Level | Piece |
Ref No | WEP/1/1/12/103 |
Title | 'The Negro clown - after Toulouse-Lautrec' |
Date | nd |
Extent | 1 cartoon |
Creator Name | Papas; William Elias (1927-2000); cartoonist |
Description | [?Lord Hailsham] as a waiter saying 'x!?!* Amateur!' watching a black man dancing, as Harold Macmillan sits with an instrument saying 'Difficult to know which tune to play' |
Access Status | Open |
Term | Cartoons |
Image | ![WEP_1_1_12_103_512.jpg](GetImage.ashx?db=Catalog&fname=WEP_1_1_12_103_512.jpg&type=RecordThumbnail)
Format | Drawing |
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