NameAuden; Wystan Hugh (1907-1973); poet
ForenamesWystan Hugh
PublishedWorksPoems, 1930; The Orators, 1932; The Dance of Death, 1933; (with Christopher Isherwood) The Dog Beneath the Skin, 1935; (with John Garrett) The Poet's Tongue, 1935; (with Christopher Isherwood) The Ascent of F6, 1936; Look Stranger, 1936; (with Louis MacNeice) Letters from Iceland, 1937; Oxford Book of Light Verse (ed), 1938; (with Christopher Isherwood) On the Frontier, 1938, and, Journey to a War, 1939; Selected Poems, 1940; Another Time, 1940; New Year Letter, 1941; For the Time Being, 1944; Tennyson, 1946; Nones, 1951; (with Chester Kallman) Libretto of the Rake's Progress (music by Igor Stravinsky), 1951; ed (with Norman Holmes Pearson) Poets of the English Language, 5 vols, 1952; 50 Selections from Kierkegaard, 1952; The Knights of the Round Table (from French Play of Jean Cocteau), 1954; Kierkegaard (selections and introduction), 1955; The Shield of Achilles, 1956; ed The Faber Book of Modern American Verse, 1956; ed (with Chester Kallman) An Elizabethan Song Book, 1957; trans. (with Chester Kallman) The Magic Flute, 1957; ed The Selected Writings of Sydney Smith, 1957; Homage to Clio, 1960; (with Chester Kallman) Libretto of Elegy for Young Lovers (Music by Hans Werne Henze), 1961; The Dyer's Hand, 1963; ed (with L. Kronenberger) The Faber Book of Aphorisms, 1964; trans. (with Leif Sjöberg) Markings (by Dag Hammerskjöld), 1964; About the House, 1966; Collected Shorter Poems, 1927–1957, 1966; (ed) Nineteenth-Century Minor Poets, 1967; Collected Longer Poems, 1968; Secondary Worlds (T. S. Eliot Lectures), 1968; City without Walls, 1969; G. K. Chesterton: a selection from his non-fictional prose, 1969; A Certain World: a commonplace book, 1971; Academic Graffiti, 1971; Epistle to a Godson and Other Poems, 1972; (with Chester Kallman) Libretto of Love's Labours Lost (music by Nicholas Nabakov), 1973; Forewords and Afterwords, 1973; A Choice of Dryden's Verse, 1973; posthumous publications: (with Chester Kallman) Libretto of the Entertainment of the Senses; Thank You, Fog, 1974.

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