Code | DS/UK/105 |
Dates | 1922-1991 |
Name | Kilmartin; Terence Kevin (1922-1991); literary editor |
Surname | Kilmartin |
Forenames | Terence Kevin |
Epithet | literary editor |
PublishedWorks | Translated Marcel Proust's A la Recherche de la Temps Perdu.A Guide to Proust, 1983; (ed and trans.) Marcel Proust: Selected Letters 1904-1909, 1989; translations of: Henry de Montherlant: The Bachelors, 1960; The Dream, 1962; Chaos and Night, 1964; The Girls, 1968; The Boys, 1974; André Malraux: Anti-Memoirs, 1968; Lazarus, 1977; Charles de Gaulle: Memoirs of Hope, 1971; Marcel Proust: Remembrance of Things Past (rev. trans.), 1981; Albertine Gone, 1989. |
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