Ref NoOHP/49
TitleEamonn McCabe
Date3 July 2001
Extent1 minidisc, 1 cd, 1 file, 3 AIFF files (575.7 MB)
Creator NameMcCabe; Eamonn (1948-2022); photographer and picture editor
DescriptionInterview with Eamonn McCabe, photographer and picture editor for the Guardian. Conducted by Steve Busfield on 3 July 2001. Also includes a data sheet containing biographical details about the subject and information about the recording.

Summary contents of interview (with rough timings):

Disc 1:
Track 1

Track 2
03.00 Working for both the Guardian and Observer
03.40 Turning point in career was the Heysel stadium disaster [1986] - hasn't photographed sport since
05.30 Becoming picture editor in 1988
06.48 Joined the Guardina in 1976 because it was strong on pictures
06.48 Los Angeles Olympics 1984
10.00 Changes in sport reporting and sport photography - less features

18.30 How he made his name on first edition filler pictures

20.45 Changing attitudes of subjects
24.00 Newspapers are now feature papers. Interest in people, 'the cult of personality'
29.00 Launch of Weekend magazine, precursor to G2

33.00 Reorganisation of picture desk

Track 3
00.00 Refers to an exhibit for the museum of film and photography
01.20 Started as a music photographer, moved to sport, now other interests
08.00 Equipment changes. Digital cameras, not much different, still a camera.
08.00 Major change in office environment, pictures come in all the time, no exclusive viewing of pictures by editor

12.00 [Picture editor] job is now not to get good pictures into the paper, but to keep bad pictures out
14.00 Role of subs
18.00 Guardian is a writers' paper
Access StatusOpen
Access ConditionsAccess to recording via GNM Digital Repository


FormatElectronic record
CD recording
Printed document
Minidisc recording
CopyrightGuardian News & Media Ltd and Eamonn McCabe

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