Description | Interview with Brian Lapping, journalist, later deputy commonwealth correspondent, for the Guardian. Conducted by Hella Pick on 9 July 2001. Also includes a data sheet containing biographical details about the subject and information about the recording.
Summary contents of interview (with rough timings):
Disc 1 Track 1: 00.14 Working for the Daily Mirror in London 00.45 In 1961 heard the Guardian was opening an office in Grays Inn Road, London 01.05 Interviewed for night reporter post at the Guardian by Gerard Fay, London editor 01.33 Didn't like the idea of being a night reporter, but wanted to work for the paper 02.28 The interview was in Fleet Street as offices in Grays Inn Road were not ready 03.38 Had a few weeks as day reporter to get to know how things worked 03.58 The night news editor at the time was Ken Dodd 04.05 Deputised for Ken Dodd when he went for dinner 04.38 The biggest stories were about the struggles between industry and the government 05.20 At this time the paper was being edited in Manchester by Alastair Hetherington 05.26 The London office was headed up by Gerald Fay 05.40 As night reporter, started work at 6pm and finished at 2am 07.10 Relationship between Alastair Hetherington and Gerard Fay 08.04 Discusses Ian Low, reporter, and Nesta Roberts, news editor
12.40 Describes John Rosselli, journalist, as being encyclopedic in his range of knowledge 15.36 Refers to Mark Forster, leader writer, describing him as business-like and helpful 18.16 Further discussion about Alastair Hetherington and Gerard Fay
20.27 Describes Alastair Hetherington as a nervous, scholarly man 23.04 * 25.10 Wrote a feature on a student abortion service and summoned to Scotland Yard 28.10 Accused of misprision of felony 28.55 Charges dropped
30.04 Discusses Clare Hollingworth, foreign correspondent 31.46 Claire always had two suitcases packed, one for going north and one for going south 32.52 * 34.53 Refers to Richard Scott as a remote figure, rarely in London 35.29 Greatest delight was supplying paragraphs for Peter Preston 36.38 Invitation to the Conservative Inns of Court Association, re. abolition of resale price maintenance
40.35 Further discussion on writing for Peter Preston 40.03 Asked to write the odd Leader 41.36 Became a commonwealth specialist 42.52 Asked to help Patrick Keatley on a commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference 43.47 * 45.40 Guardian couldn't afford to pay for foreign trips, always subsidised 47.09 Went to Pakistan for three months in 1966, wanted to go to Indian, but Guardian couldn't afford it 47.37 Whilst in Pakistan heard of the financial crisis and scheme to amalgamate with the Times 47.47 Received a cable that said 'return home soonest' 48.11 Could no longer afford two people working on the commonwealth 48.45 Short time as deputy news editor but it didn't work out 49.19 Reverted to being a reporter then left in October 1967 to work for the FT
50.48 Discusses John Cole, news editor, and his relaxed writing style 52.26 Discusses Bill Davies, city editor 53.40 Trip to Rhodesia in 1965 and subsequent work on UDI economic sanctions and Rhodesian regime
Track 2 00.24 Left the Guardian to go to the FT, followed by New Society and Granada television 00.39 At Granada created a series called end of empire, drew upon experience gained from the Guardian 02.24 Compares the Guardian of today with the Guardian of the 1960s 03.50 Guardian has changed its character, gone the way of the broadsheets