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JHB - The Jane Bown Collection
1 - Black and white negatives by Jane Bown
1 - Early 120 negatives and contact prints
1 - Sir Norman Birkett
2 - Alistair Buchan
3 - James Callaghan
4 - Bishop of Cape Town
5 - Joyce Cary
6 - RG Casey
7 - Sir Hugh Casson
8 - John Christie
9 - Lord Citrine
10 - Sir John Cockcroft
11 - Lord Cohen
13 - Jacques Cousteau
14 - Lady Diana Cooper
15 - Peter Daubeny
16 - Clement Davies
17 - Joe Davis
18 - Cecil Day Lewis
19 - John Diefenbaker
20 - General de Lattre de Tassigny
21 - Pierre d' Harcourt
22 - [Otto] Dibelius
23 - Christian Dior
24 - Milovan Djilas
26 - Diana Dors
27 - Neville Duke
28 - Sir David Eccles
29 - Carl Ebert
30 - George Edwards
31 - Luther Evans
32 - [Renato] Ercolani
33 - Dr Erhart
34 - Harry Ferguson
35 - Fernandel
36 - Tom Finney
37 - Geoffrey Fisher
38 - James Fisher
39 - Sir Alexander Fleck
40 - Dingle Foot
41 - Charles Forte
42 - Bud Flanagan
43 - William Foyle
44 - Alf Francis
45 - Robert Fraser
46 - Christopher Fry
47 - Vivian Fuchs
48 - Sir David Fyfe
49 - George Gallup
50 - Hugh Gaitskell
51 - Kid Gavilan
52 - John Gielgud
53 - Samuel Goldwyn
54 - Victor Gollancz
55 - Billy Graham
56 - Hugh Carlton Greene
57 - Jo Grimond
58 - Harman Grisewood
59 - John Groser
60 - Karl Gruber
61 - John Gunther
62 - Tyrone Guthrie
63 - Lord Hailsham
64 - Sir William Haley
65 - Peter Hall
66 - Walter Hallstein
67 - Sir John Harding
68 - George Henry Hubert Lascelles
69 - Ted Heath
70 - Lord Hemingford
71 - Sir Christopher Hinton
72 - John Hislop
73 - Denis Healey
74 - Hubert Houldsworth
75 - Sir William Holford
76 - Stanley Holloway
77 - Lord Thomas Horder
78 - Eric Hosking
79 - John Huston
80 - Sir Ian Jacob
81 - Bishop of Johannesburg
82 - Errol John
83 - Ernest Jones
83 - Norman Collins
84 - Kabaka of Uganda
85 - Herbert von Karajan
86 - Stephen King-Hall
87 - Dr Helen Keller
88 - Dr Adolf Keller
89 - Ludwig Koch
90 - Cecil King
91 - Elsa Lanchester
92 - Allen Lane
93 - Professor Leakey
94 - Bea Lillie
95 - Gwilym Lloyd-Goerge
96 - Sir Benjamin Lockspeiser
97 - Konrad Lorenz
98 - Edgar Lustgarten
99 - Oliver Lyttelton
100 - Humphrey Lyttelton
101 - Sir Roger Makins
102 - Denis Matthews
103 - Reginald Maudling
104 - Somerset Maugham
105 - Neil McCallum
106 - Sir Frank Medlicott
107 - Yehudi Menuhin
108 - Steuart Menzies
109 - Arthur Miller
110 - Gilbert Murray
111 - Sir Walter Monckton
112 - Viscount Montgomery
113 - Marcus Morris
114 - Stirling Moss
115 - Louis Mountbatten
116 - Aristotle Onassis
117 - [George] Oppen
118 - Lester Pearson
119 - William Penney
120 - Edward Petter
121 - J & A Phillips
123 - William Fox-Pitt
124 - Ruth Pitter
125 - René Pleven
126 - Sir Edwin Plowden
127 - Stephen Potter
128 - John Pringle
131 - Carol Reed
132 - Walter Reuther
133 - Sir Brian Robertson
134 - Norman Robertson
135 - Seebohm Rowntree
136 - Edmund Rubbra
137 - George Russell
138 - Sir Gordon Russell
139 - Herbert Samuel
140 - Duncan Sandys
141 - Sir Malcolm Sargent
142 - Sir Victor Sassoon
143 - Sir Harold Scott
144 - Clancy Sigal
145 - Jean Paul Getty
146 - Moshe Sharett
147 - Moira Shearer
148 - Henry Sherek
149 - Lord Emmanuel Shinwell
150 - Sir William Slim
152 - Donald Soper
153 - Paul-Henri Spaak
154 - Sir Stephen Spender
155 - Saul Steinberg
156 - Adlai Stevenson
157 - Richard Tawney
158 - Theodore Taylor
159 - Gerald Templer
160 - Thakin Nu
161 - Ian Thomson
162 - Dame Sybil Thorndike
163 - Peter Thorneycroft
165 - Michael Tippett
166 - Arnold Toynbee
169 - George Trevelyan
170 - Ralph Vaughan-Williams
171 - Joseph Vecchi
172 - Visser't Hooft
173 - Elyard Walmisley
175 - Earl Warren
176 - Sir Philip Warter
177 - Sir Roy Welensky
178 - Sir Mortimer Wheeler
179 - Wilmot
180 - Wilson
181 - Colin Wilson
182 - Lord Woolton
183 - Harry Wragg
184 - Shigeru Yoshida
185 - Winston Churchill
186 - Lew Hoad
187 - Mickey Seckers
188 - Cecil Beaton
189 - Unidentified man
190 - Unidentified man
191 - Unidentifed man
192 - Bertrand Russell
193 - Evelyn Waugh and family
194 - Roy Campbell
195 - Dylan Thomas
196 - Jacob Epstein
197 - RS Thomas
2 - Portraits
3 - Subjects
4 - Staff portraits
5 - Men and Women portraits sequence
2 - Colour negatives and transparencies by Jane Bown
3 - Prints by Jane Bown
4 - Correspondence
5 - Personal material
6 - Promotional material
7 - Diaries and notebooks
8 - Cameras and other photographic equipment
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