Code | DS/UK/1313 |
Dates | 1918-1976 |
Name | Buchan; Hon; Alastair Francis (1918-1976); writer on strategic and international affairs |
Surname | Buchan |
Forenames | Alastair Francis |
PreTitle | Hon |
Epithet | writer on strategic and international affairs |
PublishedWorks | The Spare Chancellor: the Life of Walter Bagehot, 1959; NATO in the 1960s, 1960 (rev. edn, 1963); The United States, 1963; (part-author) Arms and Stability in Europe, 1963; (ed) China and the Peace of Asia, 1965; War in Modern Society, 1966; (ed) A World of Nuclear Powers?, 1966; (ed) Europe's Futures; Europe's Choices, 1969; (ed) Problems of Modern Strategy, 1970; Power and Equilibrium in the 1970s, 1973; The End of a Postwar Era, 1974; Change without War (Reith lectures), 1974; articles in: Foreign Affairs, etc. |
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