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LDG - Illustrations by Les Gibbard
1 - Political cartoons
1 - Early original cartoons
2 - Wilson
3 - Heath Years, Selected Best
4 - Callaghan Years
5 - Pre-Thatcher
6 - Oversized Pre-Thatcher
7 - Best of Thatcher including overthrow of Heath
8 - Best of Thatcher 1
1 - Untitled [Official Secrets Tea Party]
2 - Untitled
3 - Untitled
4 - Untitled
5 - Untitled
6 - "Me? Having trouble? How sweet of you to ask - but my horse is only cooling off before the final dash!"
7 - Untitled
8 - Untitled [Euro elections]
9 - "Hang on - these aren't the prices back on the shelves!"
10 - [Untitled]
11 - Untitled
12 - Untitled
13 - New Broom Salesman
14 - Untitled
15 - Untitled
16 - "It's up to you officers to set an example to the troops! Farewell!"
17 - Untitled
18 - Unitiled
19 - Untitled
20 - Untitled
21 - Untitled
22 - The Iron Lady
23 - "What nonsense! I've got no influence here - why, the controls are in his hands!"
24 - New staffs for old
25 - Untitled
26 - "It's really good, Prime Minister - but haven't we moved on from our Red Period?"
27 - "Well, at least he said hello..."
28 - Untitled
29 - The Near-sighted Maggieoo. 'MrsT's "Face the Press" was followed by Mr Magoo Cartoons...'
30 - Batting for Brittan
31 - Untitled
32 - Untitled
33 - "I've got a bone to pick with you, lady! What about this lap dog you sold us this time last year?"
34 - "Eat your heart out Francis Drake - we didn't even have to stop playing!"
35 - Untitled
36 - Untitled
37 - Unitiled
38 - Untitled [Tory v Labour]
39 - "The spy who came in from the cold"
40 - Untitled
41 - "Isn't our boffin Lawson wonderful? His bouncing bomb is just the incentive this country needs to get off its backside and scale new heights!"
42 - Untitled
43 - "The Private Enterprise Gang thank you for your family silver and would like to introduce our leader!"
44 - Untitled [Westland]
45 - Untitled
46 - "Goodbye Mr Chips"
47 - "On The Road"
48 - Untitled
49 - Untitled
50 - "Huh! No man is an island, indeed!"
51 - "See! I've got everything under control! Already there is a distinct upward movement!"
52 - "I've pinpointed the problem - you don't seem to have an engine! Can you remember where you had your last service?"
53 - "Next competitor - on your bike!"
54 - Untitled
55 - Untitled
56 - Untitled
57 - "Good Housekeeping"
58 - Untitled
59 - "Okay - bring on the fresh spear-carriers!"
60 - Me and my shadow
61 - 'By the way, we've just moved out of the parachute business!'
62 - 'The fun of the unfair'
63 - "Oh, naturally we welcome Jim's opinions on the course we're taking- mind you, his point of view is extremely wet!'
64 - Untitled
65 - Confetti time
66 - Untitled
67 - "...And so, Ted, the platform is yours!"
68 - Untitled
69 - "What is your wish, O master - bearing in mind my lack of ready cash?"
70 - Untitled
71 - "Look, I know you're determined to change the climate- but can't we skip the rain dance and just turn on the tap?"
72 - "Stop the fight! One's pulling his punches - the other's got a horse-shoe!"
73 - "You should consider pushing in the same direction - or would you like smaller trolleys?"
74 - "And now, in honour of this very special year for our French guests..."
75 - Exorcising the Hooligeists
76 - Untitled
77 - "I thought she said poll tax was her flagship!"
78 - Untitled
79 - Untitled
80 - 'Tax crumbs for UK manufacturing'
81 - That old blue magic...
82 - "You are abolished - Dock Labour Scheme"
83 - "Thatcher feeds toxic substance to bedridden mother of Parliament"
84 - "Privatising the Power Industry"
85 - Anti-IRA disinformation policy
86 - Untitled
87 - "Oh no you don't - that's hitting below the belt!"
88 - The was an old woman who lived in a shoe
89 - Advisers Advise - Ministers Decide
90 - "Okay, everybody, you've had your fun - these illusions don't come cheap"
91 - "Waking up the dead"
92 - Untitled
92A - "You know, now I don't feel half so bad about not winning the big prize"
93 - An outing with Grandpa
94 - Untitled
95 - Untitled
96 - The dance of the seven veils
97 - Untitled
98 - Untitled
99 - Untitled
100 - "To the rescue, chaps! Her lovely little hands must be in a terrible state from tying all those knots!"
101 - "Here it is in black and white - the invisible man assures us that the invisible watchdog is constantly on the statutory lead!"
102 - Molesworth Revisited
103 - "And now I depart from tradition in welcoming one of the world's great communicators - who has volunteered to give my budget new meaning..."
104 - Untitled
105 - "What a rotten, slanted picture - I insist you have your eyes tested!"
106 - Ol' Black Eyes is Back!
107 - "... I understand you are looking for a man with intimate knowledge of programme-making, journalism, politics and electronic developments, and I feel you need look no further for a new Director General than you obedient servant...."
108 - Emergency debate on the Government's handling of That Falling Feeling
109 - Untitled
110 - "It's not the men in my life, it's the life in my men that counts" - Mae West
111 - Untitled
112 - Untitled
113 - "Not far now, pardners, to our secret spot that's gonna pay for all our schemes!"
114 - Untitled
115 - Untitled
116 - "The return of the cannon fodder"
117 - "And now, undaunted by all adversity, our Geoffrey will construct a temple to capitalism without resort to an ounce of taxpayers' mortar..."
9 - Best of Thatcher 2
10 - Thatcher Years
11 - Thatcher Years
12 - Thatcher Years
13 - Thatcher Years
14 - Oversize Wilson and Thatcher
15 - John Major
16 - Best Major Cartoons
17 - Nixon/Watergate/Vietnam
18 - Reagan/Ford/Carter/Bush
19 - Other US Presidents
20 - Foreign
21 - South Africa and Rhodesia
22 - Middle East
23 - Labour Party and union squabbles
24 - Liberals and SDP
25 - Miners' Strikes
26 - Cold War/Solidarity/Glasnost
27 - Northern Ireland
28 - Common Market
29 - Falklands
30 - Oversize
2 - Illustrations
3 - Caricatures
4 - Sketches
5 - Copies
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