton, Mandy (set by Tony McGrath) Warwick, Derek Warwick, Frank Wason, Dr Peter (set by David Newell Smith) Wat, Aleksander Waterfield, James Waterfield, Dr Mike Waterman, Fanny Wates, Neil (set by David Newell Smith) Watkins, Alan Watkins, Lovelace (set by Tony McGrath) Watkinson, David (staff) (set by David Newell Smith) Watkinson, Harold (Minister of Defence) Watkinson, Lord (Managing Director of Schweppes) (including set by Tony McGrath) Watley, Pat Watson, Colin (set by Tony McGrath) Watson, Eric Watson, Jack (set by David Newell Smith) Watson, John Watson, Lesley Watson, Peter Watson, Lowe Watson, Victor Watt, Alan (set by Tony McGrath) Watt, Jim Watts, Denis (set by Tony McGrath) Watts, PG (set by David Newell Smith) Watts, Peter Watts, Roy Watts, Tom Watman, Jonathan
Box 4: Waugh, Auberon Waugh, Harriet Waverly Consort (set by David Newell Smith) Way, Raymond (set by David Newell Smith) Wearne, Gerry Weaver, Brian Weaver, Vernon Webb, Beatrice Webb, David Webb, John (including sets by Neil Libbert & David Newell Smith) Webb, Murcott (set by David Newell Smith) Webb, Robert Webb, Ted Webley, Herb Webster, Reverend Alan Webster, Ben Webster, Martin Webster, Michael Webster, Judge William H Weidenfield, George Weighell, Sid Weightman, JG (staff) Weill, Sanford Weinberg, Alvin Weinberg, Mark (some with Jacob Rothschild) (including set by Tony McGrath) Weinburger, Casper Weinreb, Ben Weir, Lord Weir, Richard Weiss, Sharon Weisz, Brian Weiybe, Helga Welch, Raquel (set by David Newell Smith) Welensky, Sir Roy (including set by Jane Bown) Welland, Colin (set by Tony McGrath) Wellbeloved, Jim (James) (including set by David Newell Smith) Wellburn, Geoffrey Weller, Denise Welles, Orson (incl set with Anthony Perkins) Wellings, Sir Jack (set by David Newell Smith) Wells, Chief Superintendent (set by Neil Libbert)
Box 5: Wells, Chris (set by Tony McGrath) Wells, Len (set by Tony McGrath) Wells, Colonel Lewis Wells, Mary Wells, Oliver (Charles Wells Brewery) Welting, Ruth (set by Tony McGrath) Wescott, Arnold Wessels, Keplar (Cricket) West, Caroline (set by Tony McGrath) West, Charles West, Mrs Frederick (wide of England's first heart transplant patient) (set by David Newell Smith) West, Peter (set by David Newell Smith) West, Ron Westbrook, Tim Westbrook, TCL (set by David Newell Smith) Westmacott, Mr (Chairman of Hoare Govett) Weston, Christopher (set by Tony McGrath) Weston, Ralph Wetzel, Dave Wexler, Nancy Weymouth, Lord Wharton, Edith Whatnell, Bill Wheatcroft, Tom Wheater, Joe Wheatley, Dennis Wheatley, Doris Wheeler, Mr (Chairman of AEI) Wheeler, Cyril (set by David Newell Smith) Wheeler, Dennis Wheeler, Michael Wheeler, Sir Mortimer Wheeler, Peter Wheeler, Stuart Wheldon, Paul Whichello, Richard Whitaker, James Whitby, Ann White, Desmond White, Sir Dick White, Ebony White, Sir Gordon White, Jack (Manager of Imperial Hotel Blackpool) White, Jack (Wood carvings) White, James White, John (funeral) (set by David Newell Smith) White, Josh White, Patrick White, Reg & Robert White, Sam White, Steven & Elizabeth White, Theodore Whitehead, Colonel Whitehead, Commander (set by David Newell Smith) Whitehead, Dick (set by Tony McGrath) Whitehead, Garry Whitehead, Roger
Box 6: Whitehorn, Katharine (staff) (including sets by Jane Bown, David Newell Smith & Tony McGrath) Whitehouse, Mary Whitelaw, Billie (set by David Newell Smith) Whitelaw, William Whiteley, John Whitelam, Gough (set by Tony McGrath) Whitlow, Leslie Whittaker, Dr Mary (set by Tony McGrath) Whittall, Harold Whittle, Ronald (set by David Newell Smith) Whitworth, John (set by David Newell Smith) Whitworth, Gareth (staff) (set by Tony McGrath) Whyte, Hamilton (set by David Newell Smith) Whyte, Tom (including sets by David Newell Smith & Tony McGrath) Wickendon, Roland (set by David Newell Smith) Wickins, David Wicks, Ben (cartoonist) (set by David Newell Smith) Widdicombe, Gillian (including set by Tony McGrath) Wide, James Wigan, Gareth (set by David Newell Smith) Wigg, Lord George (set by Tony McGrath) Wiggin, Ray (set by David Newell Smith) Wiggs, Richard Wight, Ian (set by Adam Scott 25 March 1988) Wigley, Clem Wigley, David & Eleanor Wilby, Peter (staff) Wild, Jude Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Ted Wildgoose, John Wiles, David Wilkie, John (set by Tony McGrath) Wilkins, Gordon Wilkins, Sir Graham Wilkinson, Don
