Level | Item |
Ref No | OHP/30/2 |
Title | Jamie Wilson |
Date | 27 May 2003 |
Extent | 1 minidisc, 1 cd, 1 file, 5 AIFF files (792.3 MB) |
Creator Name | Wilson; Jamie; journalist |
Description | Interview with Jamie Wilson, Guardian Home News Reporter. Conducted by Leslie Plommer on 27 May 2003. This interview is part of a series of interviews with Guardian staff who covered the Iraq War of March-April 2003. Also includes a data sheet containing biographical details about the subject and information about the recording, as well as a selection of Guardian newspaper articles published by Jamie Wilson covering the Iraq War.
Summary contents of interview (with rough timings):
Disc 1: Track 1 00.15 Introductions 00.20 Jamie Wilson was embedded with the British Navy at the start of the Iraq War 00.28 Being told by the Guardian foreign editor that he would be entered into the pool to be sent to Iraq 01.25 Initially told he would be embedded on a supply ship. As some of the newspapers pulled out, he was transferred to a war ship, HMS Marlborough 02.15 Chemical and nuclear warfare training with the Ministry of Defence at Winterbourne Gunner, Wiltshere 03.00 Further training at RAF Uxbridge 03.15 Hostile environment course which recreated a kidnap situation. Trauma first aid training 04.30 Response of family. Excitement of father 05.20 Ministry of Defence kit list 06.14 The call up 07.20 Met other journalists at the airport and at the hotel. Remembers awful dinner in Bahrain upon arrival 08.00 Remembers lecture with Ministry of Defence staff. Talked through different types of ships 09.10 Panic about using equipment the night before leaving 09.45 Chaos of travel
10.15 On board naval repair ship Royal Fleet Auxilliary [RFA] Diligence 10.43 Interview with Admiral David Snelson, who led maritime operations for the invasion of Iraq 11.30 Spending time on ship 11.50 Socialising with officers 12.00 Arrival with the fleet 12.50 Time spent on aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal 13.20 Joined HMS Marlborough
Track 2 00.05 Week spent on HMS Marlborough before bombardment began 01.05 Only journalist on the HMS Marlborough 02.00 Met by public relations officer on board. Feeling that he was getting in the way on board 02.39 Access on board 02.50 Possibility of censorship 03.44 His first piece on preparations for war 03.50 Discusses role and personality of Commander Mark Anderson 05.00 Feeling amongst crew that they had been at sea for a long time, due to lack of safe space 07.00 Discussion of air cover. Ship provided naval artillery support for marines going to shore 07.50 'Blue on blue' - friendly fire considered to be the biggest danger to coalition forces. The need to be sure of threats before firing stressed 08.45 Sat in on military briefings 09.05 Shadowed for initial days 09.30 Biggest problem faced by Wilson on board was filing copy. Satellite navigation phone and mobile phone taken away while on board 09.48 Only able to file copy via the ships communication system. Lack of real time email
11.58 Speaking to crew as they prepared for war 12.10 Not allowed to file report on the takeover of two oil terminals. Fears over the mentioning of oil terminals 14.30 As an embedded journalist you agree to the rules of the military 14.55 Telephone conversations listened to 15.09 Fears over giving away secrets. Could put peoples lives at risk 16.30 Did not contact family once told about invasion. Fears that any leak would lead to suspicion on him 17.35 Ship bound reporters most restricted in terms of communication and movement 18.30 HMS Marlborough's role in the invasion of Iraq. Use of rivers 19.28 Feeling of being an observer. Did not feel that he was in danger as he was detached from action
20.05 Ship briefings likened to Guardian daily conference 20.55 Issue of mines 22.03 His idea of mines based on Second World War films 22.45 Biggest threat to ships were mines 23.05 Given 48 hour notice that action would begin 23.25 Wearing a flame proof suit, an effect of injuries encountered during Falklands War 24.10 Contents of battle bag 24.20 Difficulty writing with protective gloves and hood 24.45 System of shut down during attack 25.00 Threat of gas attack. Danger of gas floating from land 25.30 Use of anti-nerve agent tablets. Chose not to take these himself
Track 3 00.05 Lead up to bombardment 00.32 Sleeping in the electronic warfare office on board 01.45 Woken to be told the bombardment was starting 02.10 Initial action 03.30 Use of code words 04.30 Changes to game plan 05.30 Unable to file during this period. Levels of silence within the fleet 06.55 Orders received that invasion was to start that night 08.10 Invasion started 09.05 Memories of initial actions taken 09.30 Fire missions allocated
10.10 Upset on board that HMS Chatham was first naval ship to fire as part of Operation Telic 11.45 The white flag of surrender 12.40 Filing copy for the Guardian. Not allowed to quote crew or captain, but provide a report of what he saw and heard 13.27 Found that the email system was down 13.52 Crew keen for report to be in paper. Wanted family to be able to read about their war 14.10 Attempts to file copy via others 14.55 Use of fax machine 15.30 Dictated copy to Guardian over phone. Cost of calling 16.40 Took eight hours to file copy with newspaper 17.10 Planning his departure from the ship following end of action 18.00 Technical changes to copy made by captain 18.35 Division of labour on ship 19.47 Role of captain. In charge of operations room
20.35 Fears of suicide boats and the dropping of mines. Fleeing boats searched 21.20 Royal marines based on ships 22.10 Became friendly with crew. Honesty of crew 23.45 Relations may have been more diffifuclt with crew if anything had gone wrong in action 24.25 Consulted more with officers. Spent time with junior rankings to assess mood of ship
Track 4 00.09 Returning to the Gulf. Role of HMS Marlborough finished 00.30 Leaving the ship. Wanted to watch aid being delivered 01.30 Transferred to Her Majesty's Australian Ship [HMAS] Kanimbla, a ship orchestrating mine clearance off Umm Qasr, Iraq. Officially on loan to ship, but did not return 02.50 Australian journalists on HMAS Kanimbla 04.00 Arriving at a compound housing US, British and Australian troops awaiting arrival of RFA Sir Galahad 05.00 Journalists from Kuwait City upset over attendance of non-embedded journalists 05.50 The Guardian called him back to London. Fears over protection of journalists
Track 5 00.05 Return of satellite phone 00.40 Return to normal life 01.10 Regret over return. Felt he had been made to give up a good position |
Access Status | Open |
Access Conditions | Access to recording via GNM Digital Repository |
Format | Electronic record |
CD recording |
Minidisc recording |
Printed document |
Copyright | Guardian News & Media Ltd and Jamie Wilson |
Show related Persons records.