Ref NoOBS/6/9/4/1/22/2
Creator NameThe Observer Limited; Observer Colour Magazine; Picture Library
DescriptionBox 1
3 February:
'Youth', by [John Stoddart], mounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Goldigger's 1984 Miss Lingerie and Mr World, by Conrad Hafenrichter. Mounted 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Dean Brodrick', 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Priti Pantel', by Toby Glanville. 1 120 transparency.
'Youth - Claire Wadham', by Toby Glanville. 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Sian Edwards', by Toby Glanville. 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Probe Records', by Toby Glanville. 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Reggae Band Restriction', mounted and unmounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Week 1 - Various Published', 5x4", and mounted and unmounted 120 transparencies.
'Room - Captain Sensible', by Brian Moody. 1 mounted 120 transparency.
'Youth - The State Nightclub', by John Stoddart. Mounted and unmounted 120 and 35mm transparencies.
'Big Country', by Homer Sykes. Mounted 35mm transparencies.

Box 2
'Room - Captain Sensible', by Brian Moody. Mounted 120 and 35mm transparencies.
'Youth Week 1 - various published', (Includes The Garage and Powerhouse Nightclubs). Mounted 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Jenny's Accordianists', by Toby Glanville. 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Lorraine McAslan', by Conrad Hafenrichter. Mounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Frodsham', by Toby Glanville. Mounted and unmounted 120 and 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Houghton School Bank', mounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Claire Wadham', 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Jocelyn Pook', by Christopher Cormack. Mounted 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Psychobillies', by Toby Glanville. 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Groundpig Club', mounted 120 and 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Clubs (various), Includes Liverpool rising music stars, Mean Fiddler, Hip Hop, The State and Ground Pig. 5x4", 120 and mounted 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Goldigger's 1984 Miss Lingerie and Mr World, by Conrad Hafenrichter. Mounted 120 and 35mm transparencies.
'Living Extra - India', 5x4" and 120 transparencies.

10 February:
'Youth - Room - Jim Burgess', 5x4" transparencies.
'Youth - Nick Logan of The Face Magazine', by Conrad Hafentichter. Mounted 12o transparencies.
'Youth - Front Cover: Style and Fashion', by Nick Briggs. Mounted and unmounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Hugh Lewis of Sounds Magazine', by Barry Lewis. Mounted 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Smash Hits Magazine', 5x4" transparencies.
'Youth - My Girl and Just Seventeen Magazines', mounted 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Customising', by Barbara Bellingham. Mounted 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Week 2, Style and Fashion (various), mounted and unmounted 35mm transparencies.

17 February:
'Youth - Katie Arup', by Barry Lewis. 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Street Theatre - The Flaming Hampsters', mounted 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Brighton Bottle Orchestra', by Christopher Cormack. Mounted 35mm transparencies.
'Lyric Youth Theatre', by Conrad Hafenrichter. Mounted and unmounted 120 transparencies.
'Tyneside Youth Theatre', by Conrad Hafenrichter. Mounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Nigel Melville', by Pete Addis. Mounted 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Hayley Price', mounted and unmounted 35mm transparencies.
'Young Sculptors', Includes portraits of Jessica Thomas, Mich Shaughnessy, Gerald Gilbert and Joe Rush. Mounted 120 and 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Whaltey Range All-Srars', by John Stoddart. 120 transparencies.
'Youth Week 3 - Various Published', mounted 35mm transparencies.

Box 3
24 February:
'Room - Jenny Nelson', by Christopher Cormack.
'Youth - William Hague', by Conrad Hafenrichter. Mounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Laurence Blume', by Conrad Hafenrichter. Mounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Captain James Bucknall', by Conrad Hafenrichter. Mounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Nicola Pease', by Conrad Hafenrichter. Mounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Early to Rise, Published', by Conrad Hafenrichter. Mounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Young CND', by Conrad Hafenrichter. Mounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Groups, Boy's Brigade', by Mike Abrahams. Mounted 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - Young Tories', by Homer Sykes. Mounted 35mm transparencies.
'Youth - YTS Scheme', by David Gamble. Mounted and unmounted 120 transparencies.
'Youth - Week 4, Various Published', mounted 35mm transparencies.
System Of ArrangementChronological
Access StatusOpen
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