Box 7: Wilkinson, Geoff Wilkinson, Professor Geoffrey Wilkinson, Philip Wilkinson, Robert Willett, Alan (wedding to Barbara Watson) Williams, A (Ship Constructors Union) Williams, Andy (sett by Tony McGrath) Williams, Anthony Williams, Aubrey (set by David Newell Smith) Williams, Betty Williams, Sir Brandon Rhys Williams, Charles Williams, David Williams, Desmond Williams, Dorian Williams, Ellis (set by David Newell Smith) Williams, Emily (set by David Newell Smith) Williams, Firmston (ASDA) Williams, Galen (set by Neil Libbert) Williams, Geoffrey Wiliams, George Williams, Gordon (set by Neil Libbert) Williams, Gus Williams, Inez (set by Neil Libbert) Williams, Ivor (set by Tony McGrath) Williams, Jack (set by Sally Soames) Williams, Kit Williams, Len Williams, Leonard (set by David Newell Smith) Williams, Mogg Williams, Nicholas Williams, Pat (set by David Newell Smith) Williams, Ray Williams, Shirley (including set by Tony McGrath) Williams, Tennesse Williams-Ellis, Sir Clough (set by David Newell Smith) Williamson, Mr Williamson, Bob Williamson, Charles Williamson, Nicol (set by Tony McGrath) Willifer, Norman Willis, Mrs Willis, Dave Willis, Norman (set by Tony McGrath) Willock, Colin (staff) Wills, Ken Willsher, Brian (set by Tony McGrath) Willsher, John
Box 8: Willson, Richard (set by David Newell Smith) Wilmer, Brendon Wilmot, Bob Wilson, Councillor Wilson, Sir Alan (including set by David Newell Smith) Wilson, Andrew (staff) (including set by David Newell Smith & Tony McGrath) Wilson, Dr Angus (set by David Newell Smith) Wilson, Colin Wilson, Dr David Wilson, David F (staff) (set by Tony McGrath) Wilson, Dorothy Wilson, Geoffrey Wilson, Gordon Wilson, Harold
Box 9: Wilson, Harold (continued)
Box 10: Wilson, Harold (continued) Wilson, James Wilson, Jocky Wilson, Malcolm Wilson, Max Wilson, Monica (set by Tony McGrath) Wilson, Paul (set by David Newell Smith) Wilson, Peter Wilson, Reg (staff) Wilson, Robert Wilson, Roy Wilson, Sandy Wilson, (Andrew) Snoo (set by Tony McGrath) Wilson, Tony Winberg, Joan Winch, Peter (set by Jane Bown) Windsor, Jim Winearls, Dr Christopher Wing, Dorothy (set by Tony McGrath) Wing, Peter Winston, Howard Wint, Guy (staff) Winter, Fred Winter, Terry (set by David Newell Smith) Winterflood, Brian Winwood, Steve Wise, AR (Member of Parliament) Wise, Audrey Wise, Graham Wishart, Ralph Wisman, Tom Witcombe, Ernest (set by Tony McGrath) Witherspoon, Jim Wittlekind, Sarah Wolfe, Brian (set by Tony McGrath)
Box 11: Wolfe, Tom Wolfers, David (set by Tony McGrath) Wolff, Charlotte Wolfson, Brian (set by Tony McGrath) Wolfson, Leonard Wollmar, Christian Wolperth, Betty Wolrige-Gordon, Patrick Woltz, Alan Wonder, Stevie Wong, Ken Wontner, Sir Hugh Wood, Deidre Wood, Denise Wood, Sir Freddie (Fred) Wood, Janette Wood, John (AEI) (set by David Newell Smith) Wood, John (rugby player) Wood, Kenneth (set by Sally Soames) Wood, Nigel Wood, Peggy Wood, Ronald Wood, Sydney Makepeace Wood, Wendy Woodcock, George (including sets by Tony McGrath & David Newell Smith) Woodcock, Tony Woodhouse, Gary (staff) (including set by Tony McGrath) Woodroofe, Dr Ernest (Chairman of Unilever) Woods, Bob (set by David Newell Smith) Woods, Donald Woods, Tom Woodward, Bob & John Woodward, Edward (set by David Newell Smith) Woodward, Roger (set by Tony McGrath) Woolacott, Ian & Jose Woolcock, Philip Wooley, Piers Woolf, Hilda (set by Neil Libbert) Woolf, Simon Woolley, Douglas (set by Tony McGrath) Woolsey, Peter Wootliff, Stanley Worcester, Bob (Robert)
Box 12: Workman, Nanette (set by Tony McGrath) Worley, Douglas Worrell, Frank Worsley, Sir William Woyda, Walter Wright, Mr & Mrs Wright, Brian Wright, Christopher Wright, George Wright, Dr Helena (set by Tony McGrath) Wright, Jack (including set by Tony McGrath) Wright, John Wright, Maggie (set by David Newell Smith) Wright, Peter Wright, William Pemberton (set by David Newell Smith) Wrightson, Graham (set by Tony McGrath) Wu, Jung-Ken Wuttanee-Bourgaize, Elsie Wyatt, Christopher Wyatt, Kenneth Wyatt, Woodrow (set by David Newell Smith) Wybrow, Bob Wydorska, Mariola Wyles, Captain Douglas Wynne, Dr Jane Wynne, Steve Wyszkowski, Krystof