NameNicolson; Sir; Harold George (1886-1968); knight, diplomat, author and critic
ForenamesHarold George
Epithetknight, diplomat, author and critic
PublishedWorksPaul Verlaine, 1921; Sweet Waters, 1921; Tennyson, 1923; Byron, The Last Journey, 1924; Swinburne (in English Men of Letters Series), 1926; Some People, 1927; Development of English Biography, 1928; Lord Carnock, 1930; People and Things, 1931; Public Faces, 1932; Peacemaking, 1919, 1933; Curzon: The Last Phase, 1934; Dwight Morrow, 1935; Small Talk, 1937; The Meaning of Prestige (Rede Lecture, 1937); Helen's Tower, 1937; Diplomacy, 1939; Marginal Comment, 1939; Why Britain is at War, 1939; The Desire to Please, 1943; Friday Mornings, 1944; Some People, 1944 (new edition, 1959); Another World Than This (Anthology, with V. Sackville West), 1945; The Congress of Vienna, 1946; The English Sense of Humour, 1947; Comments, 1948; Benjamin Constant, 1949; King George V: His Life and Reign, 1952; Evolution of Diplomatic Method (Chichele Lectures), 1954; Good Behaviour, 1955; Sainte-Beuve, 1957; Journey to Java, 1957; The Age of Reason, 1960; Monarchy, 1962; Diaries and Letters, 1930-1939, ed. by Nigel Nicolson, 1966, 1945-1962, 1968.

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