Level | Item |
Ref No | OHP/81 |
Title | Ann Shearer |
Date | 29 April 2002 |
Extent | 1 minidisc, 1 cd, 1 file, 2 AIFF files (495.9 MB) |
Creator Name | Shearer; Ann; journalist and Jungian analyst |
Description | Interview with Ann Shearer, journalist for the Guardian. Conducted by Sarah Boseley on 29 April 2002. Also includes a data sheet containing biographical details about the subject and information about the recording and an interview summary with track timings.
Summary contents of interview (with rough timings):
Disc 1: Track 1 00.30 Started at the Guardian in Cross Street, Manchester in 1964 01.50 Shorthand training with Vic Keegan, sub-editing, covering stories 03.10 Working as a news reporter and theatre critic 04.00 The Guardian in London and Manchester 05.00 Her culture clash with certain Mancunians 06.00 On being the only woman reporter 07.30 'Difficult' stories 08.50 Moved to London 09.30 Brian Redhead and Patrick Monkhouse
11.30 Writing light-hearted pieces and leading page articles 13.40 Being welfare correspondent 15.15 Dick Crossman 17.40 Long stay hospital story
26.00 Regular annual health stories 26.40 Left the Guardian to do more campaigning on mental health in the early 1970s 28.50 Freelancing 29.10 Returned to the Guardian in 1979 to write home leaders on the general election
31.15 Daily conferences 32.15 Senior staff members at that time 35.00 Scope for reporters to put opinion into stories 36.45 Society Tomorrow and Malcolm Dean 39.00 Left in 1988
Track 2 01.00 On the freedom of working for the Guardian 02.45 The political stance of the paper and various writers 03.50 Alastair Hetherington and his values 04.40 Redundancies at the Guardian during the 1960s
Access Status | Open |
Access Conditions | Access to recording via GNM Digital Repository |
Format | Electronic record |
CD recording |
Printed document |
Minidisc recording |
Copyright | Guardian News & Media Ltd and Ann Shearer |
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