Code | DS/UK/1023 |
Dates | 1913-1985 |
Name | Prittie; Hon; Terence Cornelius Farmer (1913-1985); journalist |
Surname | Prittie |
Forenames | Terence Cornelius Farmer |
PreTitle | Hon |
Epithet | journalist |
PublishedWorks | South to Freedom, 1946; Mainly Middlesex, 1947; (with John Kay) Second Innings, 1947; Lancashire Hot-Pot, 1948; A History of Middlesex Cricket, 1951; Germany Divided, 1960; Germany (Life Magazine World Series), 1963; Germans Against Hitler, 1964; Israel: Miracle in the Desert, 1967; Eshkol, the Man and the Nation, 1969; Adenauer: A Study in Fortitude, 1972; (with Otto Loeb) Wines of the Moselle, 1972; Willy Brandt, 1974; Through Irish Eyes, 1977; The Economic War against the Jews, 1977; The Velvet Chancellors: the history of post-war Germany, 1979; Whose Jerusalem?, 1981; My Germans: 1933-1983, 1983 |
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