Ref NoOBS/6/1/1/2/2/5/3
TitleBrian Nicholson
Extent1 file
Creator NameThe Observer Limited; Editor's Office; Donald Trelford
DescriptionIncludes correspondence from and concerning Nicholson.
Other correspondents include: Donald Trelford, Roger Harrison, Conor Cruise O'Brien, Alan Johnstone

Subjects covered include: harmonisation of editorial features and advertisements, recurring debates about the ratio between editorial and advertising space, mostly advertising matters including selection, approval, rejection and placement of advertisements in the Observer, promotion of the Observer, sponsorships, competitions and awards supported by the Observer, circulation and readership figures and issues

Also includes: Submission by the Observer to the inquiry on cable expansion and broadcasting policy (1982), booklet 'World Reporter, a datasolve BBC service'
System Of ArrangementChronological
Access StatusOpen(part)
Access ConditionsSmall amount of material concerning financial and staffing matters closed
CopyrightMainly Guardian News & Media

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